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Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
I'm not a developer and have no significant problems with my N900. On the other hand, it appears that my new Android tablet will NEVER be able to read a chess book from my tablet and display the moves from the tablet at the same time because using more than one window at a time doesn't work very well.
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Guys...everybody has different use cases but it's clear that xxxts is not happy and wishes to move on. Respect that and give him suggestions, not arguments. Arguing senselessly how your own choices are better is getting nowhere fast.
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Isn't it up to xxxts to reshape the conversation if he doesn't like the way this one is going?
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
When the N900 came out it was a developers phone, and it was top of the line in terms of hardware - top display resolution, front facing camera, competitive processor, excellent rear camera, Fennec (we were promised Flash 10.1), it was and still is an AMAZING device. But I am all about practically. If I have a task I want to get done, I want to get it done in the quickest, most efficient way possible. When the N900 was released that option was given to me. I could go to https://facebook.com and easily navigate it. Now with the Timeline and all that nonsense, I need an app. Same with online banking, the list can go on and on. The N900 just is not an efficent device anymore, not only by hardware specs but by Maemo 5's lack of features - I don't even have spelchek!!! For me personally that is a huge deal, I am a horrible speller. For all of you guys talking about, "Well just boot into NITDroid!" - WHAT IF I GET A PHONE CALL??? NITDroid has been in development by some very smart and very amazing people and I still can't answer a call using it on my N900 - hence it is pretty worthless to me. I really know next to nothing about iOS, I had the first gen iPhone for 4 days and returned it all those years ago, I asked to play with my buddies iPhone 4S and it was much more efficient than the N900, in nearly every way. It does suck that I cannot run SSHd, X11VNC, etc. but you gotta weigh the pros and cons - from what I know iOS gives you more possibilities. It is very simple and mindless, however if it gets the job done then what's the problem? And come on people - don't give me this nonsense about a keyboard, I am really ticked off that psychical QWERTY keyboards are going the way of the dinosaur, I really am. However - it is a PITA to connect the N900 to an external keyboard and the iPhone has this: http://youtu.be/GZPa8MBFKMA What I was really hoping to come of this thread would be some kind of realism. "Yes, for many the N900 is not as useful anymore and there are better options; here they are;" But instead people are suggesting a still born OS (MeeGo), a dead OS (Maemo) and then making outrageous claims that are blatantly not true (neither one of those OSs are open, if you want to disagree with me on that claim show me the source code for the phone application). I have always been an Apple ANTI-fan boy and a Nokia fan boy. But I am also a realist and it is quite obvious that Apple is offering a far superior product than Nokia. That cannot be argued with. Especially if you live in North America. |
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
A side note and a funny story: When I asked to see my friends iPhone 4S to play around with it I asked him, "I know iOS has multitasking now... how do you get to the screen to see all the running applications?" He replied, "Well, it's not like your phone - your phone is like a mini computer - there is no screen where it shows all the open applications." It was quite discouraging, however there is a VERY GOOD possibility that iOS 6 will have that. There is NO POSSIBILITY that MeeGo will ever receive an update of that magnitude. |
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
At least Nokia brings knowledge of this to the people living in NA. I understand that different users have different needs from their phones. In my case, the N900 satisfies all of my needs better than any other phone in the market. There are some unique stuff that only can be done with N900, that cannot be argued. Then there is these mainstream apps that just make life a little easier than using N900 to complete these tasks. I don't use any of these apps. IMHO, the user interface in Maemo is better and more efficient to use than Android, but again this is just an opinion. |
Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
Since you cannot correct opinions, your argument is invalid. |
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