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rajil.s 2010-11-07 22:18

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by ffarber (Post 619489)
If you want to remove the standard profiles section on the task bar wouldn't it just be better to comment out (or remove) the section of


that starts with


there are a total of five lines that would need to be removed/commented out.

You will have to be root to do this.


P.S. Now I am going to try profilesx.

Commenting these lines doesn't make the applet go away.

reflexing 2010-11-23 10:21

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Hello guys, first of all, wanna thank Nicolay for his great work for the community.

Now the problem part:
Somehow i'd messed my profiles, maybe with tweakr… the thing is I don't see "General" profile in default Profiles application, but I see it in ProfilesX and can enable it through statusbar menu. Are there any way to restore original profiles?

Other problem is that default Profiles icon shows in statusbar along with ProfilesX's icon (and in statusbar menu too). Looked some pages back, looks like this was fixed. Maybe it's some regression?

I'm using PR 1.3 power46 kernel and ProfilesX 0.7

And some other question… I'm big Jabber fan, and have it enabled everytime. But when I get message — ooops — MediaBox stops playing sound for a little, even when I selected my custom, created with ProfilesX "IM" profile, where IM notification sound volume set to 0. Looks like setting it to 0 doesn't disable it at all, just plays it at 0 volume. It's rather annoying, and I had to select internal "Silent" profile to avoid it. Are there any way to solve this?

Thanks everybody.

nicolai 2010-11-23 10:38

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
Hello guys, first of all, wanna thank Nicolay for his great work for the community.

Now the problem part:
Somehow i'd messed my profiles, maybe with tweakr… the thing is I don't see "General" profile in default Profiles application, but I see it in ProfilesX and can enable it through statusbar menu. Are there any way to restore original profiles?

Is tweakr still installed?

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
Other problem is that default Profiles icon shows in statusbar along with ProfilesX's icon (and in statusbar menu too). Looked some pages back, looks like this was fixed. Maybe it's some regression?

Tweakr and ProfilesX use the same function ("hack") to hide
the stock profiles statusbar plugin. If you uninstalled tweakr lately, you
have to reboot once, otherwise tweakr just unhides the statusbar plugin.

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
And some other question… I'm big Jabber fan, and have it enabled everytime. But when I get message — ooops — MediaBox stops playing sound for a little, even when I selected my custom, created with ProfilesX "IM" profile, where IM notification sound volume set to 0. Looks like setting it to 0 doesn't disable it at all, just plays it at 0 volume. It's rather annoying, and I had to select internal "Silent" profile to avoid it. Are there any way to solve this?

Thanks everybody.

The sound system in maemo5, sadly, only distinguish "silent" profile
and "general"/"or any other" profile.
So, it is not possible, to fully disable any attempt to play
notification sound, even if the volume is set to zer0.
That is bad.


reflexing 2010-11-23 11:02

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thanks for quick answer, i've deleted tweakr, rebooted and it all goes OK.

So, tweakr and profilesx are incompatible in certain areas? Maybe it should be noticed somewhere, maybe in repos? Or it's just tweakr profiles functionality mess everything, but if it's just installed it will work?.. I used it's "snap-to-grid" functionality, but it looks like that it is supported out of the box in my favourite (for now) "Black Plasic Theme", so tweakr is completely unuseful for me, and I wan't miss it :)

Thanks again!

reflexing 2010-11-23 12:59

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Heh when I set "Silent" profile up it shows 2 icons in statusbar :)

reflexing 2010-12-01 16:31

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
1 Attachment(s)
Here are default profiles for N900 for those who broke their profiles somehow. Clear /etc/profilesd on your phone and put em there, then reboot I think.

Also, I've resolved my problem with 2 icons of silent mode in statusbar — just changed it to empty in ProfilesX. 2010-12-20 02:28

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
1 Attachment(s)
hi guys, great app! but:
1) problem to remove a previous profile created. when i tap on delete button, it begins the task (deleting action), appears the like-clock spinning beside "Profiles" word, but it remains forever without never end the task. see my attachment..
2) it's possible to create a profile with incremental ringtone?
thank you

nicolai 2010-12-20 07:57

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by (Post 900238)
hi guys, great app! but:
1) problem to remove a previous profile created. when i tap on delete button, it begins the task (deleting action), appears the like-clock spinning beside "Profiles" word, but it remains forever without never end the task. see my attachment..

Did you mean you try to remove a profile you just created?
Or is it an older profile?


Originally Posted by (Post 900238)
2) it's possible to create a profile with incremental ringtone?
thank you


Nicolai 2010-12-20 12:22

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 900361)
Did you mean you try to remove a profile you just created?
Or is it an older profile?

I mean a new profile that I created.

EDIT: It's possible to change from a every profile to silent profile by pressing camera button?
It's annoying everytime: take n900 from pocket, unlock it, tap on time, tap on profile, select silent profile, select ok, tap on the screen to close this window, lock again device.
It should be much better if I can put my hand in my pocket and press/long-press camera button till I listen a short sound that confirm me profile switched to silent!
Please please please tell me it's possible to do...

nicolai 2011-01-17 23:03

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Maybe camkeyd provides this option.

New Version of ProfilesX (0.8)

Fixed a bug with sound preview volume. The volume
for the sound preview was much louder than the sound
of the ringtones.

New options:

You can select to enable autoanswer and / or loudspeaker for
the general and every user defined profiles.

With autoanswer enabled, the phone automatically accepts
phone calls (cellular only, no skype) after 1 second.
But only if the proximity sensor isn't covered. That way it won't
accidently accept the phone call while your phone is in your

The loudspeaker option will switch to speaker mode when then
call is accepted.


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