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qole 2008-09-09 21:29

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs
Stskeeps: My problem. I'm trying to install your stuff without using your .debs because I don't have svn and I don't have your installer.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Can you check what I'm doing and see where I'm going wrong?


#Get the chroot

#Copy the flash plugin stuff
mkdir "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/"
mkdir "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins"

cp "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins"

cp /usr/lib/browser/plugins/ "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"

#Copy the libplayback file
cp /usr/lib/ "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"

#Copy the libosso file
cp /usr/lib/ "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"

fatalsaint 2008-09-09 21:38

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs

ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"


ln -s "" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"

Would seem easier.. and those LN commands work?? it seems to me the link will be created to point to /debian/usr/lib... which inside the debian chroot would not exist... I think these might work better???


ln -s "" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "/usr/lib/browser/plugins/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"
ln -s "/usr/lib/" "$CHROOT/usr/lib/"

Remember ln -s doesn't need a full path to an actual file when you do it.. it's not like cp.. inside the chroot the above will be /usr/lib/browser/plugins/ .. which is correct.. creating a ln to $CHROOT/usr/lib.. inside the chroot will be /debian/usr/lib... which doesn't seem right..

But I'm probably overlooking something..

ETA: That was confusing.. I need to rephrase.. my understanding is the first parameter you pass to ln -s is the path you want the link to show.. not the path to the file as relative to you.. IE:

ln -s ../../lib/ /usr/lib/

would actually try linking to a file on /lib/ regardless of where you were at when you created the link.. the ../ would be relative to where the link file itself (/usr/lib/ sits.. so linking to $CHROOT/ as relative to the link itself would link to /debian/ which would be a broken path inside the debian root.

Stskeeps 2008-09-09 21:49

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs

Originally Posted by qole (Post 222444)
cp "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins"

cp /usr/lib/browser/plugins/ "$CHROOT/usr/lib/browser/plugins/"

Skip this line and put it in /usr/lib/ instead, leaving it out of plugins. refers to this one - should be kept out of plugins at all cost (i thought browser/plugins was a maemo thing.)


qole 2008-09-09 22:42

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs
Ok, so it works. I think it was mainly the mistake that fatalsaint caught; sure enough, the softlinks that I had made were pointing to non-existent files. However, I also simply copied the to the /usr/lib folder (instead of to /usr/lib/browser/plugins).

I think Iceweasel knew about /usr/lib/browser/plugins because it shares the /home/user/.mozilla folder with MicroB.

And ... what does libdude do? Is it anything like libsexy? :)

fatalsaint 2008-09-09 22:56

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs

Originally Posted by qole (Post 222476)
And ... what does libdude do? Is it anything like libsexy? :)

libdude statically linked libsexy in fact ... but after the developers created libwife (the ultimate goal for libsexy) they realized libdude wasn't going to be able to link back to libsexy anymore.. so they had to remove several libsexy function calls and created instead libdrunk... libdrunk was successfully able to use some of what libsexy provided, and most of what libwife provided.. but of course will never be as efficient as the original libdude.


b-man 2008-09-09 23:34

Re: Continuing development of Debian on NITs

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 222478)
libdude statically linked libsexy in fact ... but after the developers created libwife (the ultimate goal for libsexy) they realized libdude wasn't going to be able to link back to libsexy anymore.. so they had to remove several libsexy function calls and created instead libdrunk... libdrunk was successfully able to use some of what libsexy provided, and most of what libwife provided.. but of course will never be as efficient as the original libdude.


Hmmmm..... libsexy, libdude, libdrunk and, libwifwe.........

What will thay think of next!, maybe libkids, libkool, libhiper, libextreme, libwerdow, libdumy, libsmart........ :rolleyes:

Btw, sorry i haven't been here for some time... My daily scedual is working against me :(

But hopfuly soon i will be able to be around much more again.

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