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mautz 2016-11-30 11:55

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1519634)
I can't even email or upload files with sfdroid

Does the wifi symbol in sfdroid show an exclamation mark?

claustn 2016-11-30 12:18

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
yes, i saw there was a solution but i can't find it anymore.
My /storage folder seems to be empty.

mautz 2016-11-30 12:46

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1519674)
yes, i saw there was a solution but i can't find it anymore.
My /storage folder seems to be empty.

You could use the command 'pkill zygote' in a root terminal in sfdroid, this will restart sfdroid and your connection should be fully working.

Have you tried accesing the /storage folder as root?

claustn 2016-11-30 12:51

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
as root in terminal i can see the folders, is there an app with root permission?

minimec 2016-11-30 14:13

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1519628)
-sfdroid is working, is it possible to exchange files between it and SFOS? without using some kind of cloud or anything that's internet based.

You can access the Android storage within SailfishOS and even sftp in '/data/media/0/'. No need for 'root' privileges. Over sftp I can just drag&drop files within the filemanager (Gnome/Linux).


Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1519568)
My new clean install on MultiROM displays "Android is starting -- Starting apps" for ever. Tried couple times, but same results.


Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1519511)
Do you guys run sfdfoid on cm12.1 + sfos >=2.0.4? I only get the blue cm logo? How can i fix this, i.e. rerun the very first scripts to configure cm (language settings etc)?

I would try to start sfdoid from the Terminal with 'sfdroid' or ''. Maybe you get some meaningful error messages.


Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1519389)
Regarding the GPS issue above:

I've fixed the GPS issues on my end. I'm using an old baseband and I made some edits to /system/etc/gps.conf:

Would that mean, that you got AGPS working with your fix?


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519612)
I checked charging today and it did only charge with 270mA. I compiled a new kernel with the old fast charge option and now i get 1500mA.

I didn't even notice, but as mentioned before I use the LG/Nexus QI charger... ;) Updated the kernel anyway... THX

claustn 2016-11-30 15:48

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519679)
You can access the Android storage within SailfishOS and even sftp in '/data/media/0/'. No need for 'root' privileges. Over sftp I can just drag&drop files within the filemanager (Gnome/Linux).

Works! Thank you

Do you guys run sfdfoid on cm12.1 + sfos >=2.0.4? I only get the blue cm logo? How can i fix this, i.e. rerun the very first scripts to configure cm (language settings etc)?[/QUOTE]

I've had the same problem, then i switched to and now works fine. Maybe you have first to install the old version and then do an OTA upgrade.

abyzthomas 2016-11-30 15:55

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519679)
I would try to start sfdoid from the Terminal with 'sfdroid' or ''. Maybe you get some meaningful error messages.

Here is what I get.


nemo@localhost ~]$ /usr/bin/
Frames: 26
Frames: 28
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] }
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.ArrayList.size()' on a null object reference
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at Method)
Frames: 32
Frames: 30
Frames: 13
Frames: 11
Frames: 5
Frames: 2
Frames: 2
Frames: 2
Frames: 8
Frames: 2

minimec 2016-11-30 17:08

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1519695)
Here is what I get.

Not that I would have a solution to your problem, but you indeed do have a 'java.lang.NullPointerException:' when starting ''. My start sequence on 'SailfishOS' would look like this...

I guess it's worth posting your start sequence (including SailfishOS version) in the sfdroid thread


| SailfishOS (Fiskarsinjoki) (armv7hl)
[nemo@pris ~]$
Frames: 6
Frames: 21
Frames: 4
Frames: 4
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front
Frames: 36
Frames: 26
Frames: 4
Frames: 4
Frames: 4

abyzthomas 2016-11-30 17:28

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519706)
I guess it's worth posting your start sequence (including SailfishOS version) in the sfdroid thread

Posted to sfdroid thread

mautz 2016-11-30 21:48

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Small kernel update...

Kernel v8


- Reverted fast charge back to first version due to slow charging

- Added msm_mpdecision aka "bricked hotplug" cpu hotplug governor

MSM_mpdecision is a highly customizable hotplug governor:

Check /sys/kernel/msm_mpdecision/conf/ for the configuration.

startdelay = time until mpdecision starts doing it's magic (20000)
delay = time between checks (70)
pause = if something else plugs in the cpu, fall asleep for 10000ms (10 secs)
scroff_single_core = if the screen is off, don't plug in cpu1/2/3. Additionally: Unplug all cpus except cpu0 when screen is turned off (1)
enabled = enable(1) or disable(0) mpdecision. This does not affect scroff_single_core!
min_cpus = min cpus to be online, cannot be < 1. Default: 1
max_cpus = max cpus to be online, cannot be > 4. (if you set it to 2 and min_cpus to 1 you will basically have a dualcore) Default: 4
idle_freq = a value against that will be checked if a core +/- is requested. (486000)
If cpu0 is below that value and a core up of another cpu is requested, nothing will happen.
If any other cpu is above that value and a core down of that cpu is requested, nothing will happen. (otherwise it would now put down that cpu even though it is still working, which isn't what we want)

Hot plug thresholds (aka now it gets 'complicated')
This small formula calculates which value will be used: (number_of_cpus_online - 1) * 2
The result of this formula will be the nwns_threshold where a new cpu is hotplugged.
The result of this formula + 1 will be the nwns_threshold where a cpu is unplugged.

nwns_threshold_x = runqueue threshold, if this is reached cpuX will be hot/unplugged
twts_threshold_x = time threshold, this amount of time must have passed for the related action to be taken (hot/unplug)

One cpu is online.
(1 - 1) * 2 = 0 ergo:
nwns_threshold_0 = cpu1 will be hotplugged at this value
((1 - 1) * 2) + 1 = 1
nwns_threshold_1 = cpu0 will be unplugged at this value
Since we can't unplug cpu0 this is '0'.

Two cpus are online.
(2 - 1) * 2 = 2 ergo:
nwns_threshold_2 = cpu2 will be hotplugged at this value
((2 - 1) * 2) + 1 = 3
nwns_threshold_3 = cpu1 will be unplugged at this value


The default values are:
NwNs_Threshold: 12, 0, 25, 20, 32, 28, 0, 35
TwTs_Threshold: 140, 0, 140, 190, 140, 190, 0, 190
Where the position and function of the number equals the result of the above explained formula.

(all times are in ms)

So, for example by setting "nwns_threshold_4" to a high value (e.g. 90) only the first 2 cores of the cpu will be used at averge load/usage. Core 3 and 4 will only come up under very high load.

Don't forget to disable stock mpdecision hotplug governor, when using an alternate hotplug governor!

Kernel can be downloaded here.

Source is available here.

deprecated 2016-11-30 23:13

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519667)
I ran into the same problem, when using the new image. No problems when using image and updating to

@ deprecated

Do you use okboard or only the stock keyboard?

You can access the files and folders of sfdroid normally like it used to be on an android only device.

sdcard for example can be found at /storage/sdcard0. Maybe you need root priviliges to access the folders.

I use the stock keyboard, but I think your question might've been directed at the other guy. :) I helped him out with his EAP thing after quoting his post.

deprecated 2016-11-30 23:18

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519729)
Small kernel update...

Kernel v8

Excellent! I've been really enjoying the conservative governor with the mako hotplug driver, but I will definitely give this one a go. Always new toys!

Thanks mautz. :)

claustn 2016-12-01 13:14

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
if the question was for me, yes i'm using OKBoard.

mautz 2016-12-01 13:33

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1519757)
if the question was for me, yes i'm using OKBoard.

Yes i meant you :D

There is a bug in okboard, that causes the transparency issue. Only solutions are use another browser like Webcat or Webpirate or don't use okboard.

minimec 2016-12-01 14:58

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
During my testing of the new features in the 'mautz' kernels, I started to write a script that generates some basic battery 'poll data'. The last couple of days, the script has evolved and grown, and I guess it's time to share it with you.

The script does basically log the current power consumption with a given interval and (now) generates a report at the end. The report includes some useful information about the current phone settings, allowing you to compare different testing situations easily.

The first version is ready now and is compatible with the 'mautz' kernel_v8, but should also run with the default kernel, besides the fact that some files, the script is checking, are not present. You will have two files, the 'script-routine' and a 'starter', that allows you to launch the routine with individual options. The source code can be found here...

The report file would look like this... report file
A 'gnuplot' of the file would look like this... gnuplot file

I recommend to download and decompress the '.tar' file with the following commands on the phone, but you can also download the file here...


curl -L -o powerstats_v1.tar.gz
tar -pxvzf powerstats_v1.tar.gz

You will get a 'powerstats' file and a hidden '.powerstats-routine' in your '/home/nemo' folder. A 'powerstats-report' folder will be created during first run.

You can get an overview of the options with './powerstats -h'. If you launch the starter with './powerstats', the routine will run with default settings. The 'starter' approach allows you to close the terminal right after launch...

A good first test might be...

./powerstats -i 2 -m 1 -n 1 -p 40 -t first-try

[nemo@pris ~]$ ./powerstats --help           
Script to measure current power consumption
on devices running SailfishOS.
./powerstats -i 1 -m 30 -n 1 -p 50 -t gps-moving
-h, --help                        show brief help
-s, --stop                        abort script
-i, --interval=INTERVAL        specify interval (default = 2)
-m, --minutes=MINUTES                specify measure time in minutes (default=60)
-n, --notification=NOTIFICATION        set '1' for notification (default=0)
-p, --processlog=PROCESSLOG        specify limit in mV for process logging (default=60)
-t, --title=TITLE                specify a title for output file (default=idle)
[nemo@pris ~]$

I would love and I hope to see some shared reports, that would allow us to compare the Neus5-SailfishOS experience with different OS versions and settings.

I stay tuned for questions and new ideas from your side.

deprecated 2016-12-01 15:22

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519765)
During my testing of the new features in the 'mautz' kernels, I started to write a script that generates some basic battery 'poll data'. The last couple of days, the script has evolved and grown, and I guess it's time to share it with you.

Fantastic work, minimec! I'll start generating reports now. I had been just running a watch over ssh after scripting a governor/hotplug driver selector. This will make things much more presentable so we can all share data.

Side note: Are you staying on for the time being?

mautz 2016-12-01 17:19

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Thank you!! I'll try your script in the next days, at the moment i'm fighting with a new kernel :-D


Just downloaded your tool and tested it with your 'first run' suggestion. Very nice!!!

This gives a much more detailed output than SystemDataScope in terms of Power consumption.

Thank you, awesome!

minimec 2016-12-01 21:59

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1519769)
Side note: Are you staying on for the time being?

Yeah.. I did see your first positive notes on and do not read any rants by other users like 'mautz' or 'BluesLee'. So I might upgrade at least my testing image quiet soon.


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519781)
This gives a much more detailed output than SystemDataScope in terms of Power consumption.

That looks like a pretty nifty tool. On my side I cannot tell you whether my 'process triggering' is really accurate, and yet it seems to do the trick.

I did a new 'powerstats' analysis. I wanted to know the impact of the 'sailorgram -deamon' on battery life. I did 3x times the same walk, once with 4G/'sailorgram on', then 3G/'sailorgram on', then 4G/'sailorgram off'. In between I made a ~7-10min. pause at home. The result was stunning... I don't not run the 'sailorgram -daemon' permanently anymore, but only connect from time to time... (The high peaks is where I turn the phone on to switch from 4G to 3G and back). ;) See the results

mautz 2016-12-02 04:43

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
@ minimec

I did a 5 hour run of your tool last night:


##  | Phone Info
##  '---
##  Phone model:  Nexus 5
##  Device name:  hammerhead
##  Mod version:  12.1-20160704-UNOFFICIAL-hammerhead [LMY49J]
##  OS version:  SailfishOS (Haapajoki) (armv7hl)
##  Install Type: multirom
##  ,---
##  | Current Phone Settings
##  '---
##  CPU Managment:  ()
##  Min/Max Freq:  300000/1497600
##  Voltage Table:  modified
##  CPU Governor:  zzmoove
##  Cell Provider:  Drillisch
##  Mobile Data:    disabled/
##  Wireless:      enabled/connected
##  Bluetooth:      disabled/disconnected
##  GPS Receiver:  disabled/disconnected
##  ,---
##  | Running Applications
##  '---
##  /usr/bin/jolla-clock
##  ,---
##  | Power Statistics (Duration: 300min.) [Start: 2016-12-01-22h03m41s]
##  '---
##  below 20mV: 0% (12 polls)
##  #
##  below 30mV: 60% (5395 polls)
##  ############################################################
##  below 40mV: 24% (2157 polls)
##  ########################
##  below 50mV: 4% (337 polls)
##  ####
##  below 60mV: 3% (237 polls)
##  ###
##  below 70mV: 1% (117 polls)
##  #
##  below 80mV: 3% (258 polls)
##  ###
##  below 90mV: 1% (133 polls)
##  #
##  below 100mV: 1% (55 polls)
##  #
##  below 110mV: 1% (89 polls)
##  #
##  below 120mV: 1% (53 polls)

This is my SystemDataScope output, seems that your script is a little bit CPU hungry ;)

Is it possible to let the sort command run less often?

Concerning your Sailorgram my opinion SFOS isn't a very battery friendly OS. Everything causes battery drain, nearly every application causes too much CPU load when the phone is put to sleep, even the message app...

If you have a good 4G reception in your area you could leave 4G always on, i didn't notice a difference between leaving the phone in 4G mode or using 3G and only turn 4G on for mobile data usage.

At the moment i have to charge the Nexus every 2 days with my normal usage of the phone. I'm thinking of putting a battery of the LG G2 into the nexus, to get some extra juice...

minimec 2016-12-02 11:55

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
This is my SystemDataScope output, seems that your script is a little bit CPU hungry ;)

I honestly don't understand that SystemDataScope output at all. I am reading that the CPU was running at ~25% during the whole test. That seems strange. The 'powerstats-routine' process would show up in 'top' with about '0.3%CPU/0.1%MEM' usage on my phone, with peaks of '0.6%-0.9%CPU', when logging an active process.


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
Is it possible to let the sort command run less often?

The 'sort' command is part of the 'logging active process' implementation. You can easily get get rid of it by setting option '-p' to a high number, like '10000', or by changing the default value for the variable 'PROCESSLOG' in the 'powerstats' starter file. I will implement an option to disable process logging in the next version.


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
Concerning your Sailorgram observations...

As for 'sailorgram': I was just realizing, that my power consumption would jump to a higher level, whenever I was moving outside the range of a known wifi connection. So now I found out, that the permanent 4G/3G connection of the 'sailorgram daemon' is causing this.


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
in my opinion SFOS isn't a very battery friendly OS. Everything causes battery drain...

My developer/computer skills are not good enough to be able to confirm your observation, but the Jolla1 phone is very good, when it comes to power consumption, even when running tons of apps in the background. At least I would say so...


Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
At the moment i have to charge the Nexus every 2 days with my normal usage of the phone.

Very nice! Indeed very nice... Can't wait to get a v9 of your kernel... ;)

deprecated 2016-12-02 14:42

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519809)
At the moment i have to charge the Nexus every 2 days with my normal usage of the phone. I'm thinking of putting a battery of the LG G2 into the nexus, to get some extra juice...

@mautz, I'm ordering a new mid frame housing for my N5 in red, as well as a couple of LG G2 batteries to do this same hardware mod. I wanted a backup mid frame in case I screw something up. :p

May I ask what voltages, clock speeds, gpu settings, governor and hotplug driver combination you're using to get ~2 days of usage?


BluesLee 2016-12-02 17:00

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1519834)
@mautz, I'm ordering a new mid frame housing for my N5 in red, as well as a couple of LG G2 batteries to do this same hardware mod. I wanted a backup mid frame in case I screw something up. :p

May I ask what voltages, clock speeds, gpu settings, governor and hotplug driver combination you're using to get ~2 days of usage?


Can you both share your battery mods once finished? Thanks.

Also interested in two days of battery life, not more than one day here. I think battery consumption was better with older sfos versions, can't proof it.

minimec 2016-12-02 17:25

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1519840)
I think battery consumption was better with older sfos versions, can't proof it.

I absolutely agree with you!!! For me the change happened here...


Originally Posted by RealJohnGalt (Post 1506863)
Test kernel for the cm12.1 builds with franco's audio gain sysfs interface and changes for 300hz timer res (like on nexus 5x and 6p).

... and I also complained about higher power consumption, but I seemed to be the only one.


Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1506975)
My first spontaneous feeling was that power usage is higher with the new kernel, although I have to test that a little bit longer.

@mautz: Would it be possible to make a kernel without that 300Hz timer rate? Is that even used in your kernels? A quick search showed me, that it should be a kernel setting.


I disabled the 300HZ timer rate for the kernel in 1.9 and make the kernel tickless, meaning that timer changes dynamically.


I digged a little further. Looks that on older Android versions the 'Kernel Tick Clock' was set to 100Hz. I would really love to test a kernel with these 'old' settings.

There is a long discussion here about that change. I would like to quote some posts of the discussion...


yes, there's a small power consumption trade-off...

I would say idle battery life is quite a bit worse on the 5x but its definitely worth it like you said. Prior to March update I would lose maybe half a percent an hour and now the 5x loses around 1 - 1.5 percent an hour.

Idle battery life affects getting through the day and not everyone lives by a charger all the time.. I used to get through the day on a single charge and now I need to charge in the evening as do others in my family with the same phone.

We are definitely running with 300Hz with the mautz kernels! You can check that in the kernel config file in /proc/config.gz. Search for 'CONFIG_HZ'!

@mautz: So I guess it's worth a try to switch back to 100Hz. ;)

deprecated 2016-12-02 18:43

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519842)
I absolutely agree with you!!! For me the change happened here...

... and I also complained about higher power consumption, but I seemed to be the only one.

@mautz: Would it be possible to make a kernel without that 300Hz timer rate? Is that even used in your kernels? A quick search showed me, that it should be a kernel setting.

This is absolutely true for me as well. In it was fairly good on those earlier CM builds. Immediately upon going to the later 12.1 builds and on to 2.0.2.x/2.0.4.x, the drain increase is dramatic. Sometimes as high as 1% per minute with the screen on. I commented on it in this thread and others, but it seemed to be a known issue that most were OK with as we couldn't really pin it down. I'm almost certain @minimec is on the right track with the 300Hz timer rate.

I'd like to see if we can solve it with that change!

deprecated 2016-12-02 18:45

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1519840)
Can you both share your battery mods once finished? Thanks.

Also interested in two days of battery life, not more than one day here. I think battery consumption was better with older sfos versions, can't proof it.

Absolutely, will do. There's an image guide of the mod found here:

The picture guide at the top of that post is most helpful, and that's the route I'm planning to take once all the parts come in.

Edit: I spent less than $8USD on the genuine LG G2 battery, and about $30 for the red front housing/midframe INCLUDING a new LCD, all in one piece. Both of these purchases were from eBay, domestic sellers. I did this because my existing LCD has some bad light bleed and I figured I'd just take care of everything all at once. I'll take photos of my process and put a guide together as I go, just for the sake of clarity.

mautz 2016-12-02 20:04

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
At the moment i'm using zzmoove governor, but still testing others. But 2 days sounds much, but it's still bad. I barely use the phone during the day, with a stock installation and default kernel i get 1 1/2 days. So basically every hotplugging governor that puts the unused cores to sleep when the phone is suspended, will do the trick for me. My old Jolla 1 lasted 5 days with one charge...

I 'm trying to build a new kernel with some backported features from newer CM kernels, but at the moment the Nexus reboots directly when put to sleep or during boot or in the first few seconds after start...hard to debug :D

deprecated 2016-12-02 21:29

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519855)
At the moment i'm using zzmoove governor, but still testing others. But 2 days sounds much, but it's still bad. I barely use the phone during the day, with a stock installation and default kernel i get 1 1/2 days. So basically every hotplugging governor that puts the unused cores to sleep when the phone is suspended, will do the trick for me. My old Jolla 1 lasted 5 days with one charge...

I 'm trying to build a new kernel with some backported features from newer CM kernels, but at the moment the Nexus reboots directly when put to sleep or during boot or in the first few seconds after start...hard to debug :D

Yeah, I get 5 days on the Nexus 5 with copperheadOS, a stripped down security-centric Android revision without Google Play and the like. At this moment I'd be thrilled with over one day of battery without the 1% drain per minute with the screen on (web browsing, etc.) on Sailfish. I LOVE the OS, and the battery was pretty good in the older runs of, what changed is what's ruining the battery life I think.

We'll see what happens, but I'd be interested to see how removing the 300Hz timer thing would impact battery life. Also interested to see what you come up with regarding the backported features!

Edit: I just thought about it. The Jolla 1 used a 2100mAh Li-ion cell, where the Nexus 5 uses a 2300mAh Li-Po cell. I doubt the battery chemistry could be causing this issue, and the capacity is a little more... Oh well, we'll figure it out eventually!

mautz 2016-12-03 16:45

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I got some good and some bad news...

I've got SFOS booting with cm14.1 kernel, but it's not fully working. Lipstick is crashing on start, reboots and everything is fine. Wifi is not working, Telephon app does not start...maybe this problems could be solved...i'll first try a kernel based on CM13...

deprecated 2016-12-04 01:08

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1519842)

I digged a little further. Looks that on older Android versions the 'Kernel Tick Clock' was set to 100Hz. I would really love to test a kernel with these 'old' settings.

There is a long discussion here about that change. I would like to quote some posts of the discussion...


We are definitely running with 300Hz with the mautz kernels! You can check that in the kernel config file in /proc/config.gz. Search for 'CONFIG_HZ'!

@mautz: So I guess it's worth a try to switch back to 100Hz. ;)

I'm in agreement here. We'll see what mautz has in store for us coming up. Maybe we can build a test kernel with the 100Hz timer instead, see if that makes a difference - which I'm almost positive it will.

Excellent find, @minimec! And great work @mautz! I'm starting to get excited. :D

minimec 2016-12-04 12:45

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1519954)
Maybe we can build a test kernel with the 100Hz timer instead, see if that makes a difference - which I'm almost positive it will.

So I set up that cross compile build environment and wanted to build a 100Hz kernel.

I tried with the 'gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi' toolchain from the ubuntu repos, but also with 'android-ndk-r13b' and 'arm-eabi-4.8'. I followed different build instructions and also tried the '' script, found in the 'mautz' kernel sources...

After the most painful and frustrating two hours in my whole Linux career, I had to take a break, otherwise ...

I can make the defconfig and run 'make menuconfig', but the building process would always fail with different error messages, depending the toolchain I use...

@mautz: Believe me... I tried... ;) Maybe you can explain me (us) your 'kernel compile work-flow' and kernel build environment. It would help me rebuild my broken ego... ;)

mautz 2016-12-05 21:21

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Download Kernel v8 with CONFIG_HZ=100


I use the linaro toolchain to build the kernel(linaro 4.9.4 with Cortex A15 optimizations) and the Makefiles contain some specific linaro optimizations flags, that could have caused the errors you have encountered. Since v8 of the kernel you have to compile it with the 'make CONFIG_NO_ERROR_ON_MISMATCH=y' option or else you'll get an error at the end of compiling.

minimec 2016-12-05 21:58

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1520066)
Download Kernel v8 with CONFIG_HZ=100


I use the linaro toolchain to build the kernel(linaro 4.9.4 with Cortex A15 optimizations) and the Makefiles contain some specific linaro optimizations flags, that could have caused the errors you have encountered. Since v8 of the kernel you have to compile it with the 'make CONFIG_NO_ERROR_ON_MISMATCH=y' option or else you'll get an error at the end of compiling.

Thank you so much. I really hope that that 100Hz will improve battery life.

Also THX for your explanations regarding Kernel cross compilation. I will give it a new try. My idea was to enable zram maybe. That would again increase power consumption a little bit, but might help 'sfdroid' users.

Again... THX for your amazing work.

deprecated 2016-12-05 22:56

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1520066)
Download Kernel v8 with CONFIG_HZ=100


I use the linaro toolchain to build the kernel(linaro 4.9.4 with Cortex A15 optimizations) and the Makefiles contain some specific linaro optimizations flags, that could have caused the errors you have encountered. Since v8 of the kernel you have to compile it with the 'make CONFIG_NO_ERROR_ON_MISMATCH=y' option or else you'll get an error at the end of compiling.

@mautz, fantastic work. Thank you for your efforts and kindness. This is exactly why I love this community!

BluesLee 2016-12-06 13:49

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1520066)
Download Kernel v8 with CONFIG_HZ=100


I use the linaro toolchain to build the kernel(linaro 4.9.4 with Cortex A15 optimizations) and the Makefiles contain some specific linaro optimizations flags, that could have caused the errors you have encountered. Since v8 of the kernel you have to compile it with the 'make CONFIG_NO_ERROR_ON_MISMATCH=y' option or else you'll get an error at the end of compiling.

Thank you.

Do we have a kernel package of the default installation for fallback
purposes if something goes wrong after days, weeks?

maximilian1st 2016-12-06 18:07

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1520106)
Thank you.

Do we have a kernel package of the default installation for fallback
purposes if something goes wrong after days, weeks?

What happens if you flash the original over it again to recover from a broken kernel, will that also wipe your data and settings?

mautz 2016-12-06 18:37

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1520106)
Thank you.

Do we have a kernel package of the default installation for fallback
purposes if something goes wrong after days, weeks?

I could easily build one, grab the original source and use the original config to build one. I could upload a build of the original kernel.


A new flash will wipe your data. But you could tar your home directory and restore it afterwards...

minimec 2016-12-06 21:44

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
News from the 100Hz front.

I had my phone over 8 hours in stand-by mode (idle) over night and lost 8% battery power.

I guess we can say that this is an improvement... I am pretty happy with these results.

I was on 'msm-mpdecision' hotplug managment, slight undervolt, 'conservative' as governor.

BluesLee 2016-12-06 23:59

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1520138)
News from the 100Hz front.

I had my phone over 8 hours in stand-by mode (idle) over night and lost 8% battery power.

I guess we can say that this is an improvement... I am pretty happy with these results.

I was on 'msm-mpdecision' hotplug managment, slight undervolt, 'conservative' as governor.

The crucial battery drain for me seems to be related to mobile network, at least when i am connected to wifi the drain is much less. I will test the kernel in the upcoming days.

deprecated 2016-12-07 01:32

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I can confirm these observations, a great deal less power drain at idle. Still seeing the massive drain with screen on time, though. AIDA, top, lighthouse, nothing shows any crazy usage. I thought maybe it was doing something goofy with the GPU clock when web browsing and the like, so I stuck it at 100MHz for testing. Same results.

I don't really expect to get more than a day and a half total, but the screen on drain is very frustrating.

Still testing, still digging. :)

I do believe 100Hz timer is the right direction, though. Great work guys!

deprecated 2016-12-07 05:22

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Do you guys use multirom at all? I had read that it wasn't the preferred method a while back, so I typically do a native install. Are there any side effects or drawbacks to using multirom for sailfish alongside other OS'es?

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