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Rauha 2010-10-25 07:25

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 849897)
They need to focus on core development then.

Wasn't that what the foundation was supposed to be about. Get other organizations to help in core development to reduce R&D costs.

Anyway, It's kind of hard to see Nokia wanting to focuse on Symbian core development, when they are in the process of sacking at least 1000 or so Symbian developers and shutting down at least one Symbian unit entirely. Especially since the lay offs are hitting hard on the former parts of Symbian Corporation, where the OS core development was being made.

My guess, or FUD if you will, is that these aren't very good news for Symbian's long livety.

danramos 2010-10-25 07:43

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Is livety a word? :) (Longevity?) I'm not sure that what you're pointing out matters, given that it's open-source. Clearly being open-sourced fixes everything. SHHHH! Don't pay attention to hardware support and drivers. The OS itself is open so shut your face hole! ;)

After all, didn't Maemo teach us that MOSTLY open is awesome?

NvyUs 2010-10-25 07:54

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Symbian Foundation closing means nothing, Not the End of Symbian. Theres rumors Nokia are Taking it Back in house

nilchak 2010-10-25 13:25

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 850153)
Is livety a word? :) (Longevity?) I'm not sure that what you're pointing out matters, given that it's open-source. Clearly being open-sourced fixes everything. SHHHH! Don't pay attention to hardware support and drivers. The OS itself is open so shut your face hole! ;)

After all, didn't Maemo teach us that MOSTLY open is awesome?

Dan, you seem to have a bad beef about open source in general. What gives ? :confused:

It's a take it or leave it philosophy - same as any bad closed source os (wm5 as an example). But point is companies roll with a product inspire of it being bad for various reasons not very apparent to the users. I am sure in it's days, WM5 or WM6 had it's share of rabit supporters who swear by it (and still do).

Don't like it, move on. It's a philosophy. If that's too difficult to understand.

danramos 2010-10-26 08:25

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by nilchak (Post 850384)
Dan, you seem to have a bad beef about open source in general. What gives ? :confused:

It's a take it or leave it philosophy - same as any bad closed source os (wm5 as an example). But point is companies roll with a product inspire of it being bad for various reasons not very apparent to the users. I am sure in it's days, WM5 or WM6 had it's share of rabit supporters who swear by it (and still do).

Don't like it, move on. It's a philosophy. If that's too difficult to understand.

It would appear that sarcasm was wasted on you. :) You should look back through my posting history to understand that 1) I am DRIPPING with sarcasm, 2) I've ranted a lot about how Maemo isn't nearly open enough, 3) wayyyy WAY back, I used to think that Maemo really was a lot more open than anybody else and thought that it would open up more and more--which it did, more or less.. but not quite as much as I'd expected for a device and brand that had acted as if it prides itself on open-source.

Rauha 2010-11-02 17:13

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 850161)
Symbian Foundation closing means nothing, Not the End of Symbian. Theres rumors Nokia are Taking it Back in house

Actually European Union is going to save Symbian.

EU taxpayers to fund Symbian

mikecomputing 2010-11-02 18:16

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 850147)
Wasn't that what the foundation was supposed to be about. Get other organizations to help in core development to reduce R&D costs.

Anyway, It's kind of hard to see Nokia wanting to focuse on Symbian core development, when they are in the process of sacking at least 1000 or so Symbian developers and shutting down at least one Symbian unit entirely. Especially since the lay offs are hitting hard on the former parts of Symbian Corporation, where the OS core development was being made.

My guess, or FUD if you will, is that these aren't very good news for Symbian's long livety.

It depends on Phone, you cant install Linux or Winmobile on the low/midrange mobiles.

ericsson 2010-11-02 18:25

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 861171)
Actually European Union is going to save Symbian.

EU taxpayers to fund Symbian

Cool :) I guess lots of British lobbying did the trick :D

Rauha 2010-11-09 14:04

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 861231)
Cool :) I guess lots of British lobbying did the trick :D

Well UK and Finland being the two biggest contributors to that EU program isn't exactly suprising...

Anyway here's a pic stolen from AAS' Twitter feed. Shows in bit more detail on what the new Symbian in Qt Quick means. Apparently part of the Orbit&Direct UI ideas will still make it to Symbian, just rewritten for Qt Quick.

Also, according to a Salo based newspaper, Nokia's factory in Salo (which makes all the S^3 models sold in Europe) can't keep up with the demand and Nokia is using private employment agencies in order to find more workforce.

NvyUs 2010-11-09 14:10

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 850161)
Symbian Foundation closing means nothing, Not the End of Symbian. Theres rumors Nokia are Taking it Back in house

nokia stole my message i've read this various times over last couple of days coming from Nokia and from ppl at SEE2010

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