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fpp 2010-09-20 13:27

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Suggestion : at the top of, replace :


import simplejson as json


import json
import simplejson as json
This way your code will run unchanged on Python > 2.5.

Just tried on my PC, it was the only change needed :-)

I need to understand how your "views" are designed, to see if I could make a simple one for Maemo4...

Twidi 2010-09-21 00:18

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Great time in Strasbourg :)

Used some time in the train to work a little on GRead, with some work on controls :
  • add context menu on each window, with actions available for the selected item plus the ones available on the window menu. Very useful in portrait mode (but the menu is long to appear on long press, i have an idea to tweak this, but... later !)
  • add more shortcuts :
    • J/N and K/P to move down/up in each list (just select the next/previous entry, without activating it, you can either use enter to activate it, or another shortcut to do an action on the item)
    • O to change the orientation (useless in portrait mode :D)
    • shift-A and shift-M on a selected feed in the feeds list to mark the feed as read (without asking confirmation !), same shortcuts as on the items list
  • libgreader now use the python json lib instead of simplejson if available (python >= 2.6. Note : it's python 2.5 on Maemo5, but it can be useful for other platforms)

The application if fully usable now, with all these controls, and with the "pseudo-offline" capabilities, i used it this week-end without network some times (or really poor bandwidth) and i had no problems at all, just sometimes long to fetch feeds content but it was attended.

And just to say... i'm thinking a lot about storage :)

Frank Banul 2010-09-21 03:00

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Hi Twidi,

I used Gread over the weekend. I like it. Consider making it a preference to turn off the self hiding header of each item. I suppose you would appreciate git pushes (not sure on the terminology)?

I have a question though. I changed it to sort by date, oldest first. But this needs a fetch of all outstanding items to work correctly. This seems to consume a lot of memory, at least the device feels sluggish when I have around 800 items fetched. Is there a way to ask Google for the oldest items? Then I can go back to fetching a subset of all outstanding items. I source dived for a bit but didn't see an obvious method to do this.


fpp 2010-09-21 06:00

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 821954)
Hi Twidi,
I used Gread over the weekend. I like it. Consider making it a preference to turn off the self hiding header of each item. I suppose you would appreciate git pushes (not sure on the terminology)?

Do you mean turn off the title itself, or turn off the self-hiding ?

fpp 2010-09-21 11:26

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 821912)
Great time in Strasbourg :)
Used some time in the train to work a little on GRead, with some work on controls :
  • add context menu on each window, with actions available for the selected item plus the ones available on the window menu. Very useful in portrait mode (but the menu is long to appear on long press, i have an idea to tweak this, but... later !)
  • add more shortcuts :
    • J/N and K/P to move down/up in each list (just select the next/previous entry, without activating it, you can either use enter to activate it, or another shortcut to do an action on the item)
    • O to change the orientation (useless in portrait mode :D)
    • shift-A and shift-M on a selected feed in the feeds list to mark the feed as read (without asking confirmation !), same shortcuts as on the items list
  • libgreader now use the python json lib instead of simplejson if available (python >= 2.6. Note : it's python 2.5 on Maemo5, but it can be useful for other platforms)
The application if fully usable now, with all these controls, and with the "pseudo-offline" capabilities, i used it this week-end without network some times (or really poor bandwidth) and i had no problems at all, just sometimes long to fetch feeds content but it was attended.
And just to say... i'm thinking a lot about storage :)

All good stuff, thanks again ! Almost perfect now... almost :-)

hotzigetty 2010-09-21 11:42

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Has the app been packaged?? Is it there under extra-devel??

SallyJane 2010-09-21 14:11

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by hotzigetty (Post 822241)
Has the app been packaged?? Is it there under extra-devel??

Yes, please can someone package this now ? :)

Frank Banul 2010-09-21 14:15

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 822011)
Do you mean turn off the title itself, or turn off the self-hiding ?

Remove it altogether. It's redundant, eats screen space, and the self hiding eats CPU effectively delaying you from beginning to read the content while it moves.

Please keep in mind that my opinion above is just that. No disrespect intended to this fine application.


fpp 2010-09-21 16:10

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 822214)
All good stuff, thanks again ! Almost perfect now... almost :-)


If I'm not mistaken there is a regression in this version... all the new stuff you listed is there, but it seems all navigation has disappeared from the "post view": not only the keys (j/k/n/p) but also the "furtive buttons" don't work any more...

Is it only me ?

fpp 2010-09-21 16:25

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 822386)
Remove it altogether. It's redundant, eats screen space, and the self hiding eats CPU effectively delaying you from beginning to read the content while it moves.

Frank, I fully agree with #1 and #3... but it leads me to the exactly opposite conclusion :-)

- yes, it takes some screen space, but it's often useful because some feeds have little to no content except the title. And for large posts with a lot of content you generally scroll the page anyway...

- it's only redundant because it's also in the window caption, only not so useful because you often see only a small part of it. Especially in portait mode, and of course when "scrolling marquee" is turned off (I also can't stand it :-).

- OTOH there is another useful bit of info that's often lacking from the "view post" page, especially when browsing through the "all posts from all feeds" list : the feed from which the current post came from. That name is generally shorter and would fit well in the caption.

So my personal preference (which I pompously call "the Fred mode") would be :

* feed name in the windows caption

* post title at top of page, as it is now, but not fading and scrolling with the rest...

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