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rjzak 2008-10-23 12:57

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 235897)
Give me more information about your problem.


I installed the weather app, and went to the config applets screen, and tried to adjust the settings, which I was able to do. The problem was when I was done with the config, I clicked Save and the config screen wouldn't go away. I tried to click Cancel, and the app wouldn't go away. I tried the swap button, and the listing of other windows would not appear. Yet, when I touched the screen I did head the sound effect, as I did when I clicked the buttons to save and cancel.

So I thought I should restart the device. The Nokia bootup logo shows up, the sound effect plays, then I am just stuck with the logo! Then after about 10 minutes the left panel appears, but without the menu icons. Then I see what looks like the outline of the om weather applet, then it disappears and again it's just the Nokia logo still with the left menu without icons. But the screen still makes the sound effect when touched, so the system is responsive to some degree.

Is there a way to remove the app in a single user mode of sorts? I wanted to flash the device, but the tablets-dev site won't accept my MAC addy to let me download the firmware. I did contact Nokia about this and I'm awaiting a response.

I'm sure your app is fantastic, and I'll try it again once/if I get my device to work again! I liked how the location settings had a GPS option... cool!

bigbrovar 2008-10-23 13:17

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
i tried the omweather on my nokia 810 but it didnt update any weather detail. but am behind a proxy server. goes omweather work with network proxy. if not could you please add proxy support. thanks

vasvlad 2008-10-23 18:13

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by bigbrovar (Post 235988)
i tried the omweather on my nokia 810 but it didnt update any weather detail. but am behind a proxy server. goes omweather work with network proxy. if not could you please add proxy support. thanks

Omweather does work with proxy. But it doesn't work if you must using login and password for you proxy.


vasvlad 2008-10-23 18:19

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by rjzak (Post 235976)
I installed the weather app, and went to the config applets screen, and tried to adjust the settings, which I was able to do. The problem was when I was done with the config, I clicked Save and the config screen wouldn't go away. I tried to click Cancel, and the app wouldn't go away. I tried the swap button, and the listing of other windows would not appear. Yet, when I touched the screen I did head the sound effect, as I did when I clicked the buttons to save and cancel.

So I thought I should restart the device. The Nokia bootup logo shows up, the sound effect plays, then I am just stuck with the logo! Then after about 10 minutes the left panel appears, but without the menu icons. Then I see what looks like the outline of the om weather applet, then it disappears and again it's just the Nokia logo still with the left menu without icons. But the screen still makes the sound effect when touched, so the system is responsive to some degree.

Is there a way to remove the app in a single user mode of sorts? I wanted to flash the device, but the tablets-dev site won't accept my MAC addy to let me download the firmware. I did contact Nokia about this and I'm awaiting a response.

I'm sure your app is fantastic, and I'll try it again once/if I get my device to work again! I liked how the location settings had a GPS option... cool!

Please contact me personally email vlad (@) or jabber vlad (@) I will try to help you.

n9ots 2008-11-04 14:47

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I just tried to add a station and noticed that the drop-down menus are not visible (770 os2006). It seems like the menu is active (partial box appears inside the selection area) but is unusable.

Also it seems that the sunrise/sunset times are only correct for the current day ... this is a very minor quirk

This is still one of the best programs for the I.T. keep up the good work

vasvlad 2008-11-04 18:55

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by n9ots (Post 239283)
I just tried to add a station and noticed that the drop-down menus are not visible (770 os2006). It seems like the menu is active (partial box appears inside the selection area) but is unusable.

Also it seems that the sunrise/sunset times are only correct for the current day ... this is a very minor quirk

This is still one of the best programs for the I.T. keep up the good work

Did you install the package
omweather-weather-com-stations-db_0.1 ?

What did you mean in the phrase "the sunrise/sunset times are only correct for the current day" ?

Best regards

Den in USA 2008-11-04 19:10

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
With version 0.21.4 I still loose my set background color after rebooting my N800.

vasvlad 2008-11-05 05:51

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 239340)
With version 0.21.4 I still loose my set background color after rebooting my N800.

Den I confirmed this bug. :)

This bug will be fixed in version 0.21.5. It will be released on November 20.

Best regards,

Den in USA 2008-11-19 20:03

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
vasvlad, thanks for the fix in v 0.21.5. After a reboot. I now retain my background color.

Den in USA 2008-11-19 20:23

Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
1 Attachment(s)
vasvlad, just one tiny problem with v 0.21.5. When in the "Display" configuration tab, if I click "Show only current weater on first icon" then during the day the first icon is the "sun" but the second icon is always the "moon". This problem remains even after a reboot.

Attachment 2789

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