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bakuur 2010-11-22 10:28

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
preenv is :@ :@
i never could get it to work
even though my friend tried his best to guide me
but i never was intrested

further more you can do one thing which is uninstall the kernel and reinstall it again , that is what i think is the best way to solve it
but for some it worked with time, clueless on how or why...

hope that helps,

lucky88shp 2010-11-22 18:16

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
I tried atleast five times and had no luck!! will try again...or then try another method.

lucky88shp 2010-11-22 18:44

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Ok so i just tried again and this time it worked!!! But now i got a new prob, my camera app and the BlessN900 app both crash on startup, saying application gonna restart and retry the other thing is that after a phonecall my min frequency also drops to 125 from 250, which i know happen for many ppl, wuts the way to fix that???

lucky88shp 2010-11-22 18:51

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
So i restarted my phone and the max frequency went back to 600 which is normal and the min is down to 125!!! And the worst of all, my camera apps still dont work!!!! Anyone else with the same problem or any possible solutions??!?

bakuur 2010-11-22 19:00

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
mate its a common problem
you will need to update the camera drivers
am no user of these apps but i must ask,what version of the kernel are you using??
and to avoid the 125min freq?? make a widget/timer to set the min freq , every certain period of time

lucky88shp 2010-11-22 19:09

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Im using version 2.6.28maemo46.....How do i update the cam drivers, i tried apt-get update but didnt really do any updating...also how to make a widget timer to reset frequency??

bakuur 2010-11-22 19:35

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
man this version is highly unstable !!

downgrade to the power42

how to do so?? remove the power46
disable extras-devel resp.
then install everything again
*with extras devel disabled*

then use queen beecon widget to fix a timer
i have many many tutorials about that
take the time and check for them please

geneven 2010-11-22 19:42

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
You don't need a timer. 46 is not unstable. There is a lot of misinformation in the non-official overclocking threads. Read the Wiki on overclocking and rely on that. Important new information is summarized and added to the Wiki articles quickly. Titan is the best source of information, though Jakiman is another good source.

There was an unusual period of instability between kernels 42-46, but for me there is absolutely no problem with 46. I'm not using Nitdroid at this time, though, so I can't say anything about that.

lucky88shp 2010-11-22 19:49

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Thnx for ur replies, and why do u say its unstable? I will test it to c if it is or not...and how to fix and where to get the updated drivers for the cam??

Ok i will keep using version 46 and c how it goes but im/was using nitdroid, cant uninstall as of now, will look for the solution on how to uninstall it as im not using it anymore.
Now for the min freq. if i dont use a timer, how to reset it back to 250 easy and fast?!? Also how do i fix my camera prob??!

bakuur 2010-11-22 19:49

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
i have this bug where the 125mhz is turned on once i receive a phone call
so for me its easy i made a widget and once the call is over i click it

but i advice people for the ease of making a reset widget with the proper commands and set a suitable time interval

and yes the stable kernel for now is power42 and unless people know what they are doing they should stick to it

as for nitdroid i managed to create the .item profile and now thankfully i can easily boot nitdroid and power42 kernel

as for the cam drivers, this was mentioned in a post by titan himself
just passing the word :D

EDIT: just found this :
the camera fix i suppose

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