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Marcus 2010-04-03 14:19

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had a W810i which was approx 4 years old.

titi974 2010-04-03 14:42

Re: what was your phone before n900??
nokia n95 8gb ^^

imperiallight 2010-04-03 15:09

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E75 w Archos 5 Android
or iphone 3G S

Haven't got a n900 yet but will do once people get fed up of it and prices plunge as well as significant upgrades softwarewise.

bjknight 2010-04-03 15:16

Re: what was your phone before n900??
The N96. Truly, a superb device. Had its bugs and it was not touchscreen but it was better than the N97, hands down, and it was technologically immense at its release - even though it was delayed forever and a day.

sukhjj 2010-04-04 05:47

Re: what was your phone before n900??
mine was iphone 3gs
and i dumped my iphone for n900 cuz of features it has

jsomby 2010-04-04 06:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E90 here. Had it about 6 months before i bought N900. No regrets :)

Ahmed360 2010-04-04 06:48

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My last phone was iPhone 3GS, I love my N900, but im regretting selling the iphone a bit, specially that thehy released a 3D RPG game and a Linkin Park game...I loooove linkin park

I think i will get the got some nice reviews

sepehrsfmech 2010-04-04 06:54

Re: what was your phone before n900??
i had n96 , the 5800 (it died), and then the n900

Barts 2010-04-04 08:00

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Had an iphone 3g which i bought to replace the absolutely awfull blackberry storm. i really like the iphone and i still have it stashed away in a drawer somewhere, it's a good peice of kit and the music functionality is a million times better than the N900, the user experience i think is a little better than the N900, but then it is geared up to be that way.

I'll openly admit that i was an apple fan, they promote very well and make sleek products, however after doing research and looking into it, i was more than a little surprised at how controlling apple are, and also what i was missing out on, and after 3 outings for the iphone, you would have thought they could change the design a little bit, and also i thought to myself, why should i be satisfied with what they want me to have, and not what i want to have. this led me to the N900, i love it, it's not without its flaws, design wise, it's not what i would call pretty, and the media player could use some work, but, touch wood, i've not had any problems at all with the phone, and the internet on it is amazing, i'm a very happy end user and i'm already looking forward to the next model.

ceroberts75 2010-04-04 08:00

Re: what was your phone before n900??
i was a 9500, to e90, to e90 & n900...

only use the e90 now for xls and doc creation/manipulation.

now that there is sygic and toshL, all i need is the office docs and ill be off the e90!

Astute 2010-04-04 08:18

Re: what was your phone before n900??
From the smartphone era n95, n96, n97 and now the boss n900. There was no way i was going down the iphone route to be strapped to &pple, their store or a device with lesser capability in my eyes. A very good user interface but not much more.

The N900 really is tops.

wildwaldbiberhirte 2010-04-04 09:07

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by ceroberts75 (Post 594634)
i was a 9500, to e90, to e90 & n900...

only use the e90 now for xls and doc creation/manipulation.

now that there is sygic and toshL, all i need is the office docs and ill be off the e90!

I guess you allready know about easy-debian and running on th N900?
It is absolutely no rocket science to set up and pretty usable.

Happy Easter!

Back on topic: 5800, nice device, solid, nice music player. Not compareable to the N900 and Maemo though.

m0ba 2010-04-04 09:27

Re: what was your phone before n900??
last mobile i had was n97..iam glad i sold was pissing me off in many ways..too many bugs and slow..glad i got's awesome

Prospector 2010-04-04 20:01

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 6210 (stolen)
Nokia 6600
SE P800 (traded for 6600)
Three SE P990i (modded) + at times Nokia 1110 (long story)
After losing *yet another* P990 was without a phone for about 3 months, was looking for touch screen and hardware keyboard - really glad I waited so I could get the N900.

epescaru 2010-04-04 20:08

Re: what was your phone before n900??
for personal number nokia e71 - best phone so far; for business number apple iphone 3g - best email and most stable os.

ppriyank 2010-04-04 20:14

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Sony Ericsson C905 (loved the camera) :P

dave73 2010-04-05 07:50

Re: what was your phone before n900??
3310 5210 8210
e61 e61i e71

and everytime the new model was better than the one before.
I'm a BIG Nokia fan.
The iphone was the first phone that might have made me change brand, but hey why get an iphone when you can get the n900?

Gixxer 2010-04-05 08:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Before I buy N900 I use Nokia 9500 Communicator. The phone was great, but for the newest technology is better :)

KevinDaTruth 2010-04-05 17:33

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 5800 was the phone i had before I got my N900.

Artemio 2010-04-05 18:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E90, Nokia 9500 and Nokia 9290 here...

brera 2010-04-05 18:16

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Motorola Timeport L7089, Siemens S25, Nokia 8210, Sony Ericsson T 68i, Nokia 7200, Nokia N 70, Nokia N 95, Nokia N 95 8GB
Nokia N 97 32GB, Nokia N900.

N95 8GB, and now my N 900 is the best device i ever have.

fieryriver 2010-04-05 19:17

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Before my amazing n900? LOL I had a nokia 2760 and had never touched a touchscreen, smartphone or anything sophisticated at all. I remember playing with my mum's 3310! Seriously, n900 is pure awesomeness!!! :)

silentbob2097 2010-04-05 19:19

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Had a N96 which now doesnt work at all but the N900 is the best phone out there.

astrolito 2010-04-05 19:27

Re: what was your phone before n900??
*... N-95 .... HTC Diamond .... ...... N95 ...... ...... .. N900 ...... now.N920 (overclock 900MHz ..)....: :eek:

JayBEE 2010-04-05 20:44

Re: what was your phone before n900??
*looks around to see if the coast is clear*

Ok, don't tell anyone this, but my phone before the N900 was the Samsung Freeform on MetroPCS. Here's the history (in reverse chronological order):

1. Nokia N900 (current)
2. Samsung Freeform
3. Apple iPhone 1st Gen
4. Palm Treo 650
5. Handspring Treo 600

boomer 2010-04-05 22:59

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Before was N900, now is BlackBerry bold 9700, because n900 doesnt have a good solution for email accounts.
Why nobody do some widget or program which can show incoming emails is same widget and different email alerts for each email account.
Am i the only one person who use more than one email account :mad:



ecsw 2010-04-06 22:56

Re: what was your phone before n900??

n97 being the shortes phone I ever had from Nokia. :p

benh_n900 2010-04-06 23:28

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I didn't have the time to read all 31 pages, but I wonder if anyone took a bigger leap than me - my previous phone was a Nokia 6820 .... produced 2003 I think.

I actually still use it now as I have multiple sim cards and I am still too paranoid to take my n900 out to some places, plus it's the best keyboard I ever used :)

VladNistor 2010-04-07 15:58

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My previous phones are:

SonyEricsson P1i
SE P990i
SE P910i
SE P800

noipv4 2010-06-16 05:53

Re: what was your phone before n900??
was my Previous phone.

Raubtier 2010-06-16 06:09

Re: what was your phone before n900??
the n95 8gb

plaban 2010-06-16 06:14

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia N73ME
Still use it

JamesBond@ge 2011-01-22 22:43

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N97. Heh.

And my beloved N95 before that.

keflex 2011-01-22 22:48

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Had an E71 myself, adjusting to a touch-screen from a D-pad was pretty rough for a week or so.

Dante 2011-01-22 22:56

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 8GB ..... the keys were crap...they have no color left on them at all. pure white plastic :D i still use it for fun :D

bat_malin 2011-01-22 22:57

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Hi all,
I am starting with the new era phones (not mentioning my ericsson 688 etc. :) ) so lets start:
Nokia 7650(the first symbian s60), Nokia N80, Nokia N82, Nokia N900.
P.S. Nokia N82- still in use:)

bigears5000 2011-01-22 23:16

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My last phone was a big mistake. I went for the look of it without researching it first. It was the original Samsung tocco. Man, it was a poor phone. Learnt my lesson from that about researching first. I don't regret buying my N900 one bit. I use it everyday and am still very happy with it 1 year into a 2 year contract. Definately the best phone I have ever owned by far. I love it.

m4r0v3r 2011-01-22 23:19

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 5530, I got it last Christmas, and I got my Nokia N900 the Christmas that just came.

mikecomputing 2011-01-23 00:10

Re: what was your phone before n900??
e71 my plan was to write python apps for it but in that time QT was far from redady

then I bougth htc magic cause t had android and I tought good caujse it is Linux but that was a bigfail core os was buggy as hell first you have todo was root it also developement enviroment is huge and I hate java.

then I bought N900 and still the best geekphone/handset at the market. Nothing is replacing it so far.

richard.lawry 2011-01-23 00:11

Re: what was your phone before n900??
my first phone was nokia 7250 then nokia 6600 then nokia communicator (9300) then i went on to wrong direction by buying samsung corby it was just a crap then came back to nokia 5530 xm then there was N97 one of junks produced by nokia and then i bought my N900....
of all these i enjoyed most with my 6600 & currently enjoying a lot with N900

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