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st5150 2008-10-08 22:07

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
So I just copied the old .canola/covers directory from an old backup to the new beta 10 .canola directory.... I <mostly> have cover arts again :) Just a tip for those of you that can't wait for cover art support to be added.

Honeybadger 2008-10-09 00:33

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
I can't seem to find beta10...which repository is it on?

Also is the "final" release of beta10 expected out this week and would it be better for me to wait.

I don't mind beta-testing, just wondering if you already have enough cooks in this kitchen arguing about the to speak...


Laughing Man 2008-10-09 00:56

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
I believe it's in extras-deval.

sachin007 2008-10-09 01:09

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
my canola is totzlly borked. i tried canola cleanup and after that reinstalled canola 10 and all plugins. still no plugins show up.
then i uninstall everything and try to run canola cleanup again. but it says hardware not supported.
i got fed up and installed the old canola 9 but i could not install plugins because they were for canola 10

someone please help

Ogar 2008-10-09 01:52

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
I've got the same "hardware not supported" message on Canola Cleanup. I'm not sure where to take it from here.

acosta 2008-10-09 13:34

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Hi Ogar,

which tablet are you using (N800 or N810), which version (diablo or chinook) and which canola-cleanup version?


handful 2008-10-09 13:36

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Sachin : if you install Canola9, make sure you remove extras-devel :/
If you don't remove it will try the beta10.

It's not on Extras because of that, because it's not ready for prime time : /


etrunko 2008-10-09 14:02

Re: Canola2 Beta 10

Originally Posted by Ogar (Post 231938)
I've got the same "hardware not supported" message on Canola Cleanup. I'm not sure where to take it from here.

Please again, check the version of Canola cleanup application. The version which works is 0.1.8-maemo3, and it is available in the extras-devel repository.

yerga 2008-10-09 14:30

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Etrunko (I think, you are the packager for Canola), I would like to give a suggestion about the /debian/postinst script.
It runs 'maemo-select-menu-location' in every update and asks the user to decide the menu where put Canola, this can be annoying for the user if she already has her menus modified and doesn't want to change them.

With this code, it only runs 'maemo-select-menu-location' when the installation is the first time:


if [ -z "$oldversion" ]; then
  maemo-select-menu-location canola.desktop

Honeybadger 2008-10-09 16:53

Re: Canola2 Beta 10

Originally Posted by handful (Post 232052)
Sachin : if you install Canola9, make sure you remove extras-devel :/
If you don't remove it will try the beta10.

It's not on Extras because of that, because it's not ready for prime time : /


Not meaning to be pushy but when do you think it will be ready for "prime time"?


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