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nokix 2012-08-23 01:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by MamoriNoTenshi (Post 1254248)
It's funny how the N900 price is still at 600 bucks. N900 = beast. I'm using a razr but is nothing compared to the n900.... Maemo all the way!!!!!!! Hopefuly someone will make a new version of N900 with some kind of Maemo 6.

Yup, with a bigger screen and a better CPU. I'd sell my S3 and get that when that day comes. 2012-08-23 03:10

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Well, if Jolla (or someone) has come out with something I feel is a true replacement for the n900 by the time I can't get replacement n900's anymore, probably that. (I might even settle for a capacitive touchscreen.) If not, then...probably a Padfone.

seanmcken 2012-08-23 03:23

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Nokia n900

geektech 2012-08-23 03:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Jolla or BB10, but I think Jolla will be good. I have the playbook but doesn't come close to my N900.

Aonsaithya 2012-08-23 04:06

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Third N900 going here, own phone.

As a business phone, I've tried a Lumia 800 and an iPhone 4S (both for about 1 minute, they were horrid), then used a an old Desire Z for some time until we bothered to order me an N9. The Desire Z was pretty bad as well, and honestly even the N9 is no replacement for the N900.

So, I'd just buy another N900, unless something truly comparable hits the market.

tiempjuuh 2012-08-23 08:34

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
A Nokia N950 if that was possible... But I think an Android phone with HW keyboard. Or another N900 ;)

IgorBarbosa 2012-08-23 14:20

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151169)
I've been thinking recently ..

My N900 Battery keeps getting worse (had It pretty much since it came out).. I have to charge it every night even if I don't use it much .. (If i forget it goes from ~50% to switching off just over night sometimes ..

So I've been looking around ..
N9? .. rather hard to get here
N950 ? ... even more difficult to get
some Android phone? Currently been thinking .. the Samsung note with the pressure sensitive Pen sounds nice - it is "huge" compared to most phones, but I don't mind that that much ..
(Windows Phone or iPhones are out of the question for me ^^ )

Currently I'm prolly mostly in favour of the Samsung Galaxy Note due to the fact it has a pen (I like that I can write/doodle more accurately -- e.g. on a Kanji recognition software since I'm learning japanese , ...)

That made me wonder .. which phone are other Maemo fans getting after the N900 ?

idk if some1 already wrote that but ...

u can buy new battery :D i ll buy 2450 mha battery :p

hehe, and about new phones ... well, i ll stay with my n900, i love it so much, and i ll try to buy a n950 or n9 to hold as 2nd phone ...


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