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Re: Jolla discount codes
I don't really do games though and especially not consoles. I live in the Pennines with loads of hills. Why on earth would I need Mario when I've a mountain bike. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
(anyone noticed my signature?) on topic: When the price dropped, they gave the first owners of the 3DS (called the Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors) 20 games to download. 10 of them are ambassadors exclusive :) |
Re: Jolla discount codes
All they gave the TOHKBD supporters though was a useless discount code, wedged between the Slush discount and a permanent price drop. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
But then again I'm also not a fan of 3D with the use of glasses (be it active or passive). It takes longer but also results in headaches plus there simply is no added value when watching a movie in 3D. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Here is a blog post from Bunnie Huang, that guy that e.g. made the Chumby and an open-hardware laptop called Novena: http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?page_id=3107 Quote:
Re: Jolla discount codes
Nothing is free in this planet and they did help that project. They provided to those without that discount a way to get it before the price was officially decreased. This is not a very great deal but this is something at least. We could of course dream to have a half-price TOHKBD. We could think about tons of free stuff Jolla could provide. But there are other things in consideration: for instance don't you think that if Jolla give something for a TOHKBD, then maybe other partnership Jolla have may ask for the same amount of deal ?! This is not because you price-in a lot for a TOHKBD that it must be the top priority for Jolla (they probably sold more Jolla than that one thousand TOHKBD ;) ). Some are probably a bit skeptical about the number of coupons that were available in the period before the price dropped. Maybe that was not the best idea to cumulate those coupons in a limited time-period (especially when you received all of them) but come on, this is not the end of the world. This is just marketing and there is a lot of marketing around you but you pay probably more attention to what Jolla does: there are tons of special price in the world and marketing people are imaginative about ways to stimulate buying :) They are unlike but they are a company that needs to sell products and their image. Sometimes they make mistakes but they learn. Marketing is not well considered but this is something you need to do if you want to reach people outside the fans. At the end, talking about me, I am a TOHKBD backer and I already had a Jolla (like most TOHKBD subscribers) and I am happy that Jolla is helping this project. I like very much that they provide technical assistance to Dirk and that helped me to decide to back that project up (not the coupon). |
Re: Jolla discount codes
I am not saying it's the end of the world. Or even malicious. No. Just mishandled.
Running a business is all about PR. The whole coupon saga was the worst PR Jolla has done in all of 2014. By pointing it out we are doing Jolla a service. Maybe they will avoid similar disasters the next time. On the 3DS, I have read other complaints about headaches too. I cannot comment either way as I (or my kids) don't have one. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Jolla is cheaper, TOHKBD was a great success, Jolla Tablet as well, many people got their phones earlier for a discounted price, the coupon campaign generated a great buzz on social media... If anything, it was a great PR success in my opinion. Even if there was nothing else, having mainstream tech media reporting about the possibility to buy the phone cheaper if you contribute to the tablet campaign is worth it PR wise. Seriously, IMHO the coupon campaign was one of the best things that happened to Jolla in 2014, as it was pulled of perfectly. There were many mistakes before and after that, but seeing the whole coupon campaign, I was actually amazed by how well it was done. Then I saw this thread and was greatly amused. Everyone it entitled to their opinion, though :) |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
1) Quote:
2) Quote:
I don't think complaining again, again, again for lack of advantages is fair with the TOHKBD v2 project and Jolla. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Life isn't fair.
If it was...Then jolla should give us discount code on extra battery. Since they clearly don't deliver and we have to buy another phone to get a battery.. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
Oh, there is still hope, Dave : Quote:
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
As a company you cannot please all people -by definition- but you can please 85% of people if you work very very hard. You cannot compensate people afterwards if you reduce your price, but you can deliver people what you promise -or more- at the point of ordering. Other people maybe get more for the same price one day later, but such is live. And again, as Dave eloquently puts: Quote:
That has the inevitable consequence that some people will not understand what I say or take it out of context without reading the last two pages -or just skim my posts- and go ahead saying Quote:
Constructive criticism however, that is motivating. State the problem/issue/whatever you don't like, sketch the way it should be in the future and the path you have to take to get there. That makes a change and is really doing it together. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
The discussion that started after the price drop was about how badly Jolla handled the whole discount thing. This caused people to feel wronged even though they had received the discount. It's a psychological phenomenon. It's just a discussion. In this case Pichlo draws a comparison between Jolla and Nintendo. What Jolla offered to TOHKBD2 supporters. It has nothing to do with the TOHKBD2 Kickstarter and the wonderful actions/possibilities dirkvl offered his supporters. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
What Jolla offered can't be called a batch. It was sold out in what? 5 minutes? It's just another way to mess with peoples minds. Yes, we have a phone with a replacable battery. No, we don't have spare baterries to replace it with. More than a year down the road, yes we have a batch of spare batteries, oh whoops, sorry, we don't have them anymore. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
I brought up the TOHKBD example for contrast: look, the same company that could handle one campaign quite well managed to screw up another one so spectacularly. I admit you may have had to read a bit between the lines to get that ;) In all fairness, TOHKBD was a third-party project, not theirs. Supporting it was their goodwill gesture. What a shame about the circumstances: Week 1: "Hey everybody, you can ALL buy a Jolla at discounted price." Week 2: "YOU are my dearest friend, here is a special offer JUST FOR YOU!" Week 3: "Hey everybody, you can ALL buy a Jolla at a new low price!" I do not feel wronged by that. If anybody should feel wronged, it's Dirk. This mishap is like a slap in his face. Luckily he does not seem bothered. I do not feel wronged. I just feel puzzled. Howgh! |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Also I can find good reason in not lowering the price two weeks before christmas. Jolla just didn't realise that a lot of the people ordering TOHKBD2 already had a Jolla and were in on the discount actions prior to the TOHKBD2 one. Thus Jolla created the mindf**k /circumstances you described. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
Buying something for EUR249 two weeks before Christmas (from December 12th) with discount and after Christmas (December 27th) without discount is a lot different, because time is a key factor for the lives of human and other species, as well as for any physical system. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Hey folks, I really can't see any special behavior from the Jolla company - it's quite usual to lower the price before Xmas with some shiny campaign "hey special price, just for ... weeks, buy now or ..." and after a few weeks the price drops anyway - mostly lower than the special price before ;-)
People, what are you complaining about - Jolla Phone was 399,- at its start - now it's only 249,- ! - does it really matter if you get a personal invitation to get that special price (well if you got, lucky you - you were able to buy the Jolla a few weeks earlier for less money) or are you just pissed off, as now everyone is as special as you - come on, you are special, you got it earlier and you got a personal invitation or you were clever to buy in a promotion period before it was the normal price ... cool enough I would say ... So let us be a bit more practical in the end: lower price => more customers => greater user-base => maybe: more native apps, more devs, more .... - got the point? - In another thread the same people are discussing, that a Chinese company can offer a device with similar hardware much cheaper .... so?! Ah and one thing more (sounds kind of familiar ...) - Jolla must sell devices - obviously there where to less customers so the only way is to lower the price - the hardware won't become more state of the art by staying in stock - in he end of 2015 no one will buy a two year old device - so if you would keep the price high tell your buddies to buy one (and one for their girlfriends ;-) and one for ... ) - be aware we are all early-adopters and that is still a hard business - did any of you (like me) bought a WeTab or a HPTouchPad (f**** I had a Palm ever since the Palm III) - this is always a thing about burning some money if things turning wrong (TouchPad had a price cut of 300,- - no refunds for customers bought a day before ...) But dear readers, we are the people who are changing things by supporting new ideas - and spending some money in this - so be aware that we are building futures ... at least sometimes ;-) sweet dreams now ... |
Re: Jolla discount codes
I have an idea: All e-mails from Jolla start with Quote:
Oh my, I just found out that others also received the same email!! I thought it was JUST FOR ME! I felt special and now I feel betrayed! This is not how they should treat their loyal customers. I thought they cared about me, only me, but they were just messing with my head! ;) PS: This is not really a reaction to pichlo (I agree with some things you're saying, while disagree with other), but it pretty much summarizes this whole thread for me. So please, allow me some sarcasm :) No offense. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Jolla benevolently gave out the coupons after EVERYBODY who might possibly have wanted to buy one had already done it, thanks to two previious coupon campaigns and the Slush discount. The former may seem exclusive but, thanks to the "invite a friend" clause and this very thread, it was basically for everyone. The latter was shouted publicly to the whole world on their own website and as such was meant to be for everyone. And right after that, when EVERYONE had already bought a Jolla at a discount price, they come to you and tell you, "We value you, you are such a great guy, we have not forgotten about you, here, have a discount coupon." Now THAT is what I call laughing at you in your face. How about a show of hands? Who bought a new Jola using the TOHKBD discount? That should teach me how wrong I am. Quote:
We can discuss this forever and I don't see anyone easily persuaded (with the exception of me under the weight of the above show of hands - just 5 would be enough for me to publicly admit that I was wrong), so we will just have to agree to disagree. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
But that code was aimed at people who saw the Kickstarter and hadn't already bought a Jolla (or seen the codes). Just like the IG tablet + phone bundle.
It might be useless to the rest of us, but hey, we get a nice keyboard too! :) I'm interested to know how many of the people who feel slighted actually bought a Jolla recently, and how recently they bought it. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
For example, in Twitter I've seen Jolla fans buying Jolla smartphones (3 to 4 devices) for all the family with the discount codes given since October. Besides this unkown number of buyers, between December 12th and 24th the unique valid discount code available to buy Jolla smartphone for EUR249 was from TOHKBD v2 Kickstarter project. Such uniqueness had a value. Quote:
Re: Jolla discount codes
Well, apparantly it's pretty difficult to hold a good nice discussion about how a company handles things. It's getting pretty hot in here :D
For some reason we can't agree to disagree. Quote:
E.g. Quote:
Re: Jolla discount codes
Unfortunately, most times, the group of people complaining is also the loudest group which makes it appear bigger than it actually is. I just want to actively voice my agreement with what you say as a little attempt to actively add some positive spirit. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
day0 order the tablet day1 order phone for normal price day2 (new) discount for tablet backers day3 phone arrives (or has not yet arrived at all), due to 14-day-online-give-back right, now it could be sent back and order via indiegogo: lots of overhead for both parties, instead an accomodating refund would be easier Jolla denies and says all users to treat 'fairly and equitably'! Really??? In the end it was not that 50 something but the behaviour of the Nokia (erm Jolla) customer care!!! btw.: what do you think how many phones they sold for normal price the last weeks/months? Only real hardcore fanboys would have paid that amount of money for that HW. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
There were a lot of people who stated that their preference was a device with full HW-buttony qwerty keyboard, and when the specs were published were loudly wailing about it and vowed not to get the device. There is some possibility that at least few of these people would change their mind when the TOHOKBD2 campaign started and would have ordered both the keyboard and the device with the accompanying coupon. And if not, I sure think that'd be the target audience. |
Re: Jolla discount codes
This is a forum where people communicate using written text. People should realize written text is maybe between 6% to 9% of total communication so misinterpretation is easily done. And it gets even worse when English (which is used on TMO) isn't the persons primary language (either the writer or the reader or both). |
Re: Jolla discount codes
New code valid until 8th Feb:
FOSDEM2015 |
Re: Jolla discount codes
Re: Jolla discount codes
50 euro off phone price
Re: Jolla discount codes
So :
Re: Jolla discount codes
And they did it again.
At least they now opened the posssibility for all people to order for an ancient price. So no need to do like proposed here: Quote:
I am wondering how long this code may be valid. And will come then? Possibly final price cut again or better once more? |
Re: Jolla discount codes
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