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Pranjal 2011-07-16 14:11

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
How to make the VBUS boost stay on for long enough?? question, but would the mice and keyboards be mounted to sda or sda1? and what would be the code to mount them?? :)

Estel 2011-07-16 14:19

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Glad to hear You managed to solve problem :) As for posting log files, of course it's always appreciated. Don't worry, we don't bite ;) Asking for posting is correct thread was just because HEN is *extremely* popular, and keeping order in threads (= being able to help everyone, without missing important posts) require some strict approach ;)

I was just to say that it should be /dev/sda1 (for convenience, I would also name media/sda1, but that's cosmetic thing), but I suppose You've figured it out Yourself.

As for timeout problem, that's weird. What device You connected? It's just pendrive, or external HDD by any chance? Can You please include log from AFTER vbus suspended on it's own? ( again - remember, dmesg doesn't update on itself, so what is show is state actual only up to moment You clicked/executed it).

As for love, I would suggest loving girls and guys responsible for creating this wonderful effort, which HEN is - I'm only giving some advices, trying to contribute as much as I can ;) If You ever feel really overhelmed by gratitude towards HEN, please consider donating. Of course, it's 100% optional and I think everyone understands if You can't donate for some particular reasons - I suggest it because people creating this spend quite high amount of money on hardware, countless (*really* countless) time on writing/debugging, and risked their devices many, many times. Then, releases everything in true Open Source spirit. They're still working on it and testing new purposes (for which, many time buying some kind of hardware is essential), so every amount donated really helps a lot.

// Edit

As for mouse and keyboard, You don't mount them. You're mounting only storage devices - pendrives, HDD's, and whatsnot contain any files, that You want to access as filesystem. Keep in mind that maemo (every system, in fact) automatically mount Your partitions, SD cards etc.

Every other device require only enumerating - of course assuming that there is proper kernel module for it, and/or driver installed.

Pranjal 2011-07-16 14:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Lol, went through your above post...Hmm. the problem is actually that I am unable to mount my pendrive through h-e-n, but only through terminal....and my mice and all are not getting enumerated :( So i was wondering there was some way to attach mice and keyboard through the know what i mean right? I mean like the way i mounted the pen drive through the terminal???

Estel 2011-07-16 14:50

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Are You sure that your mouse and keyboard aren't enumerated? Just connecting them properly, doesn't mean they will work out of the box. You probably need extkbd and extmou packages for that (and to configure them from settings).

To be sure - please post kernel messages log from *after* trying to enumerate mouse/keyboard.

Pranjal 2011-07-16 14:55

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
Hmm....I will post the kernel messages right away...
The error message shown after trying to mount the mouse says "Unable to connect, no file system available"
I have attached the Kernel messages below.

Pranjal 2011-07-17 03:37

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1052160)
You probably need extkbd and extmou packages for that (and to configure them from settings).

I downloaded the extkbd and extmou packages for my N900. They seem to be installed, because I can see the Keyboard option under Personalisation in Settings, but I just cannot seem to find the extmou package installed under applications, or in settings menu as well. :( However, I do see it when I go to the uninstall application menu. It is installed as "Mouse Support". Is it supposed to stay hidden? And if it is supposed to stay hidden, my guess is that it always stays active in the background, draining the battery?? Battery is not the major concern I am concerned about right now, but my concern is that even after downloading the packages, I have had no luck connecting my keyboard and mouse to my N900.... Also, how can I configure these packages, as you mentioned in your above post, from Settings? from settings, do you mean the phone settings or HEN settings? :confused:

Estel 2011-07-17 19:06

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
From first to last post:


Hmm....I will post the kernel messages right away...
The error message shown after trying to mount the mouse says "Unable to connect, no file system available"
I have attached the Kernel messages below.
That's all right - cause mouse don't have filesystem inside ;)

As for Your log, it isn't properly enumerated - probably cause You choose wrong vBus speed (experiment with it), OR You're trying to do it too fast/connect mouse in wrong moment.

Correct order should be:

1. Click "<correct speed> hostmode", wait ~2 seconds.

2. Click "VBUS boost on", then connect Your device (don't try to do it too fast, but also don't be sluggish). After connecting device wait 2-3 seconds.

3. click "enumerate".

4. Check kernel-messages if Your device was connected properly.

As for extmou, it should remain hidden, and it does not drain You battery when it's not in use. When it is in use, it uses some RAM as every AP, but you won't encounter any shorter battery in real life.

As for extkbd, I mean configuring in from settings - where You noticed keyboard icon. Ho ever, You need keyboard correctly connected first.

// Edit

If You manage to connect keyboard, but - by any chance - you got problem configuring it, be sure to first read extkbd thread (it's not as long as HEN one), then, eventually, ask in extkbd thread - not here. Still, it will be nice to know here if You managed to get it working :)

Pranjal 2011-07-18 17:54

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
DONE WITH THE MOUSE!! :D HOORAY! :) Gotta try now with the keyboard. Thanks for the help estel!! :) Seems that my mouse was sposed to work on a usb 1.1 Low speed and I was connecting it on a high speed mode.....Thanks a lot again man!!!

Estel 2011-07-19 00:15

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
No problem mate, glad it's working. Also remember to connect keyboard in low speed - such a devices aren't USB 2.0 - specific, and most of the times running it @ full-speed (1.1) doesn't give any advantage, except for more battery drain due to higher bandwitch rate. Unless You got keyboard with embedded USB 2.0 HUB inside - in fact, it's HUB that is connecting to host, with keyboard attached internally to HUB as "guest" (I own such a keyboard, except that it's got bundled 1.1 HUB).

Also, keep in mind, that most USB 2.0 devices will also work with 1.1, ho ever slower.

Pranjal 2011-07-19 12:16

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Is there a way to connect mouse and keyboard together to my N900 without the help of a usb hub? I mean....there are two headed usb cables available in the market as well.......with all the three pins as male usb...if i use a fermale to female adapter to connect this kind of a cable with he default provided cable and then attach this kind of a cable to my nokia microusb to usb cable? And then again, use two female to female adapters to connect my mouse and keyboard to my phone? it's confusing to write this lol... :P
Oh wait....lemme draw a sketch on my N900 and attach it here :P My N900 would come very handy here....

biketool 2011-07-19 16:03

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I am wondering why the H-E-N app sometimes mounts my USB flash drive read/write and sometimes read-only. Is there a trick as it seems to be rather random whether it will even show the device detected in kernel messages. Some devices like my MP3 player require manual creation of a directory in /media and manual mounting. Also it typically takes two or more clicks to the mount button to mount a flash drive.
I love H-E-N, just trying to figure out the tricks and quirks.

Estel 2011-07-20 08:28

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Pranjal (Post 1054087)
Is there a way to connect mouse and keyboard together to my N900 without the help of a usb hub? I mean...there are two headed usb cables available in the market as well...

Short answer: no.

Long answer: It would be exactly same as trying to connect 2 devices (USb mouse + USb keyboard) to one port of desktop computer, without using HUB. Try it, but don't blame us if Your ports refuse to work after due to blowed fuse ;) (ho ever, it should just don't work, anyway, except for really screwed up cables)

Cables you're mentioning are totally for different things - most of them time, it's kind of Y-cable for providing additional 500 mAh of power from spare port - for power-hundry HDD's, or BlueRay writers, or whatever.

Ho ever, *sometimes* You may get Your hands on cable that actually contains very small 2-ports hub bundled inside, so it looks exactly like variant of Y-cable, but work like hub. No problems with using it for HEN, but to be honest, I find small USB 2.0 4 ports hubs much more sane thing (they are really small anyway, and contain 4 ports, not just 2...). Also, with hubs bundled inside cable, You can usually forget about powering them up with external power supply. Unless You modify them further, to also contain another plug, just for powering up ;)

joerg_rw 2011-07-25 03:05

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I see
[WIP]Battery hotswap on field under any load MOD
in your signature, alas no link so I answer here:
This can not work, beware! You MUST NOT connect in parallel a full and an empty battery, worst thing that may happen is one of the cells exploding.
Please be extremely careful when experimenting with batteries, and better check back each step with community.


Estel 2011-07-25 09:08

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hi joerg_rw!

Thanks for showing interest and for warning. Indeed, You're right about connecting batteries @ different SoC in parallel - just to be sure than no one will try that. Of course I know it, and that limitation is "base" of my project (and reason, why it's developing so slow - I want to be sure that I'm not gonna kill/fry my battery, or bring danger to other people trying my method).

What I'm trying to achieve, is hotswap possibility via special micro-circuit, that will control hotswapping in safe way. It involves cheating chip via BSI (that same battery is still present), then "switching" battery by circuit via electronic - *without* paralleling batteries in reality, yet with so small interval, that N900 won't notice. Of course, no human being can be so fast, thus electronic need to control that ;) I'm designing it in a way that everything can be put inside Mugen Cover, without external things outside N900 needed.

Obviously, inspiration for this project is your thread about hotswaping via killing bme (and I was going to include full info about inspiration, when announcing in Thread). I wanted to introduce more practical way, without need to disable power-hungry applications - transparent hotswap. Also, I'll be very happy to consult everything with community, I'm definitely not gonna publish any unchecked advices, that may put devices/health of other users in danger.

Also, complication of this project is reason, why I dubbed it "mugen-cover-power" - as parody of kernel-power and busybox-power + allusion to internal power source, allowing hotswap. That wasn't just ego thing ;)

Sorry for off-topic here, I just thought that it's worth to clarify.

blipnl 2011-08-01 18:29

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hello there, I have come across a problem here. No device (of 2 tested) will connect properly using h-e-n on my N900.

Have just installed h-e-n whilse upgrading to power kernel to v47 (faster app manager suggested, I had v42) and rebooted because h-e-n warned me about v42 being active. Rebooting solved the warning, read on though please..

I am using a new f- to f usb connector in the middle, and a keyboard (pretty old, usb1. tested on PC, works fine.) I am pretty sure the f- to f connector is fine too, because when connecting the N900 to a usb stick via this connector, I can see the USB drive's led blinking several times. So shortly, both keyboard and USB stick don't work.

As for the USB stick, I try to activate via high speed> vbus boost> enumerate> mount (drives should be mounted, right?) I had the cables connected before these operations. After a second or two, flash drive led blinks several times, and then stops blinking. I open up file manager on N900 (as shown in one youtube vid) but the drive will not appear. Have waited almoast one min, should I wait longer?

As for the keyboard, i have the cables connected beforehand and then: low speed> vbus boost> enumerate (no mount). This time, nothing happens. The keyboard led/light should also go on, as tested on my PC. What am I doing wrong?

(have SCCU, pk v47, h-e-n plus dependencies, portrait hildon, plus some other less interesting stuff regarding h-e-n issues)

BigLebowski 2011-08-01 18:41

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by blipnl (Post 1062431)
As for the USB stick, I try to activate via high speed> vbus boost> enumerate> mount (drives should be mounted, right?)

I'm pretty sure I always had to mount the device manually.

blipnl 2011-08-01 18:48

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Update: I now successfully connected a flash drive, only my keyboard prob prevails. Done the same steps, but connected hw cable to n900 after vbus boost, and thus before enumerate (rather then connecting all before any operation). Now I can use the flashdrive on my N900 :)

But the keyboard is still the same, no led activity or any other. Have tried connecting hw cable between step vbus and step enumerate, but no success. At least I now know HW mode sorta works on my N900, so this is probably my fault rather than hw/software? Fingers crossed.

Ty in advance

Estel 2011-08-01 19:00

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Most of the times, it helps to slow down a little during enabling hostmode. So, wait 2-3 seconds after choosing speed, then, after vbus on, wait 1-2 seconds before connecting cable (physically), then, wait 2-3 seconds, before enumerating...

Anyway, best thing You can do to help us help You is provide here "kernel messages" (dmesg) log, copied *after* unsuccessful attempt to connect keyboard.

Also, just in case, try with different speed. But, log from dmesg is most crucial here.

blipnl 2011-08-03 09:04

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1062449)
best thing You can do to help us help You is provide here "kernel messages" (dmesg) log, copied *after* unsuccessful attempt to connect keyboard.

Done that as clean as possible first thing after reboot, I notice error -19 and -110. I cannot comprehand this properly ;)


[59663.557067] SCSI subsystem initialized
[59663.727966] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
[59665.754089] wl12xx spi4.0: firmware: requesting wl1251-fw.bin
[59667.152343] wl1251: 151 tx blocks at 0x3b788, 35 rx blocks at 0x3a780
[59667.167877] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
[59668.816558] wl1251: down
[59669.777313] wl1251: 151 tx blocks at 0x3b788, 35 rx blocks at 0x3a780
[59669.792968] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
[59670.754089] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:14:bf:48:9a:2c
[59670.756835] wlan0: authenticated
[59670.756866] wlan0: associate with AP 00:14:bf:48:9a:2c
[59670.759704] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:14:bf:48:9a:2c (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
[59670.759735] wlan0: associated
[59814.682922] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0xd0/208; link 2
[59850.437652] Forced hostmode error: no device attached
[59850.437774] usb usb1: usb resume
[59850.456848] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[59850.456909] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0301 change 0001
[59850.566314] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[59850.566375] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0301, change 0000, 1.5 Mb/s
[59850.691955] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 2
[59855.691406] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59860.691406] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59865.691406] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59865.816375] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[59870.925628] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59875.925659] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59880.925659] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59881.050781] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[59881.285125] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 3
[59886.285156] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59891.285156] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[59891.410156] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -19
[59891.644378] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -19
[59891.878784] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 4
[59892.300750] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 4, error -19
[59892.425811] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 5
[59892.847625] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 5, error -19
[59892.847686] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[59892.847717] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[59892.847747] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000301
[59894.847625] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[59894.847656] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[59900.382049] twl4030_keypad twl4030_keypad: Spurious key event 4-2
[59900.559051] twl4030_keypad twl4030_keypad: Spurious key event 4-2
~ $

Device: HP keyboard 5V 200MA model no. KUS0133.
Method: (a few seconds between these steps) low speed> vbus boost> cables connect> Enumerate.

Boixos Nois 2011-08-12 06:21

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
A version with Enhanced Linux kernel for power users v2.6.28-maemo42, you will go USB?
Or should kernel to version 47!?

thegreatdead69 2011-08-19 13:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
hye, sorry for the super late reply.. im having trouble using usb hostmode and ive attached the hostmode thingy.

rooz 2011-08-20 17:32

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

I can't get my Lenovo SK8855 usb keybd working on my n900.

I have such usb usb connector

Then I start h-e-n

First message: 'stopping BME'

Then I choose:
> low speed hostmode
>VBUS boost on
> enumerate

>> connect usb-keybd to n900

> mount

But nothing is happening ... when I try to type in a xterm.

I can't turn on Capslock.

EDIT: Also mouse does nothing. When I connect and mount a usb stick, it says 'unable to connect, no file system available'

  sudo fdisk-l (in ubuntu)
 Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System
/dev/sdb1              1        449    3606561    b  W95 FAT32
/dev/sdb2            450        487      305235    b  W95 FAT32


# apt-cache policy kernel-power-bootimg
  Installed: 1:2.6.28-10power47

# apt-cache policy kernel-power       
  Installed: 1:2.6.28-10power47

# apt-cache policy  hostmode-gui
  Installed: 0.3


# lsusb -v

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType        1
  bcdUSB              2.00
  bDeviceClass            9 Hub
  bDeviceSubClass        0 Unused
  bDeviceProtocol        0 Full speed hub
  bMaxPacketSize0        64
  idVendor          0x1d6b
  idProduct          0x0002
  bcdDevice            2.06
  iManufacturer          3 Linux musb-hcd
  iProduct                2 MUSB HDRC host driver
  iSerial                1 musb_hdrc
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                9
    bDescriptorType        2
    wTotalLength          25
    bNumInterfaces          1
    bConfigurationValue    1
    iConfiguration          0
    bmAttributes        0xe0
      Self Powered
      Remote Wakeup
    MaxPower                0mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                9
      bDescriptorType        4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting      0
      bNumEndpoints          1
      bInterfaceClass        9 Hub
      bInterfaceSubClass      0 Unused
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 Full speed hub
      iInterface              0
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                7
        bDescriptorType        5
        bEndpointAddress    0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type              None
 Usage Type              Data
        wMaxPacketSize    0x0004  1x 4 bytes
        bInterval              12
Hub Descriptor:
  bLength              9
  bDescriptorType      41
  nNbrPorts            1
  wHubCharacteristic 0x0011
    Per-port power switching
    No overcurrent protection
  bPwrOn2PwrGood        5 * 2 milli seconds
  bHubContrCurrent      0 milli Ampere
  DeviceRemovable    0x02
  PortPwrCtrlMask    0xff
 Hub Port Status:
  Port 1: 0002.0301 C_ENABLE lowspeed power connect
Device Status:    0x0003
  Self Powered
  Remote Wakeup Enabled


# dmesg
 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[ 1194.606079]  (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 3000 mBm)
[ 1195.821289] wl1251: down
[ 1199.649200] wl1251: 151 tx blocks at 0x3b788, 35 rx blocks at 0x3a780
[ 1199.664825] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
[ 1199.725463] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 1200.317230] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:23:69:15:11:c7
[ 1200.320617] wlan0: authenticated
[ 1200.320678] wlan0: associate with AP 00:23:69:15:11:c7
[ 1200.324340] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:23:69:15:11:c7 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=2)
[ 1200.324371] wlan0: associated
[ 1200.376251] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[ 1210.813354] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
[ 1626.887573] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0xd0/208; link 2
[ 1627.426116] Forced hostmode error: no device attached
[ 1627.426208] usb usb1: usb resume
[ 1627.446166] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[ 1627.446228] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0301 change 0001
[ 1627.555389] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[ 1627.555450] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0301, change 0000, 1.5 Mb/s
[ 1627.680450] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 18
[ 1632.672790] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0x50/80; link 1
[ 1632.680419] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1637.680419] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1642.680328] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1642.805358] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 1647.914916] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1652.914764] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1657.914794] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1658.039886] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 1658.274261] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 19
[ 1663.274169] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1668.274261] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1673.274291] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1673.399139] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 1678.509826] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1683.508575] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1688.508575] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 1688.633758] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 1688.868072] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 20
[ 1694.868408] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 1694.868469] WARNING: at /home/builder1/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 1694.868530] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 1694.868560] Modules linked in: wl12xx vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev cmt_speech omap_hsmmc smc91x mii mac80211 crc7 omap_ssi omap_wdt nokia_av mmc_core cfg80211 hci_h4p tsc2005 bluetooth rtc_twl4030 rtc_core fmtx_si4713 et8ek8 adp1653 ad5820 bq27x00_battery smia_sensor leds_twl4030_vibra leds_lp5523 twl4030_wdt videodev v4l1_compat lis302dl tsl2563 power_supply smiaregs compat_ioctl32 led_class v4l2_int_device fuse [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[ 1694.869140] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 1694.869232] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a80>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 1694.869323]  r3:00000000 r2:c034453d
[ 1694.869354]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 1694.869384] [<c01e99ec>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea950>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 1694.869445] [<c01ea890>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb154>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 1694.869537] [<c01eaf78>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cecbc>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 1694.869598] [<c01cebb4>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc58>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 1694.869689] [<c01cfbbc>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0b14>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 1694.869750]  r7:ce6dc480 r6:ce6dc480 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[ 1694.869812] [<c01d0a90>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d98>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[ 1694.869873]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[ 1694.869934] [<c01d1d18>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d2018>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[ 1694.869995] [<c01d1f54>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cad0c>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[ 1694.870056] [<c01ca934>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc404>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[ 1694.870147] [<c01cbb98>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce054>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[ 1694.870208] [<c01ce024>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[ 1694.870269]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce024 r4:00000000
[ 1694.870300] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 1694.870361]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 1694.870422] ---[ end trace 6fb00ab8cbf39d25 ]---
[ 1694.872497] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 1701.079345] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 1701.079406] WARNING: at /home/builder1/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 1701.079467] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 1701.079498] Modules linked in: wl12xx vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev cmt_speech omap_hsmmc smc91x mii mac80211 crc7 omap_ssi omap_wdt nokia_av mmc_core cfg80211 hci_h4p tsc2005 bluetooth rtc_twl4030 rtc_core fmtx_si4713 et8ek8 adp1653 ad5820 bq27x00_battery smia_sensor leds_twl4030_vibra leds_lp5523 twl4030_wdt videodev v4l1_compat lis302dl tsl2563 power_supply smiaregs compat_ioctl32 led_class v4l2_int_device fuse [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[ 1701.080078] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 1701.080169] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a80>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 1701.080261]  r3:00000000 r2:c034453d
[ 1701.080291]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 1701.080322] [<c01e99ec>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea950>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 1701.080383] [<c01ea890>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb154>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 1701.080474] [<c01eaf78>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cecbc>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 1701.080535] [<c01cebb4>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc58>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 1701.080596] [<c01cfbbc>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0b14>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 1701.080688]  r7:ce6dc480 r6:ce6dc480 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[ 1701.080749] [<c01d0a90>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d98>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[ 1701.080810]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[ 1701.080841] [<c01d1d18>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d2018>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[ 1701.080932] [<c01d1f54>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cad0c>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[ 1701.080993] [<c01ca934>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc404>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[ 1701.081054] [<c01cbb98>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce054>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[ 1701.081146] [<c01ce024>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[ 1701.081207]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce024 r4:00000000
[ 1701.081237] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 1701.081298]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 1701.081329] ---[ end trace 6fb00ab8cbf39d25 ]---
[ 1701.083740] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 1701.289855] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 20, error -110
[ 1701.414886] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 21
[ 1707.415283] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 1707.415344] WARNING: at /home/builder1/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 1707.415405] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 1707.415435] Modules linked in: wl12xx vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev cmt_speech omap_hsmmc smc91x mii mac80211 crc7 omap_ssi omap_wdt nokia_av mmc_core cfg80211 hci_h4p tsc2005 bluetooth rtc_twl4030 rtc_core fmtx_si4713 et8ek8 adp1653 ad5820 bq27x00_battery smia_sensor leds_twl4030_vibra leds_lp5523 twl4030_wdt videodev v4l1_compat lis302dl tsl2563 power_supply smiaregs compat_ioctl32 led_class v4l2_int_device fuse [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[ 1707.416015] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 1707.416107] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a80>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 1707.416168]  r3:00000000 r2:c034453d
[ 1707.416198]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 1707.416259] [<c01e99ec>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea950>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 1707.416320] [<c01ea890>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb154>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 1707.416381] [<c01eaf78>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cecbc>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 1707.416473] [<c01cebb4>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc58>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 1707.416534] [<c01cfbbc>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0b14>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 1707.416595]  r7:ce6dc480 r6:ce6dc480 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[ 1707.416656] [<c01d0a90>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d98>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[ 1707.416748]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[ 1707.416778] [<c01d1d18>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d2018>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[ 1707.416839] [<c01d1f54>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cad0c>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[ 1707.416931] [<c01ca934>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc404>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[ 1707.416992] [<c01cbb98>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce054>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[ 1707.417053] [<c01ce024>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[ 1707.417114]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce024 r4:00000000
[ 1707.417175] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 1707.417236]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 1707.417266] ---[ end trace 6fb00ab8cbf39d25 ]---
[ 1707.418090] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 1713.626220] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 1713.626281] WARNING: at /home/builder1/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 1713.626342] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 1713.626373] Modules linked in: wl12xx vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev cmt_speech omap_hsmmc smc91x mii mac80211 crc7 omap_ssi omap_wdt nokia_av mmc_core cfg80211 hci_h4p


dattadude 2011-08-25 12:03

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
hi. .

great app!!

i just cant seem to get the flash drive to show in the file manager. . .

ive installed hen n am on power kernel v48. .

ny help would be appriciated. .

i mount but still no display in file manager. .


Estel 2011-08-26 05:20

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hey rooz, thanks for detailed report. I'm afraid, that currently I have no idea what may cause such "filesystem not available" response after mounting pendrive. If You're not using any strange filesystem for Your flash disk, of course. Maybe HEN gurus will help - just keep in mind, that it's vacation time, and some may be unreachable.

I'm posting this, to let You know that You're not ignored - it's just that currently I got no ideas for any advice.

I just suppose - keep in mind, that it is sober speculation - that You may miss something, some kind of additional info. Packages You may have installed, uncertified tweaks... Remember, that Your overall observation ability is very important, Your correct guessing may also help us to help You.

rooz 2011-08-26 09:22

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Thanks for your reply. iirc I got a message 'modules failed' or something similar when installing the kernel-power. Not sure if that's related. Usb seems to mount now, but can't find it on my filesystem yet... What filesystems are supported? Only a external usb drive doesn't seems to mount (lack of power??)

Most important for me is the Lenovo usb keybd. What are my chances to get this working (without external powerd usb hub)? Is it possible to use a usb to bluetooth converter maybe, to get the keybd working?

My usb keybd doesn't show up in extkbd btw.


joerg_rw 2011-08-26 20:48

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by rooz (Post 1073658)

I can't get my Lenovo SK8855 usb keybd working on my n900.

I have such usb usb connector

Then I start h-e-n

First message: 'stopping BME'

Then I choose:
> low speed hostmode
>VBUS boost on
> enumerate

>> connect usb-keybd to n900

> mount

But nothing is happening ... when I try to type in a xterm.


of course you need to connect USB devices before you enumerate. And kbd doesn't get mounted.
Actually the suggestion is: first connect device, then start h-e-n (unless you go for charging hostmode as I explained in the h-e-n thread)

Estel 2011-08-26 20:53

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
If You got problems with kernel modules, You would obviously not be able to load HID modules, and Your keyboard/mouse won't work.

As for USB hard disk, definitely try with Y-cable/powered HUB.

rooz 2011-08-26 21:07

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Do you think the usb keybd should work without usb hub?

I will take a look at the modules. Which kernel version do you advise (48 atm) and which packages should be installed exactly?

Estel 2011-08-27 19:45

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
kp48 is all right. Doesn't ignore joerg_rw post - hes right, teps should be followed in correct order.

Also, if You got major problems during installation of kp48, like so errors about modules, You will be better fixing Your system at all, before trying to get USB keyboard working.

In case that You may have system screwed at all, trying to help You is kinda hopeless...

rooz 2011-08-30 17:53

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
At this point I have no reason to assume that the power-kernel is not installed properly. Everything seems fine and the modules are there.

hostmode.txt (I tried several hostmode speeds, top messages are from Low speed hostmode likely and most intesting possibly)


ce18c r4:00000000
[ 2745.912200] [<c006da38>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a94c>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 2745.912261]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 2745.912292] ---[ end trace 7be5b1cae9b88444 ]---
[ 2745.914337] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 2746.120971] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 94, error -110
[ 2746.245819] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 95
[ 2752.246215] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 2752.246276] WARNING: at drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 2752.246337] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 2752.246337] Modules linked in: hidp hid vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev wl12xx cmt_speech omap_hsmmc mac80211 crc7 smc91x mii omap_ssi omap_wdt hci_h4p nokia_av cfg80211 mmc_core tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev adp1653 et8ek8 smia_sensor rtc_twl4030 lis302dl leds_lp5523 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 led_class twl4030_wdt tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core fuse
[ 2752.246948] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057440>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 2752.247039] [<c00573dc>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9be8>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 2752.247131]  r3:00000000 r2:c0340092
[ 2752.247161]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 2752.247192] [<c01e9b54>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01eaab8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 2752.247253] [<c01ea9f8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb2bc>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 2752.247344] [<c01eb0e0>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cee24>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 2752.247406] [<c01ced1c>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfdc0>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 2752.247497] [<c01cfd24>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0c7c>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 2752.247558]  r7:c8d11580 r6:c8d11580 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[ 2752.247619] [<c01d0bf8>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1f00>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[ 2752.247711]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[ 2752.247741] [<c01d1e80>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d2180>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[ 2752.247833] [<c01d20bc>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cae74>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[ 2752.247894] [<c01caa9c>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc56c>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[ 2752.247955] [<c01cbd00>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce1bc>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[ 2752.248046] [<c01ce18c>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da8c>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[ 2752.248107]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce18c r4:00000000
[ 2752.248138] [<c006da38>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a94c>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 2752.248199]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 2752.248260] ---[ end trace 7be5b1cae9b88444 ]---
[ 2752.305969] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 2758.511840] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 2758.511901] WARNING: at drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 2758.511932] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 2758.511962] Modules linked in: hidp hid vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev wl12xx cmt_speech omap_hsmmc mac80211 crc7 smc91x mii omap_ssi omap_wdt hci_h4p nokia_av cfg80211 mmc_core tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev adp1653 et8ek8 smia_sensor rtc_twl4030 lis302dl leds_lp5523 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 led_class twl4030_wdt tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core fuse
[ 2758.512573] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057440>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 2758.512664] [<c00573dc>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9be8>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 2758.512725]  r3:00000000 r2:c0340092
[ 2758.512756]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 2758.512817] [<c01e9b54>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01eaab8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 2758.512878] [<c01ea9f8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb2bc>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 2758.512969] [<c01eb0e0>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cee24>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 2758.513031] [<c01ced1c>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfdc0>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 2758.513122] [<c01cfd24>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0c7c>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 2758.513183]  r7:c8d11580 r6:c8d11580 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[ 2758.513244] [<c01d0bf8>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1f00>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[ 2758.513305]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[ 2758.513366] [<c01d1e80>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d2180>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[ 2758.513427] [<c01d20bc>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cae74>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[ 2758.513519] [<c01caa9c>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc56c>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[ 2758.513580] [<c01cbd00>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce1bc>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[ 2758.513641] [<c01ce18c>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da8c>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[ 2758.513732]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce18c r4:00000000
[ 2758.513763] [<c006da38>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a94c>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[ 2758.513824]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[ 2758.513885] ---[ end trace 7be5b1cae9b88444 ]---
[ 2758.549163] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[ 2758.753509] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 95, error -110
[ 2758.753601] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[ 2758.753631] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[ 2758.753662] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000301
[ 2761.222473] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[ 2761.222564] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[ 2761.222595] musb_bus_suspend 2266: trying to suspend as a_host is_active=1
[ 2761.222656] usb usb1: bus suspend fail, err -16
[ 2761.222656] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[ 2761.222747] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0301 change 0000
[ 2761.222869] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[ 2761.222930] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0301, change 0000, 1.5 Mb/s
[ 2761.347412] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 96
[ 2766.347503] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2771.347503] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2773.207122] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0xd0/208; link 2
[ 2773.238677] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0x50/80; link 1
[ 2773.980194] Forced hostmode error: no device attached
[ 2776.347503] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2776.410095] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[ 2776.410156] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[ 2776.410247] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0301, change 0003, 1.5 Mb/s
[ 2776.566101] hub 1-0:1.0: debounce: port 1: total 100ms stable 100ms status 0x301
[ 2776.691345] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 97
[ 2781.691253] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2786.691253] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2788.336395] Forced hostmode error: no device attached
[ 2791.691101] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2791.753631] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[ 2791.753662] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[ 2791.753692] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0301, change 0003, 1.5 Mb/s
[ 2791.910217] hub 1-0:1.0: debounce: port 1: total 100ms stable 100ms status 0x301
[ 2792.034881] usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 98
[ 2797.034881] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2802.034881] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2807.034912] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2807.159912] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 2812.269165] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[ 2816.480224] usb 1-1: device reset changed speed!
[ 2816.605224] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 99
[ 2816.730224] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[ 2816.964538] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[ 2817.087951] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0xd0/208; link 2
[ 2817.119232] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0x50/80; link 1
[ 2817.198974] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 100
[ 2817.672271] Forced hostmode error: no device attached
[ 2823.199432] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 2823.199493] WARNING: at drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[ 2823.199554] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[ 2823.199584] Modules linked in: hidp hid vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev wl12xx cmt_speech omap_hsmmc mac80211 crc7 smc91x mii omap_ssi omap_wdt hci_h4p nokia_av cfg80211 mmc_core tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev adp1653 et8ek8 smia_sensor rtc_twl4030 lis302dl leds_lp5523 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 led_class twl4030_wdt tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core fuse
[ 2823.200164] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057440>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[ 2823.200256] [<c00573dc>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9be8>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[ 2823.200347]  r3:00000000 r2:c0340092
[ 2823.200378]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[ 2823.200408] [<c01e9b54>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01eaab8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[ 2823.200500] [<c01ea9f8>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb2bc>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[ 2823.200561] [<c01eb0e0>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cee24>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[ 2823.200653] [<c01ced1c>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfdc0>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[ 2823.200714] [<c01cfd24>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0c7c>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[ 2823.200805]  r7:c8d10500 r6:c8d10500 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000

rooz 2011-08-30 18:04

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
Another try, see attachment

blipnl 2011-08-30 18:55

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Is it possible my kbd is not working because of the 200mA required (as listed on back of kbd)? I have read on the wiki page only devices up to 100mA are 'supported' without an extra power supply..

Estel 2011-08-31 11:05

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
rooz - it seems for me as generic error. I see it sometimes, when I try to connect my HUB. Just need to practice timing of enabling vBUS and connecting device afterwards.

blipni - N900 can provide 200 mA without problems. 100 mA is theoretical limit of that a *hub* connected to N900 can deliver, if it's not powered externally. That what standards tell us - ho ever, it's not always true - my HUB provide as much as it can, even when powered via bus.

Lyndon Hood 2011-09-14 09:25

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
this may help rooz, who knows...

I just tried for the first time a setup like you describe (cheap imation keyboard), and did pretty much what you did... initially it only recognised keys that mapped to the n900 keyboard and maybe tab & escape (although I once accidentally triggered a special character I couldn't work out how to get at them either - anyone: what's the equivalent of the blue arrow button?)

I already had extkbd installed in preparation... I opened it (External Keyboard in the n900's Settings), chose a slightly different likely generic keyboard layout (ended up typing in arabic... when back and found "USA" option...) and after that it worked like a normal keyboard.

[I am very pleased about this, by the way. Thanks!]

Only tried it the once... not sure if you have to wake up extkbd every time.

Also, it did seem to chew through the battery a bit, so I will get a powered hub if I want to play with it for any length of time.

Thanks again. I just love that you guys made this phone better than the manufacturer said it could be.

biketool 2011-09-14 09:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
The mystery deepens, I found an old USB keyboard(full speed) and it was able to load on HEN, it includes a hub chip and one port. While I cant load my USB keychain directly with an adapter cable to my N900 on HEN I can load it when plugged into the keyboard.
Both can be used together, no caps though. If it matters it is a Chinese BTC mini keyboard I think I bough around 2002-2003.

Aside from that I also have to reboot my phone every time after I use H-E-N after I dismount a disk if I want to use it again, this has been an issue in the past when everything was fine.
I wiped the USB flash drive and formatted it with Ubuntu, no change, mounts plugged into full speed keyboard, but not direct.

thegreatdead69 2011-09-21 13:48

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I bet person in charge here testing his new tegra phone.. or exynos.. :cool:

rooz 2011-10-14 17:36

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Trying it with an external usb hub.

Connect keybd to hub, connect hub to n900.

I get the message
'could not connect, no filesystem available'

Estel 2011-10-15 02:25

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Message about filesystem appear randomly for me, ho ever, it does not cause any harm (i.e. everything is working fine). No matter what I connect - for example, it may appear after connecting keyboard. As I've said, just ignore it.

BTW, I must write something here, even if it is off-topic. I'm currently traveling, and at this very moment, I'm sitting with USB mini keyboard on my knees, visa vi 32 '' LCD screen with my N900 connected to it - alongside USB HUB, where plugs of my keyboard and mice docked. I'm writing this post via my Desktop PC miles away (ssh and vnc), so basically, I'm enjoying full hourse power on Desktop PC, via "pocket" N900.

Really, really thanks Hostmode team, for being one of the most important part in making dream about true pocket *real* computer, come true! Huge thanks, and asking for more ;)

BTW, blame Nokians for lack of miniHDMI output

rooz 2011-10-15 10:24

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Thx for your reply. When I connect my usb keybd via active hub to my n900, I can't turn on the light of the Capslock button, should that make me worry?

Do you have your Desktop running all the time btw? Or can you boot it using your n900


hmm you would expect this install the kernel power

# apt-get install kernel-power-settings             
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  kernel-bfs-bootimg kernel-bfs-modules
Recommended packages:
  multiboot kernel-bfs-flasher iptables mtd-utils kexec-tools
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  kernel-bfs-bootimg kernel-bfs-modules kernel-power-settings
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/5247kB of archives.
After this operation, 11,0MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?


uname -a
Linux Nokia-N900 #1 PREEMPT Fri Sep 30 23:39:22 EEST 2011 armv7l unknown

Should my usb keybd show up in extkeybd under keyboard? (I think bluetooth keyboards are showing up there)

'no file system available'
Does this message mean, not on my phone or not on the usb device?

USB sticks doesn't show up in app manager.

# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002


edit: Ok, I just hold on :) I even found someone who got this keyboard working ...
Here are the kernel messages

<p>341.699554] ------------[ cut here ]------------
<br>[ 1341.699615] WARNING: at drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
<br>[ 1341.699645] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
<br>[ 1341.699676] Modules linked in: vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 omaplfb jbd pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp mmc_block phonet joydev cmt_speech omap_hsmmc wl12xx smc91x mii omap_wdt mac80211 crc7 omap_ssi nokia_av hci_h4p cfg80211 tsc2005 mmc_core bluetooth fmtx_si4713 et8ek8 ad5820 videodev adp1653 smia_sensor rtc_twl4030 lis302dl v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 leds_lp5523 leds_twl4030_vibra twl4030_wdt tsl2563 led_class rtc_core smiaregs v4l2_int_device
<br>[ 1341.700256] [&lt;c0030470&gt;] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [&lt;c0057440&gt;] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
<br>[ 1341.700347] [&lt;c00573dc&gt;] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [&lt;c01e9be8&gt;] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
<br>[ 1341.700408]  r3:00000000 r2:c0340092
<br>[ 1341.700439]  r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
<br>[ 1341.700500] [&lt;c01e9b54&gt;] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [&lt;c01eaab8&gt;] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
<br>[ 1341.700561] [&lt;c01ea9f8&gt;] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [&lt;c01eb2bc&gt;] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
<br>[ 1341.700622] [&lt;c01eb0e0&gt;] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [&lt;c01cee24&gt;] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
<br>[ 1341.700714] [&lt;c01ced1c&gt;] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [&lt;c01cfdc0&gt;] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
<br>[ 1341.700775] [&lt;c01cfd24&gt;] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [&lt;c01d0c7c&gt;] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
<br>[ 1341.700866]  r7:ce563c00 r6:ce563c00 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
<br>[ 1341.700927] [&lt;c01d0bf8&gt;] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [&lt;c01d1f00&gt;] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
<br>[ 1341.700988]  r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
<br>[ 1341.701049] [&lt;c01d1e80&gt;] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [&lt;c01d2180&gt;] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
<br>[ 1341.701110] [&lt;c01d20bc&gt;] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [&lt;c01cae74&gt;] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
<br>[ 1341.701202] [&lt;c01caa9c&gt;] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [&lt;c01cc56c&gt;] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
<br>[ 1341.701263] [&lt;c01cbd00&gt;] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [&lt;c01ce1bc&gt;] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
<br>[ 1341.701324] [&lt;c01ce18c&gt;] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [&lt;c006da8c&gt;] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
<br>[ 1341.701385]  r6:00000000 r5:c01ce18c r4:00000000
<br>[ 1341.701446] [&lt;c006da38&gt;] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [&lt;c005a94c&gt;] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
<br>[ 1341.701507]  r5:00000000 r4:00000000
<br>[ 1341.701538] ---[ end trace 7be5b1cae9b88444 ]---
<br>[ 1341.739288] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
<br>~ $ </p>

Estel 2011-10-16 00:05

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Trash messages from dmesg output. Be sure to use latest booston (provided by joerg_rw in this thread, few pages ago - You need to install it manually), and that You're choosing high-speed, if Your HUB is real 2.0 compliant, or Full-speed otherwise. Hub will manage connection speed for keyboard.

Also, You could first try to connect keyboard without any hubs, then start adding things, that may complicate debugging. As for extkbd, yea, Your keyboard should be recognized after enumerating, but it is unrelated to hostmode, and Your output clearly show errors on connection (USB) part, so leave further things alone for now.

Please, try executing everything in following order:

1. Choose appropriate speed for Your keyboard - low-speed or full-speed (most low-speed keyboards should work also with full-speed). Do *not* use high-speed, unless You're 100% sure, that You got strange keyboard that need it (most unlikely).

2. wait second or two, enable vbus booston (next step).

3. after 2 or three seconds, connect Your keyboard to N900 (it *musn't* be connected before!

4. Wait another few seconds, then choose "enumerate".

5. You should get message about connection - if not, open kernel messages, and post result here. If doing so, please be sure that You're posting here output only of this single attempt (i.e after fresh restart of H-E-N), to help us parse output quickly ;).

6. Ignore any messages about filesystem not available, they're irrelevant here.

7. If You cannot connect *anything* - be it keyboard, mouse, pendrive... That mean You've probably got something screwed on device software side. Most likely, kernel-power installation, or H-E-N one itself.

As for Your question about my desktop - I use WOL (wake on LAN) - after few lines of ssh tunnels for security - so I don't need to have desktop on all the time. But this is off-topic here, so PM me if You got any questions regarding this.

Good luck with H-E-N!


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