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jalyst 2012-07-09 19:49

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ssjmec (Post 1233934)
Anyone of you notice that the facebook and twitter notification notifies faster? In PR1.2, I have my automatically update feed items at 10 minutes and it only notifies every 10 minutes. I have same setting now but I receive the notification 5 minutes (or less).

Is yours a fresh install via flash or OTA?
Some junk being carried over could be causing an issue.


Originally Posted by carlo_N9 (Post 1233952)
Yep. Just got mine updated today.
- Reviews in OVI store doesn't load.
- Connects immediately to my wifi even with low signal.

As has been stated a gazillion times now, Nokia store issue has zilch to do with PR1.3.
It was happening long before 1.3 1st started rolling out, I had it & still have it on my PR1.2 phone.
Why shouldn't it connect immediately to your WiFi even with low signal?
AFAIK there's no option to say "don't connect to WiFi if signal is weak".


Originally Posted by Setok (Post 1234700)
One thing I just noticed was that when someone rings, in addition to their name it will show their last social media status (as in the Contacts app). Not sure if that was there before, but certainly didn't notice it.

Can someone with a PR1.2 phone please confirm if this already existed? (I cant check mine right now)
If it doesn't please add it to the google doc (referenced in the 1st post of this thread).

An9 2012-07-09 20:08

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I just happen to check the messanger if there is enyone online on contact list, but there is no small icon on any of them to see their status of who is online or not...sounds like a new bug....i have reflash my phone on v.1.3 fw but still the same problem.

aironeous 2012-07-09 20:19

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Right before my eyes yesterday N9 plugged in - 100%, unplug it -94%. So that's a new one for me.

ssjmec 2012-07-10 02:59

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1234776)
Is yours a fresh install via flash or OTA?
Some junk being carried over could be causing an issue.

Via flash. And I dont consider it as an issue or bug because it gives the notification faster compared to PR1.2 having same setting (Automatic updates set to every 10 minutes)

cincibluer6 2012-07-10 03:37

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by baem90 (Post 1233977)
sending @ receiving NFC from another device such as nexus? anyone tried?

I think the whole problem with that is that Nokia uses NFC with BT to transfer something whereas Android Beam uses Wifi to transfer. I remember trying with my bro's Nexus S and I think that was the real problem. Nothing to do with the FW.

Morpog 2012-07-10 07:40

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Updated 1st post.
Posts monitored till post #281.

jleholeho 2012-07-10 07:44

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
was just wondering if somebody can confirm the visual change of Facebook news feed as pictured here:

I can see no changes in my Facebook app after PR1.3...


Morpog 2012-07-10 07:47

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
That's just a bad photoshop with Symbians Social application....
Nokia has done that before. Like showing N8 in ads with full desktop facebook page as app and stuff :D

jalyst 2012-07-10 08:04

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Sorry the Google doc wasn't editable when I linked to it before, it is now...
If you decide you want to help by editing/updating it, please do so thoughtfully/carefully.
If you've got some big changes in mind, it might be best to discuss it in the doc 1st.

billranton 2012-07-10 08:08

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by GringoT (Post 1233666)
Can anyone confirm whether pr1.3 includes traffic information in the drive application? That's one of a handful of reasons preventing me from investing in this device, and it seems that drive 2.0 - at least on Symbian has drive. But I could not find any information anywhere regarding the n9. Thanks!

It's there in pr1.3 but commented out. See sony123's thread for how to turn it on.

Setok 2012-07-10 08:43

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Setok (Post 1234700)
One thing I just noticed was that when someone rings, in addition to their name it will show their last social media status (as in the Contacts app). Not sure if that was there before, but certainly didn't notice it.

Any confirmations yet on whether this was in PR1.2? I really like the feature as you can immediately have something to talk about with the person :)

thedead1440 2012-07-10 08:52

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
^^yes this feature was not present in pr1.2...its now in pr1.3

jalyst 2012-07-10 09:40

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1235094)
^^yes this feature was not present in pr1.2...its now in pr1.3

You know this because you actually compared two N9's? [1x PR1.2 & 1x PR1.3]* TY.

*ideally clean flashed

ajalkane 2012-07-10 09:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
A profile changing bug using volume keys has been fixed. In previous firmwares the ringing profile that was changed using volume keys seemed to be independent and didn't notice if 3rd party applications changed it.

So for example, a common scenario for me was that I had used volume keys to put phone to silent from ringing, and then RingingRestorer returned it to ringing after 15 minutes. Now next time I tried to use volume keys to put it again to silent, it wouldn't work because it thought it's in silent mode still. Now in PR1.3 it works correctly.

thedead1440 2012-07-10 13:30

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1235122)
You know this because you actually compared two N9's? [1x PR1.2 & 1x PR1.3]* TY.

*ideally clean flashed

I compared my clean flashed n9 running pr1.3 with Arie's clean flashed n9 running pr1.2... good?

jalyst 2012-07-10 14:46

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1235266)
I compared my clean flashed n9 running pr1.3 with Arie's clean flashed n9 running pr1.2... good?

More than good, perfect!

late88 2012-07-10 18:37

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I'm not sure if reported yet... but i noticed this behaviour on 2 N9's(PR1.2). If you have bookmark in home screen and open it---> then press cancel and open another web page--> goes back to home screen. It's fixed in PR1.3.

Sthocs 2012-07-10 22:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Diggler (Post 1232820)
Well this is not one hallelujah discovery but yesterday I noticed a different error message when trying to connect to my local WiFi network. Instead of just network error it also reported that it was unable to get a DHCP address from the server. I'm almost certain I have never seen the DHCP message before.

This is not an error caused by the phone. It is just in the limit of my routers range so signal is pretty weak at that spot in my house.

Actually this was already in PR1.2.
In France, the hotspots of my Internet provider were a little bugged few weeks ago, and I've already seen this message several times.

mbanck 2012-07-11 10:42

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
The Nokia Conversations Blog has now posted an (apparently official) comment on PR1.3:

Quoting from the article:

The main improvements include:
  • Mail for Exchange (MfE) now supports client certificates.
  • Localisation improvements and support for new error codes with the Facebook app.
  • Twitter API changes that reflect the back end infrastructure of Twitter.

As well as these main updates, there are also some general updates.
  • AccuWeather widget weather update fixed.
  • VoIP calls now work via Skype/Gtalk when in flight mode and connected to WLAN.
  • Changing the “week starts on” date within the calendar error now fixed.

There are also a lot of small improvements on network and connectivity performance.

flotron 2012-07-11 14:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Wifi signal definitely improved, wider reach

bluefoot 2012-07-11 14:45

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Diggler 2012-07-11 21:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
For the change log. Crappy 3G/WiFi connection has not changed. For god sake Nokia!!!??? It totally hangs and can't connect to either WiFi or 3G. It is going from working just fine to just "sorry you have to reboot". You have fixed 1000 whatever stuff. I can understand why you don't list them because I assume it's such minor things no one notice. I haven't seen one major bug solved, please tell me wrong.

Facebook still sucks as always. Still working till the end of time when opening a FB picture. Backwards and then check the picture again usually works. Most obvious that should have been fixed: chose picture from gallery. It starts from the oldest picture. Very hard to find bug...

Has anyone really found any fix that is a big "Thank you Nokia"? I wasn't expecting any new features but I had some naive thoughts that the nasty ones were going to be fixed. Once again, the Beta testers for the N9, you really suck!

qwazix 2012-07-11 22:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1235266)
I compared my clean flashed n9 running pr1.3 with Arie's clean flashed n9 running pr1.2... good?

I definitely remember it was there on PR1.2 but cant check now.

trayhoper 2012-07-11 23:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ssjmec (Post 1233934)
Anyone of you notice that the facebook and twitter notification notifies faster? In PR1.2, I have my automatically update feed items at 10 minutes and it only notifies every 10 minutes. I have same setting now but I receive the notification 5 minutes (or less).

Yeah i noticed that too.Specially twitter app.

alephito 2012-07-12 01:48

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I think Gtalk disconnection bug is solved. It use to disconnect but it has no problem reconnecting when I switch to another source:

thedead1440 2012-07-12 02:19

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1236317)
I definitely remember it was there on PR1.2 but cant check now.

in pr1.2 the status message is shown in the chat window on the top right hand side only...

on 1.3 you get it above the text box area as well as when someone calls you using skype etc. a grey box appears with the status message...

An9 2012-07-12 08:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Well i found out that...i had fw.1.2 singapur product code, that i had peoblems with wifi low signal...but the other part very important for meego users, the sound mixing that i couldn't do with it...for ex...playing a sound on internet and playing fm-radio or youtube or recording the sound i play on internet....but i em able to do that on fw.1.3 central european product code.
The recording sound is thru speaker...but not thru internal hardware.
I em sure mixing sounds didn't work on was rejecting one or the other and even crashed, that i was anger i allmost trow it away and go back to symbian..bcz symbian can do this check out for yourself and use prorecorder or so... :)

Dared 2012-07-12 12:14

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
i don't know if this has been mentioned, but this has not been resolved

When you type in a textbox, say, google search - and what you type takes up more than the length of the search box - when you try to delete a word that extends past the visible part of the textbox, the word reappears as soon as you have tried to delete all the characters

Does that make sense?

I thought this would surely have been one of the things fixed in PR1.3

jalyst 2012-07-18 19:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Seems to have been a few others since you last updated, added them to the Google doc.
Some of them we might want to get further verification I guess? Up to your discretion.



Originally Posted by Diggler (Post 1236301)
<SNIP>Has anyone really found any fix that is a big "Thank you Nokia"? I wasn't expecting any new features but I had some naive thoughts that the nasty ones were going to be fixed. Once again, the Beta testers for the N9, you really suck!

We've seen quite a few that have now been verified, added to OP & Google doc, & mentioned in that Nokia conversations article.
Many of them appreciated & respected, given the rapidly dropping resources the team's had to work with, esp. over the last 9mth.

Morpog 2012-07-18 19:55

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Will try to add those missing bugs to 1st post before my vacation to italy. But can't promise....

jalyst 2012-07-18 20:22

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1239416)
Will try to add those missing bugs to 1st post before my vacation to italy. But can't promise....

Cool NP mate, maybe you could just transfer it all over to the Google doc, if/when you update it?
That way if you decide you can no longer maintain it, others can easily pick up where you've left-off!


automagic68 2012-07-19 21:33

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
It seems in PR1.3 I'm unable to open links in text messages, my default browser is set to nightly from Romaxa's Fennec builds.

EDIT: I downgraded to Aurora and the problem is fixed, I'm also unable to install latest version of Nightly.

jalyst 2012-07-19 21:39

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by automagic68 (Post 1239981)
It seems in PR1.3 I'm unable to open links in text messages, my default browser is set to nightly from Romaxa's Fennec builds.

My bad mate, see my updated post....
I realised there's another TMO thread that's probably better.
I may be mistaken but I think the OP here mainly wants to focus on fixes (enough work as it is).

mmeow 2012-07-20 08:41

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I believe there is a change to the quick launch bar.

Previously, at the Lock Screen, swiping from any direction (top-down, bottom-up, left-right, right-left) will unlock the screen.
In PR1.3, it seems the bottom-up swipe behavior has changed. It no longer unlocks, but pulls up the quick launch bar. I've been forced to change my unlock habit, but it's not too big of a deal.

It also seems you can no longer pull the quick launch bar up in the Home Screen. If I recall correctly, it was possible in PR1.2.

Not sure the case with in-app swiping, haven't tried, only noticed because I've been unable to unlock my screen XD

thedead1440 2012-07-20 08:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by mmeow (Post 1240139)
I believe there is a change to the quick launch menu.

Previously, at the Lock Screen, swiping from any direction (top-down, bottom-up, left-right, right-left) will unlock the screen.
In PR1.3, it seems the bottom-up swipe behavior has changed. It no longer unlocks, but pulls up the quick launch menu. I've been forced to change my habit, but it's not too big of a deal.

It seems you can no longer pull the menu up in the Home Screen. If I recall correctly, it was possible in PR1.2.

Not sure the case with in-app swiping, haven't tried, only noticed because I've been unable to unlock my screen XD

You are mistaken...There is no change wrt to swiping behaviour...I'm on PR1.3 too and bottom-up swipe still unlocks the screen...

i dont get what you mean by pulling the menu up in the Home Screen...

In-app swiping also has no changes...

mmeow 2012-07-20 09:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1240143)
You are mistaken...There is no change wrt to swiping behaviour...I'm on PR1.3 too and bottom-up swipe still unlocks the screen...

i dont get what you mean by pulling the menu up in the Home Screen...

In-app swiping also has no changes...

I've edit my post to clarify a bit a few bits. I meant the quick launch *bar (just googled the correct wording), not really a menu.

To my knowledge, previously in order to pull up the quick launch bar, you had to perform a slighty complicated swipe, which wasn't always responsive for me in PR1.2 (so I never used it):
"by swiping up from the bottom of the screen and holding briefly" as quoted from
But in PR1.3, all I've done were quick flicks on the Lock Screen, and the quick launch bar always appears when I go bottom-up no matter how fast I swipe.

zlatko 2012-07-20 10:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
As was stated above - there is no change in swipe behavior in PR1.3.
Flicking upwards from bottom unlocks the device. Swiping shortly upwards and holding reveals the quicklaunch bar.

Loginin 2012-07-20 10:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Just tested: no need to hold now for quick launch bar. So I should somewhat confirm the change: in PR1.2 it was harder to get quick launch bar. Now short swipe from bottom brings it without holding, long swipe without holding still unlocks. Long swipe and hold brings quick launch bar as before.

* Short swipe is from bottom to about 1/3 of screen height or less. Long is more than 1/3 of height up.

odradek 2012-07-20 10:22

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Found one fix:

If you read a feed in the feeds-app, it wont be removed now from the list. Instead it is marked as unread (without the orange bar). In the previous version the feeds were automatically removed.

rooster13 2012-07-20 10:25

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by odradek (Post 1240187)
Found one fix:

If you read a feed in the feeds-app, it wont be removed now from the list. Instead it is marked as unread (without the orange bar). In the previous version the feeds were automatically removed.

I think this depends on the settings. In settings you can set whether read feed titles are removed or not.

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