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sponka 2014-06-03 13:56

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues

Originally Posted by xxxxts (Post 1426864)
Yes, Apple has coined that "Air Drop" and works very well, surprisingly. (I have always found many Bluetooth file transfers and connectivity to be finicky)

Airdrop is for iOS devices *only*. Source is above link.

People tend to forget what's BT primary purpose -- to connect (all) device, not only some.


What is Bluetooth used for?
Bluetooth wireless technology is built into billions of products, from cars and mobile phones to medical devices and computers and even forks and toothbrushes. Bluetooth technology allows you to share voice, data, music, photos, videos and other information wirelessly between paired devices.
Apple fail at sharing, they limit devices and file type's that can be transferred via BT. Forget *.mp3 (although you can rename file to something acceptable and rename later) and I can't pair my N9 with some devices (Mac Book Pro for ie.).

As for IR -- anyone noticed that LG, HTC, Samsung & others "just (re)discovered" IR-blasters, virtually every android device from last year on have some kind of remote ...

Copernicus 2014-06-03 14:23

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues

Originally Posted by xxxxts (Post 1427965)
If you wish to claim that the Maemo running on the N900 is enough to be consider a "computer in your pocket" but the iPhone 5S running iOS 7.1 jailbroken is not I would like to hear your reasoning.

Just because an N900 CAN do something doesn't mean you should, editing a large photograph with GIMP under LXDE is not really plausible.

Ah; so, by this, I assume you take the definition of a computer as being "a device that can edit a large photograph". Thus, if we go back far enough in time, devices that once were thought to be computers must now no longer be so -- certainly, the Apple ][+ I used way back when I was a kid couldn't have been a computer. ;)

My argument has never been about hardware power. The N900's hardware is obviously obsolete, when compared to modern devices. My question is, if you have a device in your hand powerful enough to run, say, Photoshop, and it's made by a company that produces devices that do run Photoshop, and it's core OS is even the same as OS X (which is probably Photoshop's favorite OS), why in the world are you explicitly not allowed to run Photoshop? (There is the tiny $5 "Photoshop Touch" app that lets you play around a few Photoshop features. But the real Photoshop application is, of course, reserved for people who have real computers.)

The N900 has an OS that can explicitly run desktop software. It has a keyboard. It has a stylus, and a screen that allows you to position the cursor with accuracy. In short, I can do productive work on the thing, just like on my desktop computers.

Although yes, you can get external input devices for the iPhone, it isn't really designed for them. You can get a stylus, but using it on the iPhone's touchscreen is just as inaccurate as when you use your finger. You can get an external keyboard, but it's mostly pointless as apps designed for the phone try to avoid keyboard input as much as possible (for obvious reasons). And of course, if you want to put more powerful software on the thing, you're going to have to (a) write it yourself or (b) hack the OS, as Apple really really doesn't want you to run software to which Apple itself hasn't given its own stamp of approval.

Ultimately, the iPhone (and other iDevices) have been designed for media consumption, not for productive use. That's all I'm really complaining about...

dos1 2014-06-03 14:48

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues
Anything that has to be "jailbroken" or "unlocked" in order to be usable is not acceptable for me.

I learned that a hard way some time ago with a Kindle. Thankfully, I never did such mistake with mobile phone, as there I would suffer much more than I did when update patched a jailbreak vector and I was cut off from my Debian chroot installation on Kindle. Debian was a nice toy and it actually made the device much more usable for my usecase (for instance by allowing me to run an IM app).

Being used to openness of my GTA02, GTA04 and well, N900, switching them to anything like an iPhone would be a pure masochism for me - even when taking a jailbreak into consideration.

(and as I have a possibility to use a newest iPad a lot in my job, my experiences with it make me even more sure about that)

Breaking into my own piece of hardware feels really, really wrong.

pycage 2014-06-03 17:34

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues
Slightly offtopic, but have you seen the "pulley menus" in the iOS 8 demonstration? ;)

xanderx 2014-06-03 19:05

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1428049)
Slightly offtopic, but have you seen the "pulley menus" in the iOS 8 demonstration? ;)

And they will claim it as their own invention, that's for sure.

mscion 2014-06-03 19:58

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues
Funny... the pulley menu on Jolla phone that lets you choose between settings, camera and so forth is the feature I like least on the Jolla phone. Using it is tedious for me. I'd rather just swipe down and get a grid of toggles for wifi, bluetooth, camera, flashlight and so forth. I would not miss it if the next jolla phone did not have it. So as not to sound too negative, I'd also like to say that the file manager is great on Jolla phone. Nicely designed and very easy to use. Surprised Apple didn't try to lift this... Sorry about the off topic...

szopin 2014-06-03 20:35

Re: iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1): The Journey Continues
will be configurable after next update, so you might find something fitting there (also rarely use it myself currently)

edit: for togglable wifi etc check patchmanager, allows you to get settings shortcuts sideway from home/multitasking screen

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