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m4r0v3r 2012-08-07 00:52

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
yeah that's what it is for since I don't really want to install Inception

am just going to purge everything install from this and start again with the privileges command

didnt work mainly because opensh is still in there. ill edit the source and attempt this :D any chance you could compile it please? am too lazy to setup scratch box :P

also quick question this is the desktop file for abi word after ive changed it to just run normal without opensh


[Desktop Entry]
Exec=debian su user -"
is the command debian the chroot? nothing part of inception?

rcolistete 2012-08-07 01:24

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by user/zero (Post 1248390)
I have a suggestion, I don't know if it's only me getting this :)
In xephwm, line 14, unless the -fullscreen option is passed to Xephyr, the (default?) grey bottom toolbar and top status bar make the environment unusable for me.

xinit  /usr/bin/$WMEXEC -- /usr/bin/Xephyr :1 -br -screen 854x480x16 -dpi 96 -parent $PARWIN -ac -fullscreen

Sorry, I haven't understood you 100%. Have you used suxephwm (as user) or xephwm (as root) ? Could you better explain the problem ?

Current xephwm (for Harmattan, by Qole) is :

xinit /usr/bin/$WMEXEC -- /usr/bin/Xephyr :1 -br -screen 858x480x16 -dpi 96 -fullscreen +kb -ac
They difference is that you added "-parent $PARWIN" and removed "+kb". Could you explain the reason ?

rcolistete 2012-08-07 01:43

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1248496)
yeah that's what it is for since I don't really want to install Inception

am just going to purge everything install from this and start again with the privileges command

didnt work mainly because opensh is still in there. ill edit the source and attempt this :D any chance you could compile it please? am too lazy to setup scratch box :P

Feel free to send the modified source code. But I am really busy in the following days, until Friday.

'debian' calls 'qchroot' (see Easy Chroot for Harmattan topic), which needs Harmattan open mode or Inception + aegisctl.

But I have used opensh (from Inception 0.1.x) in some install scripts and .desktop files.

See the FAQ in 1st topic and the the first following posts : I've already said that making a special Harmattan open mode version of Easy Debian can be possible.

I am waiting to receive my 2nd N9 to install Harmattan open mode and test it. My current N9 has Inception (which is a lot simpler to install, i.e., without reflasing) to represent a large user base.

Or anybody else can try making the easy-deb-chroot-openmode package.

m4r0v3r 2012-08-07 01:58

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
whenever you can that would be great. i may of messed up the last line of prerm were it closes the chroot I wasn't 100% sure I used the right syntax if it won't compile that might be it, or it could be any other mistakes I made, and I don't mind waiting till friday. thanks

Kabouik 2012-08-07 02:28

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Well, I had plenty of connection issues today so I couldn't download again the Sci image. I still have the one I screwed up trying to install VLC, R, and some other stuff I don't remember (I think I tried to install too much stuff considering the space available in the image, that may be the problem), and it runs quite well and LXDE runs flawlessly, but it might not be a good control for testing and experiments. I also have the Estel image but icons are not designed to work with it (Debian LXDE icon does not work with this image, even after Harmattanization). However, here is an observation/issue I experienced:

- In OOWriter, Gedit, Leafpad, Abiword, pressing the ENTER key on the VKB (I tested default, Swype, English Arrows) won't end the line to start a new one. I think the key is just not working as I can't do a websearch in Epiphany either, as I can't validate what I typed in the search field.

Please let me know if you also experience that or if it may be due to my screwed up image.

HolgerN 2012-08-07 06:43

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
I had to change the user and the rights for /home/user/.cache/menus/
in order to enable the lxde-menu. Before only root could write and read.


chown user:users /home/user/.cache/menus
chmod a+rw /home/user/.cache/menus

Now everything works.

In my image the enter key does also not work as expected. If i am writing something in openoffice nothing shows until i am pressing the enter button in the virtual keyboard. There is no line break inserted.

Kabouik 2012-08-07 06:56

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
I also observed that the backspace key does not work for editing MP3 tags inside Aqualung. I think it worked in text applications like Gedit, but I am not sure (can't test right now).

ranbaxy 2012-08-07 08:11

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Great job! Gonna try it! Thanks rcolistete! :)

user/zero 2012-08-07 10:38

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
rcolistete, I'm running xephwm as root, from debian-m5-v3e.img.ext2. I only added -fullscreen and deleted +kb for some reason :confused:, the rest was there 'out-of-the-box'. It's not as if I knew enough about Xephyr and xinit to add something like parent windows :D

Also another thing: can I use an image built by debootstrap with these scripts? (archived, with a FS etc.)

panukooo 2012-08-07 20:49

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
when trying to install easy debian 1.0.4 not installed tells me missing dependencies. what am I missing? I follow all the steps and there I stayed because I cant install

by terminal

~ # cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads
/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads # dpkg -i easy-deb-
Aegis rejecting easy-deb-chroot_1.0.4-1harmattan1_armel.deb: Could not open debian archive
aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed package files rejected
Compilation failed in require.
/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads #

alredy have installed aegis ctrl

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