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m4r0v3r 2017-10-30 18:07

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by pexi (Post 1537950)
A small and perhaps stupid question: is the community port identical to Jolla port minus exchange, predictive text input and alien dalvik?

it will be when i get teh latest build out. since the image available has a different partition setup, need to do a complete rebuild

meet.vino 2017-10-31 05:22

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Is there a community build for X Compact?

jakibaki 2017-10-31 07:51

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by meet.vino (Post 1537976)
Is there a community build for X Compact?

In the telegram-group he said that the (community!) release is probably not far away.

m4r0v3r 2017-11-06 09:12

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
can someone test this please

you'll need to follow the jolla instructions to get device ready. after this is working I can hopefully start to push out OTAS with stuff like enabled modules

m4r0v3r 2017-11-06 20:23

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build) does it work? :P

aspergerguy 2017-11-07 00:10

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538242) does it work? :P

Yes, managed to flash eventually using Mac but currently you do need to change name of SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_M_MR1_3.10_v13_loire. img to vendor_loire_.img to get it to flash as otherwise keep getting message:

The Sony Vendor partition image was not found in the current directory. Pleasedownload it from
and unzip it into this directory.

jurop88 2017-11-07 01:26

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
installed, issues found until now:
- The same as above for flashing
- SD card not mounted automatically
- GPS not working (geoclue-provider-hybris issue?)
sensors not working
update found, update worked, issues stayed

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 08:39

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
hmm sensors not working even after reboot?

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 09:22

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1538244)
Yes, managed to flash eventually using Mac but currently you do need to change name of SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_M_MR1_3.10_v13_loire. img to vendor_loire_.img to get it to flash as otherwise keep getting message:

The Sony Vendor partition image was not found in the current directory. Pleasedownload it from
and unzip it into this directory.

do you have issues with gps and sensors as well?

aspergerguy 2017-11-07 10:52

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538247)
do you have issues with gps and sensors as well?

If I enable every positioning setting in Custom settings > Advanced settings, satellite icon appears next to WLAN, however in GPSInfo app whilst longitude and latitude are given Satellites in use/view remains 0/0

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 12:09

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1538250)
If I enable every positioning setting in Custom settings > Advanced settings, satellite icon appears next to WLAN, however in GPSInfo app whilst longitude and latitude are given Satellites in use/view remains 0/0

hmm odd, but sensors are okay? hopefully I can push the fix via OTA :D

thanks for the help btw :)

aspergerguy 2017-11-07 12:17

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538256)
hmm odd, but sensors are okay?

Sorry to be bearer of bad news but all sensors fail in CSD.:(

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 13:27

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1538257)
Sorry to be bearer of bad news but all sensors fail in CSD.:(

can I have a journalctl log please

aspergerguy 2017-11-07 14:32

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538260)
can I have a journalctl log please

Only tried to rotate Fingerterm whilst open, so don't know whether anything shows up but let me know if you want specific function logged

[root@Sailfish nemo]# journalctl -fa
-- Logs begin at Tue 2017-11-07 14:12:35 GMT. --
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_touch_config_dt_for_chip_id:5538) read settings for S332U
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_prepare_f12_2d:2209) x_max=1079, y_max=1919, n_fingers=10, n_bytes_per_object=8
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2349) result: S332U, family 0x91, fw rev 0x07.0e, extra 0x06, (no fw update)
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_F01_RMI:4032) device reset
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_resume_mode:3254) ignore interrupt 0x00
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_irq:966) irq was enabled
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_resume_mode:3259) set resume mode (rc=0)
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_display_state_enter(): current display state = ON
Nov 07 15:00:54 Sailfish statefs[1427]: Display: "on"
Nov 07 15:01:04 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_blanking_off_cb(): display state req: LPM_ON
Nov 07 15:01:04 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_display_state_leave(): current display state = POWER_DOWN
Nov 07 15:01:04 Sailfish statefs[1427]: Display: "off"
Nov 07 15:01:04 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [D] unknown:0 - sleepDisplay
Nov 07 15:01:05 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_display_state_enter(): current display state = OFF
Nov 07 15:01:05 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_irq:969) irq was disabled
Nov 07 15:01:05 Sailfish kernel: mdss_dsi_panel_off: ctrl=ffffffc0aeb11018 ndx=0
Nov 07 15:01:05 Sailfish kernel: @@@@ panel power off @@@@
Nov 07 15:01:08 Sailfish mce[1415]: powerkey.c: pwrkey_datapipes_keypress_cb(): powerkey pressed
Nov 07 15:01:08 Sailfish mce[1415]: tklock.c: mce_tklock_unblank(): display state req: ON
Nov 07 15:01:08 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_display_state_leave(): current display state = POWER_UP
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish mce[1415]: powerkey.c: pwrkey_datapipes_keypress_cb(): powerkey released
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [D] unknown:0 - unsleepDisplay
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: @@@@ panel power on @@@@
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: mdss_dsi_panel_on: ctrl=ffffffc0aeb11018 ndx=0
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2236) initialize device
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2251) device status 0x81
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2259) bootloader revision 7.002
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2281) FW status 0x40
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_update_chip_id:5713) chip_id=0x40
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_touch_config_dt_for_chip_id:5538) read settings for S332U
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_prepare_f12_2d:2209) x_max=1079, y_max=1919, n_fingers=10, n_bytes_per_object=8
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_initialize:2349) result: S332U, family 0x91, fw rev 0x07.0e, extra 0x06, (no fw update)
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_F01_RMI:4032) device reset
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_resume_mode:3254) ignore interrupt 0x00
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_irq:966) irq was enabled
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_set_resume_mode:3259) set resume mode (rc=0)
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish mce[1415]: modules/display.c: mdy_display_state_enter(): current display state = ON
Nov 07 15:01:09 Sailfish statefs[1427]: Display: "on"
Nov 07 15:01:10 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
Nov 07 15:01:10 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0x7bbd38)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
Nov 07 15:01:11 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [W] unknown:151 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/statusarea/ConnectionStatusIndicator.qml:151:5: QML NetworkManager: Binding loop detected for property "technologiesEnabled"
Nov 07 15:01:11 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
Nov 07 15:01:11 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0x7bbd38)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
Nov 07 15:01:11 Sailfish estart[6975]: [D] unknown:0 - Device: "lo" IP: ""
Nov 07 15:01:11 Sailfish estart[6975]: [D] unknown:0 - Device: "wlan0" IP: ""
Nov 07 15:01:14 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:15 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
Nov 07 15:01:15 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0x7bbd38)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
Nov 07 15:01:15 Sailfish estart[6975]: [D] unknown:0 - Device: "lo" IP: "***.*.*.*"
Nov 07 15:01:15 Sailfish estart[6975]: [D] unknown:0 - Device: "wlan0" IP: "***.***.*.***"
Nov 07 15:01:16 Sailfish dbus[1430]: [system] Activating service name='org.nemo.passwordmanager' (using servicehelper)
Nov 07 15:01:16 Sailfish dbus[1430]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.nemo.passwordmanager'
Nov 07 15:01:16 Sailfish nemo-password-manager[8120]: pam_unix(passwd:chauthtok): password changed for nemo
Nov 07 15:01:16 Sailfish systemd[1]: Listening on OpenSSH Server Socket.
Nov 07 15:01:19 Sailfish kernel: afe_get_cal_topology_id: [AFE_TOPOLOGY_CAL] not initialized for this port 16384
Nov 07 15:01:19 Sailfish kernel: send_afe_cal_type cal_block not found!!
Nov 07 15:01:28 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:29 Sailfish fingerterm[6437]: [D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
Nov 07 15:01:30 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [D] unknown:0 - void CoverActionModel::update() Clearing model
Nov 07 15:01:30 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
Nov 07 15:01:30 Sailfish invoker[3618]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0x7bbd38)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
Nov 07 15:01:30 Sailfish fingerterm[6437]: [D] unknown:0 - unhandled ansi sequence  'h' (1034) "?"
Nov 07 15:01:37 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:38 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:40 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [W] unknown:151 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/statusarea/ConnectionStatusIndicator.qml:151:5: QML NetworkManager: Binding loop detected for property "technologiesEnabled"
Nov 07 15:01:40 Sailfish mapplauncherd[2542]: Boosted process (pid=6437) exited with status 0
Nov 07 15:01:40 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: invoker: Invoking execution: '/usr/bin/fingerterm'
Nov 07 15:01:40 Sailfish lipstick[2583]: [D] unknown:0 - void CoverActionModel::update() Clearing model
Nov 07 15:01:42 Sailfish kernel: clearpad clearpad: (clearpad_process_irq:4152) no work, interrupt=[0x00]
Nov 07 15:01:43 Sailfish kernel: afe_get_cal_topology_id: [AFE_TOPOLOGY_CAL] not initialized for this port 16384
Nov 07 15:01:43 Sailfish kernel: send_afe_cal_type cal_block not found!!

jurop88 2017-11-07 14:47

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
1 Attachment(s)
journactl -p4 attached
.zip compressed due to dimension. It looks like sensors is not the only issue.

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 18:21

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
did you guys follow these instructions?

aspergerguy 2017-11-07 18:59

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538273)
did you guys follow these instructions?

I installed exactly the same way as using the official image before upon another F5121 although via a Mac, where I needed to use chmod +x and ./ to initiate process in Terminal.

Is it OK if I restore device with Emma or would you rather I waited a bit longer?

m4r0v3r 2017-11-07 20:17

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1538275)
I installed exactly the same way as using the official image before upon another F5121 although via a Mac, where I needed to use chmod +x and ./ to initiate process in Terminal.

Is it OK if I restore device with Emma or would you rather I waited a bit longer?

nah go ahead, i need to get myself a test device tbh. thanks for the help :D

aspergerguy 2017-11-08 13:24

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538278)
nah go ahead, i need to get myself a test device tbh. thanks for the help :D

Just re-flashed with official Sailfish image and all OK again.

DrYak 2017-11-13 12:32

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Speaking of kernel : as pointed by Aga4io on TJC, Sony has has released kernel 4.4 based firmware on which all features are working.

m4r0v3r 2017-11-13 13:10

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by DrYak (Post 1538430)
Speaking of kernel : as pointed by Aga4io on TJC, Sony has has released kernel 4.4 based firmware on which all features are working.

ohh yeahhhhhhhh. ill happily build it but I don't have a spare sony x to test

DrYak 2017-11-13 18:01

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538432)
ohh yeahhhhhhhh. ill happily build it but I don't have a spare sony x to test

My (Sailfish X-flashed) Sony Xperia isn't used in production (yet. I'm still waiting for a few Sailfish X fixes before putting my Jolla 1 into retirement) and would happily volunteer as a sacrificial lamb to test potential new kernels.

I just completely lack free time to compile them myself now.

BTW, did you find a way around Sony's MSM platform kernel drivers failing to compile when module support activated ?

m4r0v3r 2017-11-13 22:57

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by DrYak (Post 1538444)
My (Sailfish X-flashed) Sony Xperia isn't used in production (yet. I'm still waiting for a few Sailfish X fixes before putting my Jolla 1 into retirement) and would happily volunteer as a sacrificial lamb to test potential new kernels.

I just completely lack free time to compile them myself now.

BTW, did you find a way around Sony's MSM platform kernel drivers failing to compile when module support activated ?

nahh but they were for stuff like F2FS that isn't used and can be disabled. but would be nice to fix.

DrYak 2017-11-14 09:18

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538458)
nahh but they were for stuff like F2FS that isn't used and can be disabled.

Well F2FS isn't used much by the Sailfish X base installation, but (on TMO and TJC at least) it looks like it's currently the go-to µSDXC card format.
(A tiny bit more popular then UDF, probably because nobody want to do the tricks to make it cross platform on both Mac OS X and Windows).

Keep me posted when you have something to test.

Mara 2017-11-17 18:05

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
I have got my Xperia X and waiting on a good chance to flash it to Sailfish. So far it does not seem very clear how to proceed?

It seems that this community build should become similar/same as the official build with exception of the Exchange and AD support. If that is the case, then the official flashing method for SailfishX should work for this community build as well? I also recall reading that the official build doesn't have the Exchange and AD binaries built in the image anyway, so why the official build is not then available to everyone. :confused: (I cannot buy the official version because it is not available for my country.)

I probably wait things to settle before trying to flash my new XperiaX...

aspergerguy 2017-11-17 19:34

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Not quite sure what answer you want here as others in your predicament have used Opera web browser which comes with a built-in free VPN service with servers in Germany and Netherlands to obtain official build.

The last build released by community member had to have a different partition setup to allow usage official flashing method, but had various issues such as sensors not working:

m4r0v3r 2017-11-17 20:43

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538566)
I have got my Xperia X and waiting on a good chance to flash it to Sailfish. So far it does not seem very clear how to proceed?

It seems that this community build should become similar/same as the official build with exception of the Exchange and AD support. If that is the case, then the official flashing method for SailfishX should work for this community build as well? I also recall reading that the official build doesn't have the Exchange and AD binaries built in the image anyway, so why the official build is not then available to everyone. :confused: (I cannot buy the official version because it is not available for my country.)

I probably wait things to settle before trying to flash my new XperiaX...

yes the official method should work here as well :)

Mara 2017-11-18 20:28

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
aspergerguy, the workaround (Opera with proxy) lets me get to the "BUY" phase but the payment is then not possible saying there is no available payment methods for this combination of currency, location and whatnot...

I have managed to get my XperiaX bootloader unlocked now. First I tried to get it done using Windows 10 but getting the fastboot USB-drivers to install manually didn't work. (The method described in Jolla site.) I ended up dual booting to Elementary Linux where the unlocking phase worked without a hitch!

EDIT: I got the Win10 drivers to load. Had to do the windows reboot/startup troubleshooting trick and disable driver signing. In addition I had to copy additional INF file from "downloadinf_v1.01" and copy it into same directory where the Sony fastboot drivers were unzipped.

klinglerware 2017-11-19 01:41

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538584)
aspergerguy, the workaround (Opera with proxy) lets me get to the "BUY" phase but the payment is then not possible saying there is no available payment methods for this combination of currency, location and whatnot...

On Opera, I remember having to play around with the proxy VPN country (I think it was either Germany or the Netherlands, I don't remember which one). After which, a Travelex Money Card ( was accepted without issue.

Mara 2017-11-19 19:21

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
I gave it a first shot to flash Sailfish on my new XperiaX using the latest community build image. Unfortunately it did not work.:(

I tried first the windows method (flash.bat) but it seems the bat file has some issues and doesn't work. I manually executed the steps on the bat file in terminal window and everything seemed to go fine.


F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash boot hybris-boot.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot' (10846 KB)...
OKAY [  0.354s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [  0.075s]
finished. total time: 0.435s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash system fimage.img001
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [  0.983s]
sending sparse 'system' 1/2 (524284 KB)...
OKAY [ 18.141s]
writing 'system' 1/2...
OKAY [  3.845s]
sending sparse 'system' 2/2 (44832 KB)...
OKAY [  1.582s]
writing 'system' 2/2...
OKAY [  0.323s]
finished. total time: 24.885s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash userdata sailfish.img001
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [  0.542s]
sending sparse 'userdata' 1/1 (0 KB)...
OKAY [  0.013s]
writing 'userdata' 1/1...
OKAY [  0.011s]
finished. total time: 0.571s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash oem xperiax_m_loire.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'oem' (163040 KB)...
OKAY [  5.297s]
writing 'oem'...
OKAY [ 21.028s]
finished. total time: 26.329s

After restart the phone entered to bootloop (shows SONY logo and restarts endlessly).

The only difference is that I did shorten the Sony OEM blob file name... This should have nothing to do with this? There are several versions of the Sony OEM blob files available. I used the one that was mentioned in the instructions.

I was able to recover it back to Android using the EMMA tool. It flashed back slightly older version (228) while the version before was 344 if I recall.

I retried flashing after the EMMA tool recovery but I still get the bootloop. This time I can't even get the EMMA to recognize the phone any more... so I'll need to recover it using the fastboot only.

One interesting point I noted with EMMA: It can not be used in the fastboot mode (blue LED after holding volume up key up) but only in "standard mode" showing green LED...

EDIT: Now I'm seeing the userdata size being 0... that's probably the issue...

EDIT2: For testing I flashed the fimage.img001 to the userdata and it worked. Trying again to flash the sailfish.img001 to the userdata shows 0 size, so for some reason the fastboot don't like the sailfish.img001 file. (File size too big? corrupted?)

m4r0v3r 2017-11-19 19:30

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538597)
I gave it a first shot to flash Sailfish on my new XperiaX using the latest community build image. Unfortunately it did not work.:(

I tried first the windows method (flash.bat) but it seems the bat file has some issues and doesn't work. I manually executed the steps on the bat file in terminal window and everything seemed to go fine.


F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash boot hybris-boot.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot' (10846 KB)...
OKAY [  0.354s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [  0.075s]
finished. total time: 0.435s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash system fimage.img001
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [  0.983s]
sending sparse 'system' 1/2 (524284 KB)...
OKAY [ 18.141s]
writing 'system' 1/2...
OKAY [  3.845s]
sending sparse 'system' 2/2 (44832 KB)...
OKAY [  1.582s]
writing 'system' 2/2...
OKAY [  0.323s]
finished. total time: 24.885s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash userdata sailfish.img001
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [  0.542s]
sending sparse 'userdata' 1/1 (0 KB)...
OKAY [  0.013s]
writing 'userdata' 1/1...
OKAY [  0.011s]
finished. total time: 0.571s

F:\SONY\SailfishOS->fastboot flash oem xperiax_m_loire.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'oem' (163040 KB)...
OKAY [  5.297s]
writing 'oem'...
OKAY [ 21.028s]
finished. total time: 26.329s

After restart the phone entered to bootloop (shows SONY logo and restarts endlessly).

The only difference is that I did shorten the Sony OEM blob file name... This should have nothing to do with this? There are several versions of the Sony OEM blob files available. I used the one that was mentioned in the instructions.

I was able to recover it back to Android using the EMMA tool. It flashed back slightly older version (228) while the version before was 344 if I recall.

I retried flashing after the EMMA tool recovery but I still get the bootloop. This time I can't even get the EMMA to recognize the phone any more... so I'll need to recover it using the fastboot only.

One interesting point I noted with EMMA: It can not be used in the fastboot mode (blue LED after holding volume up key up) but only in "standard mode" showing green LED...

what were the issues with the bat file?

Mara 2017-11-19 20:14

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538598)
what were the issues with the bat file?

It kicked me out on checking if I had correct product: Manually given the "fastboot getvar product" command responds with "product: F5121"

The bigger problem now I have is that I cannot flash the userdata... More details are in my previous post.

m4r0v3r 2017-11-19 20:59

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538600)
It kicked me out on checking if I had correct product: Manually given the "fastboot getvar product" command responds with "product: F5121"

The bigger problem now I have is that I cannot flash the userdata... More details are in my previous post.

can you get into the green flash mode? also what size is the userdata file?

Mara 2017-11-19 21:11

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1538602)
can you get into the green flash mode?

I'm not sure if it matters any more... I fixed the userdata flashing issue by doing it from linux (dual boot). It worked flawlessly and now I'm already using Sailfish on my XperiaX :D

Busy now playing with my new toy... :D

m4r0v3r 2017-11-19 21:11

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538603)
I'm not sure if it matters any more... I fixed the userdata flashing issue by doing it from linux (dual boot). It worked flawlessly and now I'm already using Sailfish on my XperiaX :D

Busy now playing with my new toy... :D

am glad man :) had me worried for a sec :P windows is always crap :D

matemana 2017-11-20 11:35

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Does this device have aliendalvik support? If so could any one of you share with aliendalvik package with me? I see this phone is using android marshmallow as base and i need aliendalvik which works with that version of base for Nexus 5 with base CM13. I tried with CM11 and CM12.1 and AD works but 12.1 has some issues. But it does start on CM13 base.

m4r0v3r 2017-11-20 12:26

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1538618)
Does this device have aliendalvik support? If so could any one of you share with aliendalvik package with me? I see this phone is using android marshmallow as base and i need aliendalvik which works with that version of base for Nexus 5 with base CM13. I tried with CM11 and CM12.1 and AD works but 12.1 has some issues. But it does start on CM13 base.

This port does not support the alien dalvik.

rinigus 2017-11-20 14:24

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1538618)
Does this device have aliendalvik support? If so could any one of you share with aliendalvik package with me? I see this phone is using android marshmallow as base and i need aliendalvik which works with that version of base for Nexus 5 with base CM13. I tried with CM11 and CM12.1 and AD works but 12.1 has some issues. But it does start on CM13 base.

AD is proprietary software and you are supposed to agree with the conditions of its license. In my understanding such requests for redistribution of non-free software should be out of scope of this forum. Please see, section "No Inappropriate or Illegal Material"

Mara 2017-11-20 15:42

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)
Few hours of testing/fooling around:
- sensors not working
- GPS not working
- Bluetooth file receive from another Sailfish phone (Moto G4 plus) works. (No other Bluetooth testing done.)
- Samba app not working. (Works on Moto G4 plus.)
- Occasionally WiFi stops working. Reboot fixes it.
- Not possible to setup "General email" account. (Works on Moto G4 plus.)
- Camera works, but not possible to select full resolution 24MPix mode.
- Video recording resolution is 3840x2160 4K? (By looking captured video file details.)
- Haven't tested SIM/phone functionality yet.

The XperiaX is in after it performed OTA update. My Moto G4 plus uses sailfish version

m4r0v3r 2017-11-20 16:42

Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia X (community build)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1538626)
Few hours of testing/fooling around:
- sensors not working
- GPS not working
- Bluetooth file receive from another Sailfish phone (Moto G4 plus) works. (No other Bluetooth testing done.)
- Samba app not working. (Works on Moto G4 plus.)
- Occasionally WiFi stops working. Reboot fixes it.
- Not possible to setup "General email" account. (Works on Moto G4 plus.)
- Camera works, but not possible to select full resolution 24MPix mode.
- Video recording resolution is 3840x2160 4K? (By looking captured video file details.)
- Haven't tested SIM/phone functionality yet.

The XperiaX is in after it performed OTA update. My Moto G4 plus uses sailfish version

Thanks for the feedback :)

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