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mmurfin87 2010-08-14 18:09

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Please include this warning when telling people to enable Extras-Devel on their devices:


The software hosted in extras-devel is not ready for normal users!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't play with it unless you really know what you are doing. Be ready to file proper bug reports instead of posting complaints.
Expected problems: crashes, battery drain, poor system performance, full disk space & more - SERIOUSLY!

Don't play with Extras-devel if you haven't backed up your data or aren't prepared to re-flash your device.
Taken from Extras-devel WIki

mohannad 2010-08-14 18:23

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 786321)
This isn't userfriendly...
Is it possible to make something so that everyone can handle it?

I know its not the easiest to configure.. Its just a quick and dirty hack. The proper solution would be for me to make another app in another programming language (since Qt widgets are lame) which, judging by the amount of free time i've been having lately, would probably take me more than a few weekends to have ready.

Thank you mmurfin87, I will add that to the front page.

mohannad 2010-08-14 18:30

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by pindu (Post 786322)
akhee i have followed your instructions as above but i dont get the prayer names to show, how do i fix this please?

Wa'alaikum essalaam!
Are you running the same command from the instructions?
you need a lower case "L" to show labels/prayer-names.


l = Show Labels
f = Print Fajr time
s = Print Shurooq time
d = Print Duhr time
a = Print Asr time
m = Print Maghrib time
i = Print Ishaa time

xuggs 2010-08-14 19:07

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mmoomm (Post 786279)
because i am a genius, i thought "why not try this with desktop command widget" i added the script then it didnt show anything in stead it opened mprayertime app. and every time i closed it, it opened. i deleted the widget but still the app opens every time i close it. i rebooted but STILL!! it opens every time i close it and also most of the widgets on my desktops are invisible.

what should i do? please help

Please check your interval on the widget settings. Scroll down and see what what you have set it to @Interval.

kamiwey 2010-10-14 19:59

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 786194)
I am pleased to announce the latest added feature to mPrayerTime: command line output!

usage: [path/to/mprayertime] nogui [lfsdami]

What does this feature bring?
Well, a whole lot of people have been asking me to add a desktop widget to mPrayertime. Since mPrayerTime was developed using Qt, extending the application to include a desktop widget wouldnt have been too difficult. However the limitations of Qt widgets on Maemo (the biggest one being that you have to reload the widget every time you restart the phone) made me look for a different approach. I wanted the widget to be as customisable as possible, but that would mean that I had to write a LOT of code which requires time and that is the one thing I seem to always be running out of. And then it hit me! Why not just output the times to the command line and let the users (using the QueenBeeCon widget) display them in what ever way they like! So thats what I did in version 0.4-1.

How do I display the prayertimes on my homescreen?
  1. Make sure you have mPrayerTime installed and configured
  2. Download Queen BeeCon Widget from the Extras repos if you dont already have it installed.
  3. Add a new Queen BeeCon Widget to one of your homescreens
  4. Edit the added widget by long-pressing an empty area on your homescreen and then pressing the spanner logo on the bottom left of the widget
  5. Add a new command by hitting the "Add Cmd" button.
  6. Give your command a title (eg: mPrayerTime) and the following command:
    /usr/bin/mprayertime nogui lfsdami
  7. Hit save
  8. Hit Save & Run.
The prayer times should appear in your widget.
You can modify the settings of the widget to suit your preferences.

What if I dont want to display all the times?
If you noticed the weird "lfsdami" (no this is not a typo) command used in the instructions above, this is what allows you to specify what times you want to print out.
l = Show Labels
f = Print Fajr time
s = Print Shurooq time
d = Print Duhr time
a = Print Asr time
m = Print Magrib time
i = Print Ishaa time

If you want to have arabic labels instead of the default english, you can create a picture with arabic words and use that as your widget background. Then run the command above without the "l" (i.e. fsdami).

Thats all for now. Ill be looking forward to hearing some feedback from anyone who wishes to test this.

Thank you all for testing mPrayerTime

Ramadan Mubarak!

thank you Mohannad

yakusa87 2010-11-23 22:33

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Baraka Allaho Fik!

Amroush 2010-12-13 07:47

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Dear Mohanned,

Thank you for your great effort in adding features to the mprayertime. Moreover is it possible to integrate an alarm for the prayer time as well.

Thanks and Best Regards,

abuelmagd 2010-12-23 14:50

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Mohannad told me that a version with athan alarms is in the works. I think M Afifi is the one working on that version.

Hopefully after that functionality is added to the application we can start a translation effort to add some localization to this great application.

mirza 2011-01-02 08:27

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
alhamdulillah and thank you
i am new to n900 and my IT & computer knowledge is very bad, how can i download the application

thank you very much, wassalam

mohannad 2011-01-02 09:47

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
mPrayerTime v0.5 will be out in the next few days inshallah.

M Afifi has added an Athan function as well as the automatic switching to silent profile for a predefined length of time after Iqama. He has done an amazing job and I can't thank him enough.

@mirza, the application is in the Extras-devel repository. You can find instructions on how to install applications from that repository.

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