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hass 2009-11-24 11:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
0800 3316021

jutl 2009-11-24 11:23

Re: cancelled my order - UK
For those reordering - why do you think that the same problem wont occur when they next come to authorise your payment? Have Nokia UK said they will do it differently, or are you just optimists? :)

ewan 2009-11-24 11:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by DaveR53 (Post 388511)
Sounds promising! What number did you call?

I thought I'd be a bit creative and tried Customer Services on 0845 045 5555, but they couldn't help (they sound like they're more aftersales 'My phone doesn't work' type support) and put me through to the shop, which I'm pretty sure is where you'd get to if you just ring the usual 0800 331 6021 number.

I have now had the email confirmation and I can see the new order on the shop website, at the original price. I've also called Barclaycard's fraud people and indicated that I was:

a) Not Happy.
b) Going to be even more Not Happy if they declined it again.

They tell me that I should be good to go as long as Nokia put the transaction through today or tomorrow, otherwise I should call them again. Hopefully it'll be third time lucky.

Duffer 2009-11-24 11:27

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just spoken to Chris again, Nokia has accepted my diso**** code now.

Thanks to this thread / Nokia, I feel less p'd off now!

cgarvie 2009-11-24 11:27

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by jutl (Post 388535)
For those reordering - why do you think that the same problem wont occur when they next come to authorise your payment? Have Nokia UK said they will do it differently, or are you just optimists? :)

cause you need to phone the card company, and they know to expect that order to appear again.

My card company didnt refuse payment, just put it on hold while they checked authorisation

charlie 2009-11-24 11:29

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I've also just been able to re-order with the 15% discount re-applied over the phone on the 0800 331 6021 number.

(I didn't speak to Chris this time so I've answered my own question)

Netweaver 2009-11-24 11:30

Re: cancelled my order - UK
same crap here, only willing to give the one 15% code.

We already filed the form at Watchdog, please all do as well. If it wasn't for the phone being so good, I would never do business with them again.

DaveR53 2009-11-24 11:34

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Got through to Chris on 0800 331 6021 (option 1), poor guy sounds like he's been bombarded. Said same thing about the discounts being cancelled but they can give me a 15% one. So I replaced the order over the phone and he gave me a new Order Number.

I had originally placed the order with the first 15% discount code but cancelled that when the 3 code trick appeared, so I am not too put out over it. Still a shame though.

shaksta 2009-11-24 11:38

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I wonder if they will still give the Quidco cashback even though it's a new order. An extra 10% off would help me seal the deal.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 11:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by cms (Post 388509)
Afraid not. I ordered on 1 Oct, no discount or promotion codes. My order was cancelled at the end of month, same time as all the other cancellations due to 'errors'.

says in the FAQ that orders over 30 days old, they will try and contact you to confirm you wish to keep the order.

Were your phone contact details in order on your account for the web site?

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