![]() |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
@KotCzarny Any way to add gsf/usf/2sf/psf/psf2/ssf/dsf/.. formats and 7z support, like droidsound-e on android system?
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
As I know,there'd be:
GMEplugin-game music emu vgmstream wsrplugin vgmplay lazyusf vio2sf viogsf please read "about droidsound-E" |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
umkay, found some lib that looks promising. plays ssf/psf/psf2/spu/qsf/dsf. still few rough edges to straighten but overall works. release will be this/next week assuming i dont get interrupted or demotivated
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Great!! Please don't forget usf/gsf/2sf. I'll wait and wait
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.79) stable; urgency=low
* fixed vplist parent bug * rewritten file loader/unpacker (unified the slaves, no more temporary files) * added unrar lib (.rar) * added lzma lib (.7z) * new slave: aosdk (.psf/psf2/spu/dsf/qsf/ssf) (psf2 broken) * new slave: mdxmini (.mdx) * lirc input: implemented autorepeat delay (0.5s) and repeat rate (4/s) two new slaves, but n900 on stock (500mhz) is too slow for psf/psf2/dsf, oh well. otherwise i'm quite happy with revamped archive support (zip/rar/7z) and few little bugs squashed. i haven't tested this build thorougly, but seems to work. enjoy! |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Done it!! I was waiting for almost a whole year!
and let me test first |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
still has no gsf/usf/2sf,and vgz/rsn/mid don't play.
one more thing,it can't shut down,except kill in xt,can you fix? |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oh sorry!use \ to stop...
Then will you try gsf/usf/2sf? |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
check the first page for a quick manual. basically you can start it in daemon mode ( -d 1 -L 44322 ) then use either gtk/py/ncurses ui to connect to from the same machine or any networked one. usf i'm working on and probably gsf/2sf will follow once it's done. for midi you need freepats installed and selected in config.
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
My test report:
.nsf:ok but can't switch music inside files easily,only fast foward/back.and default length 2:30 doesn't fit a part of songs such as waiwai world 2.bts kikikaikai plays incorrect,like oldplay and deadbeef on n900,but rockbox plays fine .gbs/.kss:just like nsf .hes:slowdown while oldplay/deadbeef/rockbox doesn't .vgm/vgz:doesn't play .spc:ok but .rsn doesn't support .mid:ok while oldplay doesn't play .ssf:better than deadbeef,not perfect yet .psf:just like ssf .dsf/psf2:cut .usf/miniusf:doesn't support One seriuous problem:how can I add one song to playlist?operation is too hard to use,can you fix it?for example: in oldplay,I can push i button to add any song to playlist. any way push once to add one song/folder to playlist? |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp doesnt maintain any queue to play, it's designed to play your directory structure, either current, or make-recursive-list with a push of a button (ie. create a playlist with all playable files). it can also load any .m3u playlist. additionally it has song filter (look-for) with simple pattern matching (string or some*str*ng). you can also easily write remote/local controller that can queue songs itself and just send them to oscp to play one by one (see remote.txt in /opt/oscp/share/). it's very flexible, just poorly documented ;)
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Any progress?add usf/gsf/2sf? and try fix hes/vgm/rsn?
help me KotCzarny,you're my only hope |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
THAT .. was terrible terrible terrible... all I have in my head now is a dude with buns on his head doing a horrendous princess Leya schtick ..in a baritone voice. the thought is going to haunt me for days... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...6e47c58ebc.jpg |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.80) stable; urgency=low
* copy-to-favs now also adds to ~/oscp-favs.m3u * updated libav to 11.12 * fixed double / on root dir (cygwin) * speed changer effect (using resampler) * updated sid songlengths db to hvsc68 * sid-slave can now change and play all subsongs * fixed few http scraper bugs * new slave: lazyusf (.usf) "long time no see" release. i've gotten sidetracked, so i'm releasing whatever i've got already. also i've upped binaries to sourceforge dir (cygwin64 and armhf) |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
THX!!! That's great!!
then there're only .gsf/.2sf left for me. |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
i've just uploaded oscp-0.9.80 to diablo repos. n800/n810 users rejoice? also, not thoroughly tested, but seems to play mp3/flac without a problem. changelog is the same as for n900. though previous version was 0.9.66, over one year old.
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
(the sound of me rejoicing.) :D |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.81) stable; urgency=low
* N8x0 fixes for audio (esd open/close, libav recompiled without asm) * added alsa xrun fix * libav network timeout handler oh well, after testing it a bit more, i've found audio wasn't playing that well. so here is special N8x0 quickfix release. |
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
1 Attachment(s)
to anyone asking about android remote, i've made simple httpd request server to control core from just any browser. alpha version screenshot:
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Have you done gsfplugin&vio2sf? keep on waiting...
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
assuming i will start adding it, how would i check? do they have some free music library?
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
Google Music have free library or you can your own music, but can you talk to me on telegram @Stanisław it will better if we talk in our native language.
Re: [M4+5] oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
hello and welcome! oscp-0.9.82 long-time-no-see release:
oscp (0.9.82) stable; urgency=low * cha: speed effect to use semitones instead of percents * fix: segv on file delete * add: rhttpd (built-in tiny web remote, now you can use any browser, even steam-overlay, to control oscp-core) * cha: MAXPLAYLIST reduced to 64k entries * fix: bug in oscp-remote-ncurses.c backspace handling * add: unicode handling when compiled against ncursesw, that enables local chars (ie. cyrillic) and fancy drawing in console. needs proper terminal and LANG setting. not enabled on N900, unless there is some interest in that feature * upd: latest libav-git oscp (0.9.81) stable; urgency=low * N8x0 fixes for audio (esd open/close, libav recompiled without asm) * added alsa xrun fix * libav network timeout handler |
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