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loaderr 2008-03-15 01:33

Re: The noBounds Project
This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! and I just bought a 37" plasma display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! I`'M WET! where and how much ?

daveb70 2008-03-15 02:03

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by loaderr (Post 155384)
This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! and I just bought a 37" plasma display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! I`'M WET! where and how much ?

Walgreens- $3.29 for 72 Baby Wipes :D

I myself think this is a great concept which someday we can only hope will become the proof on a consumer level using the equipment we already have + a reasonable expense for the dongle. At least aflegg admits he found and makes use of his NIT in ways he hadn't originally purchased a device for. So why not wait this out and see where it goes? I mean come on, so the tablet can play stereo music and show images on a great screen, but look what INDT has done with those basic capabilities? How crazy can creative developers get when they can tap into sending video from a handheld device? The video shown is just the tip of the iceberg in my mind.

I sense a few different tones and attitudes towards the NIT in general and then again in specific areas. We all know some who've been somehow duped into spending too much for something that does too little. I don't believe I'm one of them. I'm in the same camp as mobiledivide and enjoy the heck out of my device. To each their own- some would whine and complain that their car doesn't do a 10-second quarter mile nor get 35 mpg, yet they don't go out and start their own automobile manufacturing company.

There will always be someone who can do it better- they watch football from their couch every weekend.

I continue to be impressed. I've been slow to embrace all the Linuxish undercarriage of my 770 as it takes time and I wanted to spend more time enjoying what I had than tweaking and patching/hacking. Now that I have the 770 and an 800 I will do more playing IF and WHEN I can justify taking the time. There is so much I have not yet explored, so I commend those who've reached the end of the NIT-feature world and crave and expect more. I think deep down these folks do truly want to give kudos for the expansion of capabilities and newly formed uses for our tablets, they just have too much of a grudge to admit it.

As much as I don't care to read some folks' posts, I currently still will for the time being. They actually remind me of most of the major media corporations, always publishing crap about our leaders, our government failures, anything to diminish and undermine the structure of entiities we should be supporting and uplifting in such "dire" times as these. Naysayers and fearmongers only feed the fire and tend to lead the lemmings to the edge of the cliff. I don't read those newspapers nor watch those news channels, and eventually I will simply pass over those posters who are of a similar ilk.

<soapbox removed>

mikemorrison 2008-03-15 02:19

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 155085)
Hmmm... A little Quiver Image Viewer action going on in there too. That's a nice little hat tip to Mike Morrison, even if it was unintentional. ;)


i noticed this .. very nice :)

i hope we can use it soon... it would be great for slideshows. i wonder if it uses a lot of cpu for the encoding.

YoDude 2008-03-15 02:49

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by mobiledivide (Post 155368)
Its comments like this that I REALLY don't understand. The tablet is worth every cent I spent on it even if development stopped TODAY. I use it every day to listen to music in at least 3 different ways, type notes in meetings and classes. I have no problem being part of a 'test audience' if I can get as much *real* use of this I am doing presently.

If you don't like this function then post that you don't like it and step back and let those of us who do like it to discuss it without stepping in just purely to stir up crap. Karel commented on my first comment loooong after I had posted it, surely only to troll the thread further.

If you don't like what the tablet does for you then sell it and buy whatever device you think would your profile better and go troll their forums. :)
As for me any additional functionality is a good thing even if I only use it once.

Don't get me wrong big fella... I wasn't clear or used the wrong choice of words when I said "average user". By that I meant handheld user.

I didn't buy the tablet in lui of a the current handhelds or to replace a PIM. I bought its potential.
In that respect I have been very satisfied with the IMPROVEMENTS that have been made and each time that "development activity" meets "brickwall" cycle that I mentioned occurs, something is learned by all and incremental improvements in existing apps also seems to occur.

My tablet has evolved to be quite useful in ways I could only imagine when I first bought it. In fact, this past week it filled a need for me that I didn't even know existed until it occured... but I'll post more about that later in another thread.

As far as stepping back, well... I don't think so. :)
I maintain that the NIT is an amazing piece of hardware and we haven't yet seen its full potential.
Some of that potential can only be developed by Nokia or it's licensees because of the closed nature of some of its firmware.

ARJWright 2008-03-15 02:54

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155371)
No no no! NOT what I said. I said I saw the capability mentioned in data sheets prior to release, but was told it was not going to be available at first. Don't get me in trouble! :p

Apologies; didn't mean to get you in trouble; I'll gladly report to Nokia everything that I typed here in guestimation...

Product release schedules for mobile devices are interesting. For smartphones, its anywhere from 3-5 years (depending on testing a a few other variables), but for non-cellular handhelds, it can be a whole lot faster. If all the parts of the development and marketing machine are working together, 2 years from conception to market is not impossible. That being said, much of the IT's community focus has probably cut some of that development time. Therefore guesisng that if this were to come, it would be in IT-next, not necessarly ready for prime time for the wimax IT, but for the 5th gen one, releasing next year about this time (if tradition holds), this and a few other features could be here and very nice.

mobiledivide 2008-03-15 04:33

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Bernd Steinke
Bernd Steinke 11 hours ago
noBounds is installable SW or Firmware on N8x0, and Firmware SW on some recent Display devices.
Alternatively this functionality could be implemented in a small HW dongle to connect traditional interfaces of not upgradeable display devices.

10 hours ago
Hi, in light of recent events held at the congress. How far off is this discovery from seeing daylight in current smartphones? As nvidia has composed it's latest spotlight on up and coming technology for it's smartphones, would see fit a need for a joint verture?

Bernd Steinke
8 hours ago
Technically we're quite far advanced. Now it's business...
If you like to join, because you belong to a relevant company or institute, please email me to the address you see at the end of the video.

Andrew Zhilin
5 hours ago
Hello there.
I want to ask about OpenGL support that was mentioned in this movie. Do you have that mythic GL drivers for N8*0 or not? :)
Thanks for the reply.
P.S.: BTW, that is great functionality for business device.

Bernd Steinke
4 hours ago
The N800 in the movie has the freely available MESA_3D SW rendering installed. This is of course very limited in performance: 2 buildings only...
The noBounds system in contrast supports the Khronos standards OpenGL for 3D and OpenMAX for AV externally. This allows easily much higher complexity for differentiation: e.g. 200 buildings.
Without any assumption about products, just for graphics-fascination: nVidea APX2500

This is copy and pasted from the Vimeo comments, a little bit of insight.

mathew.chacko 2008-03-15 10:17

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155272)
I could share a PDF presentation if I liked. There's my wow factor... and I would feel the same regardless of employment. ;)

I think S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System will be very interesting too. Have a look at S5 -

Just copy this piece of software on N8*0 and run presentation on N8*0.

It will be also cool to present the same on large screen. Cool concept... :)

TabletKev 2008-03-15 15:30

Re: The noBounds Project
KDE + this software = heaven on earth

Imagine a full OS w/productivity (koffice) in your pocket!


belder 2008-03-15 21:03

Re: The noBounds Project
I agree with the previous posters about the N8*0 doing things I didn't count on. And I understand the skeptical/practical replies as well. Already I use my aging laptop so much less. Did I buy the N800 to show video or to hook up a mouse and keyboard? No. (Although I do work in the audio/video profession)

But that capability just makes the N800 that more valuable a tool to me. Imagine a meeting where someone asks me for a demo of my work. I have a couple of television promos and audio clips I can play on the N800. Imagine if I could feed that to a television? Instant presentation.

I say "thanks" to these developers for pushing the envelope, even if the finished product isn't what we expect. I have a $20 stick that will hold 2GB's in my pocket. I never saw that coming either five years ago. You gotta start somewhere. :D

pipeline 2008-03-15 22:10

Re: The noBounds Project
It definately is the way of the future.

While there may be some benefit now, it will be mostly when new generation ARM cpus with hdtv res support (cue texrat to deny such a thing exists on roadmap :) I heard it from GenAntilles!! ) -along with- feature rich OS running something like open office. As a company that cant be mainstream until you get rid of 256meg memory limitation... therefore i hope elephanta is such a rich distro and arrives sooner rather than later. KDE is useful now and that would rock, but that cant be made mainstream (out of the box) to put on product sheet.

It is nice though to see it actively useful for current tasks and on roadmap :)

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