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binu_ji 2011-03-24 06:33

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Its the manufacturing defect in some N900
Since i am an electronics guy i manage to resolder a new usb connector with just the power lines to get charging.

anees 2011-04-03 15:46

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
1 Attachment(s)
congrats all!

ejasmudar 2011-04-03 15:48

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
anees, can we have an image of the trophy on top of the flag? :D

rajil.s 2011-04-11 19:01

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Anybody has experience of Vodaphone 3g. Seems there are two type of plan Mobile Internet and Internet Broadband as given here

Anybody knows the difference between the two? My primary use is to make sip/voip calls so want to avoid any port blocking.


PS: BSNL 3g could be another option if anybody has made any sip calls on it.

skr4u 2012-01-23 08:13

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
from delhi

bvaibhav 2012-08-17 19:36

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Hi All,
Anybody know a service center (of course not Nokia's) to get the N900 repaired in Navi Mumbai. Mine needs flex wire replaced.

insanelysexy 2013-01-13 11:20

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
hey .. i am from pune.. need to get the screen repaired . are local shops okay , as i have seen my friends phone getting repaiored and his touch becoming worse, that has scared me a bit :( wil the nokia repair the touch of my phone?

shonaga 2013-02-03 17:37

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
wow i didnt know thr was an indian community for the n900. have it since 3 yrs now. and still loving it. got the usb issue...completely off the grid-doesnt charge or transfer.
from mumbai

legendracer 2013-02-04 03:47

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
i got problem with my N900.. where can i ask my doubts? can anyone help me out?

thedead1440 2013-02-04 03:55

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by legendracer (Post 1320601)
i got problem with my N900.. where can i ask my doubts? can anyone help me out?

Just use search functionality to check if its been covered before if not then make a new thread and be verbose with your issue(s), what you did before they occurred and what you did to try to remedy them.

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