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lma 2011-02-12 16:47

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 944013)
Bare with me these days if I'm too silent outside, have no doubt that I keep doing my best inside.

Thanks, and good luck!

toyg 2011-02-12 16:57

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 944142)
@qgil: Did nokia employees know about the deal before, or expected it?

Considering more than 1000+ employees in Finland walked out in disgust after hearing the news, I'm pretty sure the answer is "no". Same happened even with employees who were at the actual event!

Just have a look at Quim's twitter feed and you'll see; they were all expecting something big and positive, and instead they were basically stabbed in the face.

Management by press conference is terrible. I hope everyone working on MeeGo in Nokia will find new jobs in HP and Intel, or even better, flip the bird at the corporate world and start something new and awesome.

NvyUs 2011-02-12 16:57

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
heres a blog post from a Nokia employee and his take on what happened yesterday.
Its a good read and he seems optimistic about MeeGo's future.

Could Elop of been down Playing MeeGo's role within Nokia Microsoft talks just to get this deal with Microsoft to replace symbian?

Rugoz 2011-02-12 17:03

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
This is the time to establish your tech company in espoo, lots of angry talent around.

GeneralAntilles 2011-02-12 17:05

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by eiffel (Post 944074)
The thing is, Quim, although your own passions are pure, you've always been the apologist for the corporate behemoth, never prepared to risk your neck and your job to do what Maemo/Meego needed for success within the stifling bureaucratic "play-it-safe" environment that Nokia seems to represent.

Do you honestly believe that's a more productive strategy than working in the system to make what changes you can? (Which, I imagine, aren't insignificant.)

It's awfully easy to sit and judge from the sidelines (trust me, I do it a lot), but it's a different thing when you have all the information and when its your livelihood in question.

Unfortunately we don't have all the information, but I can't help but believe I'd like to have been a fly on the wall during some of Quim's hallway chats. Frankly, I'd rather know someone is doing what they can where they are than see them go out in a blaze of glory. Telling people off is rarely an effective strategy to win them over to your point of view.

toyg 2011-02-12 17:06

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 944151)
Could Elop of been down Playing MeeGo's role within Nokia Microsoft talks just to get this deal with Microsoft to replace symbian?

You give him a lot of credit. He's the one who sold Macromedia to Adobe; I rest my case.

qgil 2011-02-12 17:08

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by toyg (Post 944149)
management by press conference is terrible.

That's the only way it could be done. In companies with public shareholders the management can't disclose stock sensitive information to employees first.

NvyUs 2011-02-12 17:09

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by toyg (Post 944159)
You give him a lot of credit. He's the one who sold Macromedia to Adobe; I rest my case.

a CEO can't just sell a company like you think, its not Even CEO's decision

archaz 2011-02-12 17:10

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 943206)
I stay strong and will buy the meego device... and if it is just to show elop that he is wrong!
Who is with me?

All I can say forget the Nokia board and their CEO peeing their pants just to keep warm. The sensible thing to have done was to announce Meego but go full steam ahead with maemo 6 with QT fully on board along with heavy UI animation translations. IMO by now we would have a maemo 6 (N9 E7 style device). Maemo is stable and has lots of apps. I have to agree Nokia's execution has been poor. I'm just feeling sad :mad:. I will never by a Windows phone so there. MS is not getting any of my £500.

Bazza 2011-02-12 17:14

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
On a serious note.

I don't know what to make of all this really. i have always had nokia phones and an open source phone/tablet like my N900 is by far the best of the bunch and even better than other brands that i have tested.

I will be quite happy to keep my N900 for another year because TMO will be around for quite a while so apps will still be worked on, unless everyone jumps ship all at once which i doubt because open source phones may become a thing of the past so the N900 may still be a decent device for some newcomers and present ones to continue to work on.

So i may bide my time and monitor how things develop in the future.

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