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Dave999 2014-11-02 08:16

Re: Jolla discount codes
Last Call

Get your Last jolla before jPhone ll arrives.

salyavin 2014-11-02 16:44

Re: Jolla discount codes
Not sure the Jolla 1 will cease to be available so soon. I am hoping for an annoucement but don't expect a product release until next year.

nodevel 2014-11-02 17:06

Re: Jolla discount codes
Here is my code: 60-R5-V7
Please use it and hurry up!

And here is a challenge: if it gets used, I will create an XKCD viewer app for SailfishOS (and the lucky user will get a first copy). Enjoy. :)

MisterMaster 2014-11-02 17:15

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by salyavin (Post 1445491)
Not sure the Jolla 1 will cease to be available so soon. I am hoping for an annoucement but don't expect a product release until next year.

Maybe we hear something soon:

Dave999 2014-11-02 20:08

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by MisterMaster (Post 1445494)

Lets give them 2 weeks. Then announcment and pre-order. Another two weeks shipment. Perfect for christmas. I need to buy a few phones before christmas.

Morpog 2014-11-02 20:09

Re: Jolla discount codes
In your wet dreams :D

Dave999 2014-11-02 20:12

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1445515)
In your wet dreams :D

Well. Can i atleast expect a release party @release simular to jPhone 1?

Jolla cant wait another 6 months since i doubt the sales are more than 1 Phone per day after this campaign. They can't have unlimited amount of money?

I cant wait 6 months eaither :D

"interview with Marc Dillon reveals the details about the upcoming Second Sailfish OS Flagship.
Dillon didn’t reveal the release date but he said that it will come not later than next year."

If you really want...Can you read this as IT Will come 2014 ;) i guess not...but in my wet dream Jphone ll announced tomorrow as a discphone with slider keyboard. One can dream, right.

eekkelund 2014-11-03 16:34

Re: Jolla discount codes
Jolla extended their discount code campaign till monday 10.11.2014! Got a new email where from one could think that this campaign have helped a lot to sale their phones. And that there will be special gift(along with aloe TOH) also for those whos codes have used most.

So nobody of my friends needed a new phone so I share my code also:


pichlo 2014-11-03 16:41

Re: Jolla discount codes
AOL that!

My new code is P5-TA-3D.

Dave999 2014-11-03 17:01

Re: Jolla discount codes
What? Extended? Now Im dissapointed :D

Why not give an extra 100 or 50 to user WHO bought one during the first 4 days if they buy another one. Jolla cant be trusted :D

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