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joerg_rw 2012-09-08 01:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
known problem, like 1 year old or older. I can't recall what it been exactly, something with qt4.7 vs.qt4.7.4 or similar numbers. I'm seeing same problem here since last update, on CSSU-T. Alas I wouldn't know which "other packet" to update to fix this, since everything up to date here.

Trying to investigate what's been the root cause and how to fix


~ # apt-cache policy libqt4-core
  Installed: 1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu6



[UPDATE] "fixed itself" with installation of CSSU-Tmaemo5.1 as of 2 days ago. Root cause unclear. Maybe some rogue package messed with my qt lib files and recent cssu update fixed that by qt update it comes with.

llucax 2012-09-08 13:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1262871)
known problem, like 1 year old or older. I can't recall what it been exactly, something with qt4.7 vs.qt4.7.4 or similar numbers. I'm seeing same problem here since last update, on CSSU-T. Alas I wouldn't know which "other packet" to update to fix this, since everything up to date here.

Trying to investigate what's been the root cause and how to fix


~ # apt-cache policy libqt4-core
  Installed: 1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu6



I think the fix might heve been done by some post install script. I had problems with some icons once and after installing an unrelated package using HAM it went away because the post install script ran some icon cache rebuild script. Maybe is something similar with this issue.

ikerrg 2012-09-22 16:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

After installing marble in a fresh system (reflashed) I see that the icon that it is shown in the applications menu is very low resolution and blurry. Do you kow where the icon is stored? Why the other apps have good looking icons but not marble?
I do not know if it is relevant but I have installed the humanity theme.

Thanks a lot.

Estel 2012-10-10 13:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
See first part of this post:

Would it be possible for Marble, to follow Monav naming/directory scheme, allowing sharing the same navigational packs between different programs?

Thanks in advance,


int_ua 2012-12-20 14:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

nokiabot 2013-03-26 13:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Any devlopment on this???

handaxe 2013-03-26 13:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
From the Modrana thread comes news (via _vi) that development for the n900 has stopped "(sigh)".

nokiabot 2013-03-26 16:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
^^Yeah i saw tha post then bumped it:(

Estel 2013-03-27 17:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Pity, especially, that it was without a goodbye from earthwings, who was very friendly, before. Time to uninstall Marble from N900 and from desktop (as I like to share resources - map tiles database - between mobile computer and desktop one), and focus entirely on ModRana.


earthwings 2013-05-23 15:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Why say goodbye if I'm not gone? We have loose plans for a 1.6 release for the N900. That will be around August.

nokiabot 2013-05-23 15:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1346259)
Why say goodbye if I'm not gone? We have loose plans for a 1.6 release for the N900. That will be around August.

your comment seems to be pretty tight:D
waiting for it:)

earthwings 2013-05-23 17:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
The current Marble release on the N900 is version 1.4. We had another major stable release on the Desktop in the meantime, Marble 1.5. When we do a new release for the N900, we need to ensure that the changes in that release do not have a negative impact on the N900 version. As far as I know Bernhard had an eye on it since he still uses it regularly and builds from master.

Marble 1.6 just entered (soft) feature freeze with the rest of KDE. Beta and RCs will follow, the release is planned for August. Bernhard said he would do the N900 packaging, but please don't take that for granted unless he confirms it here. He might be more motivated if people step up here and say they're still using good ol' N900 and would like to see new Marble versions :)

Garrett_PL 2013-05-23 18:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1346319)
(...) Marble 1.6 just entered (soft) feature freeze with the rest of KDE. Beta and RCs will follow, the release is planned for August. Bernhard said he would do the N900 packaging, but please don't take that for granted unless he confirms it here. He might be more motivated if people step up here and say they're still using good ol' N900 and would like to see new Marble versions :)

Looking for v1.6 with my finers crossed. Keep up the good work. And please all of You intrested in Marble, get involved.

nokiabot 2013-05-23 18:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Yeah all make a mark here:)
i use n900
looking forwad to marble release:)

caveman 2013-05-23 20:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
i am looking forward to the next release as well!

jurop88 2013-05-23 21:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
+1 as well

Estel 2013-05-24 09:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1346319)
He might be more motivated if people step up here and say they're still using good ol' N900 and would like to see new Marble versions :)

+1, of course we would be happy to use up-to-date version.

acrux 2013-05-24 10:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1346319)
He might be more motivated if people step up here and say they're still using good ol' N900 and would like to see new Marble versions :)

+1 here of course.
Marble is my no1 navigation software and monav maps updates are still regular.

joerg_rw 2013-05-24 11:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
just check your download statistics ;-). Doesn't need further prodding to make you consider providing said update.
Thansk for all the good work!

MartinK 2013-05-24 21:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1346513)
just check your download statistics ;-). Doesn't need further prodding to make you consider providing said update.
Thansk for all the good work!

That remids me that the unofficial download statistics no longer work (probably since the migration). URLs like this:
Would previously show number of downloads plotted in time for Devel, Testing & Extras, now it shows only 0. Any ideas what might be wrong ?

BTW, even the detailed download statistics on Downloads don't work - just go to the Marble page (or any other package) on Downloads and click on Download statistics. It shows this:

Sorry, this application doesn't exist in the Extras repository or there is no download information available! It can take up to 2 weeks after first uploading your package (or creating an entry in ) before statistics are available.
The combined downloads number is displayed correctly under the name though.

vi_ 2013-05-24 23:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I apologise if I have spread disinformation WRT marble. After seing that the n900 had skipped version 1.5, I assumed the worse.

Marble is a bloody excellent program and I look forward to a mobile version of 1.6 for the good ol' n900.

int_ua 2013-05-25 13:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
BTW, maybe Marble dev(s) should cooperate with ModRana on MoNav routing pakages?

shentey 2013-05-27 15:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi everyone,

I'm the new maintainer for the N900 version of Marble. I didn't expect so much interest from you for an update, which makes me really happy. I'll prepare a 1.5 release with some important fixes as soon as time permits.


nokiabot 2013-05-27 16:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
1.5??? :eek: good
what about plans for the sheduled 1.6 agust release:)

vi_ 2013-05-28 07:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by shentey (Post 1347187)
Hi everyone,

I'm the new maintainer for the N900 version of Marble. I didn't expect so much interest from you for an update, which makes me really happy. I'll prepare a 1.5 release with some important fixes as soon as time permits.



bp0 2013-05-28 23:04

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but would a N9 version also be possible?

zaidk9 2013-05-29 04:13


Originally Posted by bp0 (Post 1347593)
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but would a N9 version also be possible?

Its available on store
Go to first post

knobtviker 2013-06-16 11:08

N9 version on Store is still 1.3.3.
Any updates soon perhaps?

nokiabot 2013-07-23 16:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Bump! ? :o its time:)

earthwings 2013-07-27 20:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
We still have some minor UI bugs on our todo list (322784, 322785 and 322788) and shentey is still waiting for his upload rights to be granted to be able to upload packages to extras-devel (seems the old system got a bit rusty).

joerg_rw 2013-07-27 22:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1362663)
[...] and shentey is still waiting for his upload rights to be granted to be able to upload packages to extras-devel (seems the old system got a bit rusty).

That's incorrect. We fixed that 2 days ago and I'm waiting for his further reports on whether it works or not for him now. I also was waiting months*) after I initially granted upload permissions and mailed him that stuff might be partially broken and thus probably needs further action according to what doesn't work yet, based on his feedback.

Sidenote: you never basically upload pkgs to extras-devel, you upload to autobuilder (or rather drop), and autobuilder creates the binaries from your source and should propagate them to extras-devel after successful build. I already remarked that this propagation also is broken atm and you need to ping merlin1991 to do it manually.


*) only one month, not <plural>:

shentey 2013-09-01 21:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1362726)
*) only one month, not <plural>:

I just checked my mails and verified that I never received this mail. As a result of how things appeared to me, I got the wrong impression that there is not a big interest in the N900/Maemo any more. It was only until Earthwings suggested by chance to ask for help in the #maemo channel for getting this thing rolling again. But in the end, I'm happy to have uploaded a new version of Marble successfully with the help of the Maemo community, esp joerg_rw.

shentey 2013-09-01 22:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Version 1.5.5-1 is out which is an important bugfix release for the N900. In particular, some annoying GUI freezes due to network access were resolved.

The packages are now in extras-devel and are waiting for your votes such that they can propagate to the stable repositories, reaching a wider audience. So if the update works fine for you and you've got a spare minute, please vote for:

Be reminded to not update "MoNav routing daemon" when you enable the extras-devel repository, because it's incompatible with Marble.



handaxe 2013-09-01 22:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Gratefully installed. Thanks. Casual testing no show stoppers.

freemangordon 2013-09-02 05:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by shentey (Post 1371175)
The packages are now in extras-devel and are waiting for your votes such that they can propagate to the stable repositories, reaching a wider audience. So if the update works fine for you and you've got a spare minute, please vote for:

You need to promote them to extras-testing repository before anyone can vote ;)

earthwings 2013-09-03 19:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Works fine here :)
Both package have been promoted to extras-testing now, please vote here:

Mentalist Traceur 2013-09-19 05:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I've been out of the loop from this package's progress so long now, but I'm extremely glad to see it has been ongoing. I need to someday catch up on the whole thread, for now I'll say I'm glad, very, that Marble keeps getting updates and uploads here for Maemo. Ever since last summer I've not been a position to be donating, but when I next will be, people responsible will be getting money thrown at them.

I'm a bit saddened that it seems earthwings had to step back from maintaining this, but I understand life happens, and am thankful shentey has come to take over, or whatever exactly has happened (Like I said, I need to catch up on the thread. I'm around a hundred posts behind).


Originally Posted by shentey (Post 1371175)
Be reminded to not update "MoNav routing daemon" when you enable the extras-devel repository, because it's incompatible with Marble.

Actually, I have the latest Marble and MoNav Daemon from devel installed at the same time right now and they seem to work perfectly together (installed fine, detected fine, downloaded a map of Florida through the config menu for it fine, routing seems to be working beautifully). Maybe since this was true changes in Marble upstream made it compatible with the newer MoNav as well? I can test more if people tell me what usecases to test.

As an aside, I would really love it if there was a way to select all (or to make the feature more useful for regular users, more generally allow multi-selection at each level of map categorization) of the MoNav routing maps for download at once. Then I could just select everything at once, launch the download, and go to sleep of something, have it ready in the morning, for instance. (Failing that, can someone tell me how to manually do whatever Marble/MoNav do to install the maps, so I can automate it in a shell script or something?)

Android_808 2013-09-19 07:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
has anyone been able to set home location using ui? if so, how do i do it.

shentey 2013-09-23 20:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1375194)
Ever since last summer I've not been a position to be donating, but when I next will be, people responsible will be getting money thrown at them.

I can't wait to become very rich!


Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1375194)
Actually, I have the latest Marble and MoNav Daemon from devel installed at the same time right now and they seem to work perfectly together (installed fine, detected fine, downloaded a map of Florida through the config menu for it fine, routing seems to be working beautifully).

As I've learned, there is no need for you to activate the extras-devel repository. Before I can ask you to vote for the packages, it's my job to promote the package to extras-testing where the mentioned MoNav package isn't present. So just treat that as false alarm ;)


Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1375194)
As an aside, I would really love it if there was a way to select all (or to make the feature more useful for regular users, more generally allow multi-selection at each level of map categorization) of the MoNav routing maps for download at once. Then I could just select everything at once, launch the download, and go to sleep of something, have it ready in the morning, for instance.

Please add feature requests in our bug tracker. Thanks!


Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1375194)
(Failing that, can someone tell me how to manually do whatever Marble/MoNav do to install the maps, so I can automate it in a shell script or something?)

All available MoNav routing maps for Marble are listed here: Just pick the .tar.gz files you desire and extract them in ~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps . Afterwards, they should be recognized by Marble, such that you should even see within the Marble GUI if updates are available.

shentey 2013-09-23 21:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Voting is finished, the packages are now in Extras for general consumption. Big thanks to everybody who voted!

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