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nosa101 2010-05-27 05:23

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by mothmanex (Post 681601)
Here are some bugs I have found so far...

2.- On the "Phone" app, putting the app to start on portait mode doesn't work.

Can you explain this some more? I haven't experienced this

engige 2010-05-27 05:34

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by OVK (Post 680355)
Sorry if this is already mentioned (tried to search and run through this thread).

Did you people lose the ability to sort the application list in app manager (alphabetically or by size of the app) with PR1.2? My app list is sorted by the size of the app and I can't find a way to sort it alphabetically. This is really irritating. How to fix?

I also haven't got a way to sort but once you go into any of the categories under Downloads, you can type e.g. a, to access all applications starting with A etc.

mothmanex 2010-05-27 05:36

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 681603)
Can you explain this some more? I haven't experienced this

Ok, here is my experience...

I updated my phone via "Nokia Software Updater".

After that, I opened the "Phone" app, and it started in landscape mode, so I decided to go to options, and I turned of the "turning" and put it as "portait" as defualt. After that, I closed the app, and open it again, and it opened in landscape mode again. After playing with the setting, the turning is still working and it always starts in landscape mode.

Once I get a important call, I will reboot my phone and update about the problems.

nosa101 2010-05-27 05:38

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by mothmanex (Post 681621)
Ok, here is my experience...

I updated my phone via "Nokia Software Updater".

After that, I opened the "Phone" app, and it started in landscape mode, so I decided to go to options, and I turned of the "turning" and put it as "portait" as defualt. After that, I closed the app, and open it again, and it opened in landscape mode again. After playing with the setting, the turning is still working and it always starts in landscape mode.

Once I get a important call, I will reboot my phone and update about the problems.

That's weird.

Sometimes it starts in landscape but after a second or less, it switches to portrait.Try rebooting and see what happens

engige 2010-05-27 05:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 680342)
|| Hard reset.

I also don't know how to do a hard reset. Anyone willing to post some instructions?

Andy214 2010-05-27 05:49

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
This PR1.2... I've encounter reboot issues (boot count) which I've never experience before during PR1.1 and PR1.1.1.

And btw, OM Weather widget have some problem with the Desktop customization.

ryanrg 2010-05-27 05:55

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
MicroB geolocation provider doesn't appear to be working any longer. Testing with google maps desktop/mobile and easypark. Just get the sites respective error messages.

Had geolocation working dandy on PR1.1.1. Wasn't able to do an OTA, so I reflashed rootfs and the emmc to get to PR1.2, and then restored from a backup on a memory card.

Anyone else experiencing/confirm?

edit: uninstalled geolocation 1.1.3 through the microb addons manager, then did an apt-get install --reinstall microb-geolocation, and it installed 1.1.5. Now it's working fine. Weird weird weird. Not sure if removing the addon through MicroB is necessary or if the --reinstall will do the trick, and not going to find out! This was flashed with the US rootfs/emmc images from the Nokia site.

m2k 2010-05-27 06:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Does anybody else feel that the microb browser, particularly smaller texts, is of a lighter shade and blurrier than before the update? To me, the graphics and texts aren't as distinct and sharp as before.
I think Nokia made a poor decision to cut a few corners to improve page rendering. Only thing I can't stand right now.

Oh... and youtube like a few have already mentioned definately not as smooth as previous firmware, for ex. vevo music videos. such a shame. =(

engige 2010-05-27 06:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 681603)
Can you explain this some more? I haven't experienced this

The phone application is working well in either Portrait, Landscape, or Automatic. I haven't noticed any problem.

nosa101...are you able to offer some advise here. Each time I try to open 'My Nokia' under Settings (General), the settings application closes and I get the following error message.

'Internal error. Application 'Settings' closed.'

What could be the problem?

snow 2010-05-27 06:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by OVK (Post 680355)
Sorry if this is already mentioned (tried to search and run through this thread).

Did you people lose the ability to sort the application list in app manager (alphabetically or by size of the app) with PR1.2? My app list is sorted by the size of the app and I can't find a way to sort it alphabetically. This is really irritating. How to fix?

I couldn't find anything on that issue either, so I went and investigated it myself. I appears that while the sorting options have been removed from the application manager's UI in PR 1.2, it still looks at the config file if it's there. I solved it by deleting ~/.osso/hildon-application-manager

This and the inability to rearrange icons in the menu are the only real issues I encountered. Rearranging icons is still a problem, not solved by removing the battery for a hard reset.

nosa101 2010-05-27 06:19

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by engige (Post 681685)
The phone application is working well in either Portrait, Landscape, or Automatic. I haven't noticed any problem.

nosa101...are you able to offer some advise here. Each time I try to open 'My Nokia' under Settings (General), the settings application closes and I get the following error message.

'Internal error. Application 'Settings' closed.'

What could be the problem?

Mine works but it is useless. It might depend on your firmware. Where did you get yours from?

"My Nokia" just subscribes you for texts from Nokia that tell you about "tips & tricks"

Pointless, IMHO

anomaly256 2010-05-27 06:26

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I'm having this widget problem too, quite annoying. On the stock kernel, flashed full fiasco image followed by the new eMMC one. basically everything entirely pr1.2 STOCK. haven't installed anything obscure or unstable.

Is there a fix for this yet?


Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

MRyant 2010-05-27 06:36

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by anomaly256 (Post 681725)
I'm having this widget problem too, quite annoying. On the stock kernel, flashed full fiasco image followed by the new eMMC one. basically everything entirely pr1.2 STOCK. haven't installed anything obscure or unstable.

Is there a fix for this yet?

I haven't encountered any of the problems you mentioned. But which Firmware are we talking about? Is it the international version or the US/UK/India ?

OVK 2010-05-27 06:53

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by snow (Post 681697)
I couldn't find anything on that issue either, so I went and investigated it myself. I appears that while the sorting options have been removed from the application manager's UI in PR 1.2, it still looks at the config file if it's there. I solved it by deleting ~/.osso/hildon-application-manager

That fixed it. Thank you!

anomaly256 2010-05-27 06:57

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
This is with the 'global' firmware. and the new 'vanilla' eMMC image


Originally Posted by MRyant (Post 681745)
I haven't encountered any of the problems you mentioned. But which Firmware are we talking about? Is it the international version or the US/UK/India ?

depu 2010-05-27 07:06

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by snow (Post 681697)
I couldn't find anything on that issue either, so I went and investigated it myself. I appears that while the sorting options have been removed from the application manager's UI in PR 1.2, it still looks at the config file if it's there. I solved it by deleting ~/.osso/hildon-application-manager

This and the inability to rearrange icons in the menu are the only real issues I encountered. Rearranging icons is still a problem, not solved by removing the battery for a hard reset.

Theres nothing like having to modify a config file to be able to sort a list.. makes me feel all linuxy.
Just so that anyone wants to set the sorting in the application manager as Alphabetically and in A-Z order.
1. open terminal
2. vi ~/.osso/hildon-application-manager
3. <click i to be able to modify text>
4. change package-sort-key to -1
5. change package-sort-sign to 1
6. click the Esc icon on screen
7. Enter :wq and press enter

Camaron 2010-05-27 08:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Nokia never again! 4 months for this crap?

Videocall on skype is a little fake, it works for me one time for n900-win and never for n900-mac...

Now with all MSN plugins I can't see Instant Messaging Contacts...

engige 2010-05-27 09:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 681706)
Mine works but it is useless. It might depend on your firmware. Where did you get yours from?

"My Nokia" just subscribes you for texts from Nokia that tell you about "tips & tricks"

Pointless, IMHO

Thanks!! At least it won't bother me now if it's not useful. I got the N900 in London and have done all firmware updates. I got the PR 1.2 through OTA yesterday and after that, i noticed the problem.

Kevven 2010-05-27 09:14

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Is the choppy Video recording mentioned? Im guessing yes. Its sad to see that the camera viewer is looking awesome when you pan, but as soon as you press record, the choppyness begins.. Now this shouldnt really be an issue with this device. The N95 managed panning without lag and chops!..

rogeralcantara 2010-05-27 10:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
...a simple question:

when you go to "change background" in the desktop menu and you scroll down to the very bottom... is it normal that the text that accompanies the ovi icon says: "home_li_get_ovi" or am i the only one who has that?

...when i updated to PR 1.2 yesterday all the texts had that format... appearing like long strings (ex: 8903_plugin_home_click etc.) i kinda resolved it by restoring factory settings... i was just wondering if i wasn't able to fix the issue.

ahmoda 2010-05-27 10:41

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Still N900 can't recognizing that there is no difference between the local number and number plus + or 00( and code country)

N900 consider they are two different numbers, and when you goto contacts you will find in communication history the number which is saved in the contact already whether with code or without. and ignoring the other one.!!!!!

They already said solved? Sigh .............

hoppa123 2010-05-27 10:52

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
i got very annoyed that skype wont register after a while and need a full reboot of the phone to get it working again.

msa 2010-05-27 11:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
i have some serious, SERIOUS problems now.

wlan is NOT WORKING ANYMORE. i'm sitting like 5 meters away from my router, and its hardly receiving the wlans signal. and if it does, its not connecting, telling me "internet connection error. try again?"

i had this problem 1 or 2 times with 1.1 already, a reboot solved it normally.
i rebooted my n900 10 times already today and its still not connection to my wlan.


i'm really starting to get angry, this is the first time a manufacturer actually downgraded their product with an update. i'm only having problems after problems since i installed 1.2 :(

sirqty 2010-05-27 11:29

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
FriendStatus application. I get "internal error. application 'FriendStatus' closed" and the application quits. I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it again. It worked fine before PR 1.2

nosa101 2010-05-27 11:31

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by sirqty (Post 682422)
FriendStatus application. I get "internal error. application 'FriendStatus' closed" and the application quits. I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it again. It worked fine before PR 1.2

contact the developer

niqbal 2010-05-27 11:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by rogeralcantara (Post 682263)
...a simple question:

when you go to "change background" in the desktop menu and you scroll down to the very bottom... is it normal that the text that accompanies the ovi icon says: "home_li_get_ovi" or am i the only one who has that?

it says: 'Get more from Ovi Store'

smoku 2010-05-27 11:47

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by crown77 (Post 675944)
It would be better for Nokia if they cant do there job to give Beta Releases to there Community and they get a really quick result for possible bugs within days.

And what if they are testing things that they do not want to reveal until finished? (for competitive reason)

nosa101 2010-05-27 11:52

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
The only bug I have is the media player widget thing

michalurban 2010-05-27 11:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I received SMS from Nokia saying there are new software updates for my device, available at

After looking at this adress, It says "page not available" ...

But Im curious, what is that supposed to mean?

rogeralcantara 2010-05-27 12:10

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 682458)
it says: 'Get more from Ovi Store'

i knew it. that only means i haven't fixed my phone yet. :(

smoku 2010-05-27 12:19

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
They have you now!

engige 2010-05-27 12:23

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 682496)
The only bug I have is the media player widget thing

What's up with the Media Widget? Mine had issues even before the PR1.2 update. It was non responsive at times.

nosa101 2010-05-27 12:30

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by engige (Post 682588)
What's up with the Media Widget? Mine had issues even before the PR1.2 update. It was non responsive at times.

My play button is still not working unless I'm doing something wrong

engige 2010-05-27 12:43

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 682611)
My play button is still not working unless I'm doing something wrong

Try opening the media player from the menu and play a song. Then minimize media player window and try to use the widget. You can the close the media player window and try using the widget to play.

nosa101 2010-05-27 12:49

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by engige (Post 682652)
Try opening the media player from the menu and play a song. Then minimize media player window and try to use the widget. You can the close the media player window and try using the widget to play.

nope. didn't work

zig_n900 2010-05-27 13:37

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Same here. I updated my phone firmware to PR1.2 via NSU. When i install pidgin extras for IM and set up

my YAHOO MESSENGER account, i can see all my friends in the contacts, but i can't see my friends

(contacts) in NEW IM message it says "No Contacts". How to fix this problem?

msa 2010-05-27 14:01

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by engige (Post 682652)
Try opening the media player from the menu and play a song. Then minimize media player window and try to use the widget. You can the close the media player window and try using the widget to play.

have this problem as well occasionally.
most times it helps when you remove the widget and add it again.

nosa101 2010-05-27 14:06

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by msa (Post 682845)
have this problem as well occasionally.
most times it helps when you remove the widget and add it again.

This worked

treofant 2010-05-27 14:48

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Hi. I updated via the NSU. The problems I found are:
2) friends status is not working anymore: "internal error..."

Nokia please fix that!!!

James_Littler 2010-05-27 15:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Only bug I'm experiencing is the 'home_li_get_ovi' text in the choose background image menu.

Is there a way I can edit this as its quite annoying me!


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