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-   -   Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working. (

rooz 2011-10-19 21:33

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Thanks for all those who tried to help me out. Problem solved. The problem was the F - F adapter, it was wrongly wired ...
Bought a new one and everything seems to work smoothly! :)
Especially thanks to Joerg / Docscrutinizer on IRC for debugging!

joerg_rw 2011-10-19 23:20

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by rooz (Post 1111094)
Thanks for all those who tried to help me out. Problem solved. The problem was the F - F adapter, it was wrongly wired ...
Bought a new one and everything seems to work smoothly! :)
Especially thanks to Joerg / Docscrutinizer on IRC for debugging!

Funny part: this caused vboost to always trip overcurrent protection as all devices got wrong VBUS polarity and luckily all shorted VBUS with internal protection diode, so probably nothing got destroyed. Some probably chinese fools connected the two USB-F end to end with not crossing the wires so left and right pins got swapped. A second adapter bought was of same brand and had same problem. Luckily the augmented booston script helped a lot to diagnose what's been wrong. Otherwise we probably never would have found out, assuming it's a data connection issue.


Estel 2011-10-19 23:49

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
If we are on topic of augmented booston - any luck finding how to incorporate into it a fix for "standby current"? It's especially hurting during train travels, when one want to use external USB keyboard, and no wall sockets are available to fix it.

I can confirm than running booston (via console), killing it (ctrl+c or killall from other terminal window) then boostoff fix it, but sometimes it's somehow "unstable" process. Once, it locked my6 device in constant vbus booston (including execution of vboostpattern), and no booston/boostoff, killing it or trying with HEN GUI solved problem - reboot was needed. Other time,s it work at second or third try, so after every booston/kill/boostoff combination, checking current is a must.

It consumes time and power, while connecting briefly to a charger solves it 100% times at first try. So, part in augmented booston, that "cheat" device about connected charger - for a while - would be really useful.

Again, thank for all great work joerg_re and others - BTW, MAG, we're keeping thumbs for HEN GUI package update ;)

blue_led 2011-10-20 19:45

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1111117)
Funny part: this caused vboost to always trip overcurrent protection as all devices got wrong VBUS polarity ............

for first time use the a-a adapter must be checked with an usb optical mouse.
red led is ( always) connected to vbus by an resistor ( LE: or driven by inside chip ) and without any datalines or software control the led will light. this can be checked by cutting the green and white wires
so if no light >> something is dangerously wrong

hirenpatel 2011-10-21 18:40

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
i am using kernel-power-bootimg v48 ,when i am starting h-e-n, it shows stopping BME,after this i am attaching the F-F adapter with the flash drive. i select full speed host mode then selecting VBUS boost on then enumerate & then mount,its not mounting at all i looked at kernel messeges of h-e-n its shows
unable to connect no file system available
kernel message is [1113.860809] usb 1-1 :khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
please take a look at text file if any one knows what the wrong with wth h-e-n please give me solution

Estel 2011-10-21 19:38

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Don't connect (physically) Your device, before enabling vbus booston. Has been stated countless of times in this thread, including one page ago...

hirenpatel 2011-10-21 20:00

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
i did same as one page ago now i getting diffrent kernel messages like below, device not appear on file manager or filebox
usb1-1 new full speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 6
usb 1-1:device not accepting address 6 error-71
hub 1-0:1-0 :unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
hub 1-0:1-0 : stat 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
hub 1-0:1.0 : port 1 enable change status 00000101

Estel 2011-10-22 04:40

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Seems like some "generic" error. Are You using augmented booston by joerg_rw (search H-E-N announcement thread for it)? If no, you should try it. Anyway, just close H-E-N, open it again, and try again - slowing down. Once Your device (pendrive) will be properly recognized as High-speed, it should work.

Keep in mind that this problems seems to be non-existant, when using augmented booston. anyway, I'm getting everything connected at the first time for 100% of cases (aka totally hassle-free).


I've observed other thing, while using charging during hostmode. Randomly, devices connected to USB and powered externally, may become "unavailable" - only re-enabling vbus and enumerating (and boostoff/charge, if we want to charge while hostmode again) fixes that. It's hard to reproduce - sometimes, it happens few times during a 30 minutes, other day You don't get any problems for hours.

I've experienced this using very low-current devices (like generic USB keyboard), and on very reliable power sources - in fact, tested this with whole range, from regular 5V 2A ones, through stabilized ones, to ATX's modified to serve as power sources.

Talking about keyboard, when it happens, no LED's (like caps lock) works, device is literally disconnected on software level.

joerg_rw, any clues? It isn't high priority problem (well, unless it happens also with externally powered HDDs, during file transfer...) and I can live with that. Still, I would like to make it more reliable, if it's possible.

// Edit

Of course everything was done through Y-cable, so faulty powered HUB is filtered out.

hirenpatel 2011-10-24 05:53

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Can any one guid me which kernel needs to install for h-e-n,i am using kernel-power-bootimg, is this ok for h-e-n?

Estel 2011-10-24 16:14

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Ten chars.

joerg_rw 2011-10-25 21:57

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1111927)
I've observed other thing, while using charging during hostmode. Randomly, devices connected to USB and powered externally, may become "unavailable" - only re-enabling vbus and enumerating (and boostoff/charge, if we want to charge while hostmode again) fixes that. It's hard to reproduce - sometimes, it happens few times during a 30 minutes, other day You don't get any problems for hours.

I've experienced this using very low-current devices (like generic USB keyboard), and on very reliable power sources - in fact, tested this with whole range, from regular 5V 2A ones, through stabilized ones, to ATX's modified to serve as power sources.

Talking about keyboard, when it happens, no LED's (like caps lock) works, device is literally disconnected on software level.

joerg_rw, any clues? It isn't high priority problem (well, unless it happens also with externally powered HDDs, during file transfer...) and I can live with that. Still, I would like to make it more reliable, if it's possible.

// Edit

Of course everything was done through Y-cable, so faulty powered HUB is filtered out.

Might be related to bus suspend. Enable full debugging (sorry I can't recall off top of my head what you may want to do besides dmesg -n 6 or sth - even this might be nonsense) and see if you can find correlations between the moment the kbd becomes unavailable and any msgs in syslog/dmesg. Basically I'd think USB bus shouldn't suspend, but seems it does and maybe this causes peripheral to not come back up unless power gets cycled, or even musb_hdrc freaks out or locks up.
logs, logs, logs - or there's just so much that can be done.

thanks for reporting

blue_led 2011-10-25 22:20

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
check for consecutive
twl4030_usb .......HW_CONDITIONS ... LINK 1
twl4030_usb .......HW_CONDITIONS ... LINK 2

in dmesg list.
this mean drop ( glitch ) of vbus below a valid value and phy will ... "go in the bush"
without vbus, the phy loose host mode, resulting hadware and software level missfit

Estel 2011-10-26 04:11

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Will do, and report back


Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 1113652)
check for consecutive
twl4030_usb .......HW_CONDITIONS ... LINK 1
twl4030_usb .......HW_CONDITIONS ... LINK 2

in dmesg list.
this mean drop ( glitch ) of vbus below a valid value and phy will ... "go in the bush"
without vbus, the phy loose host mode, resulting hadware and software level missfit

sorry if I'm gonna say total nonsense, but isn't vbus value drop irrelevant, if I'm using external power source, with boostoff executed? Or we're talking about totally different things, and I'm indeed talking nonsense?


joerg_rw 2011-10-27 00:34

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1113731)
sorry if I'm gonna say total nonsense, but isn't vbus value drop irrelevant, if I'm using external power source, with boostoff executed? Or we're talking about totally different things, and I'm indeed talking nonsense?


Well, yes and no. Yes, vbus value (actually voltage) drop should not happen when you're on a stable external power source. No, it's not irrelevant as it actually will mess up things if voltage drops nevertheless (for whatever reasons), and you can check for that in the way blue_led explained.


@mod: could you move the last 3 posts to please? Thanks! :-D

hirenpatel 2011-10-29 03:16

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
after installing CSSU, H-E-N stops working

Estel 2011-10-29 04:10

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Negative. No problem with HEN and CSSU here.

blue_led 2011-10-31 18:40

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
i compiled cd drivers for power_kernel_47
cdrom.ko, sr_mod.ko ( see attachment )

generic how to

sg.ko is not mandatory
cdrom node is /dev/sr0

mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom -t iso9660
or mount /dev/sr0 /cdrom -t iso9660 ( alternate location, work fine )

Estel 2011-12-20 04:50

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Using kp49 and HEN with augmented booston by joerg_rw, I've tried connecting my DVD-RW writer (desktop PC internal one), via (S)ATA to USB adapter (with external power source for writer). HEN recognizes and enumerates device without problem (latest dmesg message is:

[ 9841.854827] scsi 13:0:0:0: CD-ROM            ATAPI    DVD DD 2X16X4X16 G7H9 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
Ho ever, I got troubles mounting it. Of course, auto-mounting doesn't work, but while trying to mount it manually, I can't find sr* under /dev/. So, basically, I've no idea what to mount.

Also, unlike - for example - pendrives and HDD's, dmesg doesn't show any info about /dev/ (after connecting pendrive, one line says "[sda] sda1" or something like that.

Any hints, how to get access to my data on optical drive, connected via such setup?


Additional question, hence I left it alone until I can actually get working read access - any way of using writing capabilities of DVD recorder (via program under Easy Debian, for example - but, what about drivers? I've no idea, if current kernel-modules support writing).

Thanks in advance.


// Edit

It turned out, that using kp49, i don't have cdrom.ko, sr_mod.ko and sg.ko modules (same situation, as with kp47). thanks for blue_led about pointing me about checking that. Will leave info in kp49 thread.

Mr Wolf 2012-01-06 11:49

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hi to all! I have a problem mounting hard drives with 2 partitions (both NTFS). They're not recognized.
Is it a common issue?

botski 2012-01-08 02:00

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
hi. am newbie guys. can anyone help me out?

Mr Wolf 2012-01-08 12:31

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by botski (Post 1147303)
hi. am newbie guys. can anyone help me out?

What's your problem? :)

fffffred 2012-01-09 02:40

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
This is my problem, I've been lazy and haven't trawled through the 30+ pages, have done search to no avail, so hoping somebody can help.

I have KP49 and H-E-N installed.

I do the following: connected a card reader with a 1GB compact flash. Open H-E-N. Select High Speed Hostmode. VUBS boost on. Enumerate. Mount. Then the button turns into Mount/Unmount.

It doesn't automatically mount, so I go into Xterm and mount /dev/sda1. Go into file manager and guess what? the 1GB flash card is there waiting for me and I can copy, across from the 1GB to n900 and vice versa, watch movies, look at pictures etc.. success... so I think.

Here lies my problem... I go to unmount the drive using the button in H-E-N. nothing happens. the 1GB card still appears in file manager. So I decide to disconnect the 1GB card. It still appears in the file manager (i can access the folder structure). I close down H-E-N, my n900 crashes and restarts :(

So do i have to crash my phone everytime I want to disconnect a usb device?

Would love to export the log, but the phone crashed :P Maybe, I'll try unmount and see what the output is..


fffffred 2012-01-09 02:52

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
okay then... a bit more playing around and I realise it's everytime I close H-E-N, my phone just crashes and restarts... I don't even have to enumerate, mount etc... :(

and I'm quite sure my battery has a full charge...

fffffred 2012-01-09 03:20

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Possibly something to do with this?

fffffred 2012-01-09 03:47

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
solution: rmmod bq27x00_battery
close hen... no crash... some success :)

still doesn't explain why unmount doesn't work :(

Estel 2012-01-09 11:12

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Congratulations, You've answered correct question to Yourself ;) Furthermore, if You don't need bq27x00, You can add it to '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist' (ls files there, kp got also own blacklist with different name - thus, I've heard that it's filled automatically with content of '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist', can't confirm or deny that), and ensure, that it *isn't* listed in '/etc/modules'.

If You don't know if You use bq27x00 or not, it means You don't use it, and can safely blacklist.

As for Your mounting/unmounting problem, after successful enumerating, click on "enumerate", then, after a second, click on "mount" again (it's little confusing, I know - say hi and thanks to package maintainer for not uploading new version without any rationale, because AFAIK there are better solutions prepared already).

If it doesn't work anyway, it also can't unmount already. Just call (as root):

umount /dev/sda1
...and You're done. Of course, be sure to check if You try to umount the same /dev/ that You've mounted...


fffffred 2012-01-11 02:24

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Cheers Estel,

I realised that bq27x00_battery was also listed in /etc/modules.
So I vi modules and deleted the line contining bq27x00_battery to ensure it doesn't startup on reboots.

I enabled bq27x00_battery to get CPU temp from QCPUFreq. I am using this in conjunction with KP49 to overclock. But having rmmod bq27x00_battery and this module on disabled at startup, I have found that the program is still outputting a temp. So I'm happy as larry.

There's instuctions here on how to blacklist for anyone that is interested:


Estel 2012-01-11 17:47

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by fffffred (Post 1148690)
I enabled bq27x00_battery to get CPU temp

Unfortunately, our SoC (containing MPU - Main Processing Unit = what You refer to as CPU) doesn't have *any* temperature sensor - physical;y. All programs, that claim to monitor temperature of MPU, are in fact using battery temperature, which is totally useless for over-clocking safety purposes.

It's so-called "snake oil" - false sense of being safe. IMO, such programs should get plentora of negative Q&A scores, but...


blue_led 2012-02-08 16:45

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

apple's ethernet to usb adapter work OK with N900
it is based on Asix AX88772


fffffred 2012-02-09 02:06

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Still don't have any success with media drives auto mounting. I still have to manually mount. Have tried this on several media devices.

I noticed watching this youtube vid that the message "Successfully mounted /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1" pops up on the ribbon. I'm not getting such message.

Estel 2012-02-09 15:21

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Soon it shouldn't matter, as Pali updated ke-recv to automatically mount USB storage devices.


fffffred 2012-02-10 01:05

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Cheers, will wait with anticipation.

biketool 2012-02-23 11:16

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Curious if anyone else has this problem, when I try to move big files off of a USB drive to MyDocs with h-e-n I will get between 30 to 100 Mb moved and the drive will come unmounted, sometimes the N900 will even shut down. I am guessing it is an electrical power supply issue from getting the flash drive to send data so fast as well as writing to the internal flash.
Is there a way to limit data throughput rates when running a drive mounted with h-e-n to avoid these issues?

blue_led 2012-02-23 16:39

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1168683)
Curious if anyone else has this problem, when I try to move big files off of a USB drive to MyDocs with h-e-n I will get between 30 to 100 Mb moved and the drive will come unmounted, sometimes the N900 will even shut down. I am guessing it is an electrical power supply issue from getting the flash drive to send data so fast as well as writing to the internal flash.
Is there a way to limit data throughput rates when running a drive mounted with h-e-n to avoid these issues?

you have an old battery and it can't support high power demand.
voltage drop on internal resistance of battery limit the working time ( and charge voltage also ). i guess our battery have resistance above 500 mOhm ( for reference 50 mOhm a new one )
there is a thread on forum for resistance check.

biketool 2012-02-24 11:59

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 1168797)
you have an old battery and it can't support high power demand.

Thanks, I am beginning to suspect that as I am having other problems too, though I have also suspected a short of some kind on the board causing the keypad LED for the return and arrow keys to run at low power when the battery is inserted. I hope to have a Mungen cover and solder together a double Scud to solve the issue if it is only battery related.

jackjohn 2012-03-02 00:40

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
2 Attachment(s)
Dear guys,

need assistance on getting serial usb works. really need to used the serial usb in order to access the switch and routers..

Thanks in advanced.

_vibra smiaregs tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[39947.586425] [] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[39947.586456] [] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[39947.586486] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[39947.586517] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[39947.586517] [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[39947.586547] [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[39947.586578] [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[39947.586639] [] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[39947.586669] [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[39947.586700] r7:cd5b3c00 r6:cd5b3c00 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[39947.586700] [] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[39947.586730] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[39947.586761] [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[39947.586791] [] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[39947.586822] [] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[39947.586853] [] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[39947.586883] [] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[39947.586914] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[39947.586944] [] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[39947.586975] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[39947.586975] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[39950.546813] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[39956.750183] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[39956.750244] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[39956.750244] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[39956.750274] Modules linked in: lirc_rx51 lirc_dev vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev smc91x mii omap_ssi hci_h4p nokia_av mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev v4l1_compat adp1653 smia_sensor compat_ioctl32 lis302dl rtc_twl4030 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[39956.750518] [] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[39956.750579] [] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[39956.750610] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[39956.750610] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[39956.750640] [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[39956.750671] [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[39956.750701] [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[39956.750732] [] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[39956.750762] [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[39956.750793] r7:cd5b3c00 r6:cd5b3c00 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[39956.750823] [] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[39956.750854] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[39956.750854] [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[39956.750915] [] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[39956.750946] [] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[39956.750976] [] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[39956.750976] [] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[39956.751007] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[39956.751037] [] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[39956.751068] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[39956.751098] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[39959.700256] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[39959.908233] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 53, error -110
[39959.970672] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[39960.033203] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 54
[39966.031433] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[39966.031463] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[39966.031494] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[39966.031494] Modules linked in: lirc_rx51 lirc_dev vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev smc91x mii omap_ssi hci_h4p nokia_av mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev v4l1_compat adp1653 smia_sensor compat_ioctl32 lis302dl rtc_twl4030 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[39966.031768] [] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[39966.031799] [] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[39966.031829] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[39966.031860] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[39966.031860] [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[39966.031890] [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[39966.031921] [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[39966.031951] [] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[39966.031982] [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[39966.032012] r7:cd5b3c00 r6:cd5b3c00 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[39966.032043] [] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[39966.032073] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[39966.032104] [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[39966.032135] [] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[39966.032165] [] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[39966.032196] [] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[39966.032226] [] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[39966.032257] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[39966.032257] [] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[39966.032287] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[39966.032318] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[39968.957916] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[39975.164245] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[39975.164276] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[39975.164306] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[39975.164306] Modules linked in: lirc_rx51 lirc_dev vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev smc91x mii omap_ssi hci_h4p nokia_av mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev v4l1_compat adp1653 smia_sensor compat_ioctl32 lis302dl rtc_twl4030 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[39975.164581] [] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[39975.164611] [] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[39975.164642] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[39975.164672] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[39975.164672] [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[39975.164703] [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[39975.164733] [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[39975.164764] [] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[39975.164794] [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[39975.164825] r7:cd5b3c00 r6:cd5b3c00 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[39975.164855] [] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[39975.164886] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[39975.164916] [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[39975.164947] [] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[39975.164978] [] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[39975.165008] [] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[39975.165039] [] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[39975.165069] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[39975.165069] [] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[39975.165100] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[39975.165130] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[39978.090606] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[39978.298858] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 54, error -110
[39978.298919] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[39978.298950] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[39978.298980] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000501
[39980.298797] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[39980.298858] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[39980.298858] musb_bus_suspend 2266: trying to suspend as a_host is_active=1
[39980.298889] usb usb1: bus suspend fail, err -16
[39980.298889] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[39980.298950] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0501 change 0000
[39980.298980] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[39980.299011] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0501, change 0000, 480 Mb/s
[39980.361328] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[39980.423828] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 55
[39985.423828] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[39990.423797] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[39995.423797] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[39995.486297] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[39995.548828] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[40000.658203] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40005.658172] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40010.658203] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40010.720672] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[40010.783203] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[40010.955047] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[40011.017578] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 56
[40016.017517] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40020.744140] slide (GPIO 71) is now open
[40021.017456] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40026.017547] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40026.080078] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[40026.142608] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[40031.251922] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40036.251953] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40039.916015] slide (GPIO 71) is now closed
[40041.252044] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[40041.314422] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[40041.376953] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[40041.548797] Forced hostmode error: a high-speed device attached but not high-speed mode selected
[40041.616149] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 57
[40047.609527] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[40047.609588] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[40047.609588] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[40047.609619] Modules linked in: lirc_rx51 lirc_dev vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver ipv6 g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev smc91x mii omap_ssi hci_h4p nokia_av mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 ad5820 videodev v4l1_compat adp1653 smia_sensor compat_ioctl32 lis302dl rtc_twl4030 leds_twl4030_vibra smiaregs tsl2563 v4l2_int_device rtc_core leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt [last unloaded: wl12xx]
[40047.609863] [] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[40047.609924] [] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[40047.609954] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[40047.609954] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[40047.609985] [] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[40047.610015] [] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[40047.610046] [] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[40047.610076] [] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[40047.610107] [] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[40047.610137] r7:c6a67500 r6:c6a67500 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[40047.610168] [] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[40047.610198] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[40047.610198] [] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[40047.610229] [] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[40047.610260] [] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[40047.610290] [] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[40047.610321] [] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[40047.610351] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[40047.610382] [] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[40047.610412] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[40047.610412] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[40051.206695] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0

kent_autistic 2012-03-03 10:58

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
i have the latest cssu testing, kp49/overclocked, and hen installed. usb 2.0 flash drive is successfully mounted but when i try to copy or move a 300mb file to the flash drive, it says not enough memory in target drive. i am able to move/copy pictures. what's the problem?

thanks in advance!

AnasSyria 2012-04-10 13:13

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Just wanna share my experience:

I don't know if somebody solved this problem before:
But from my experience I can see that this is not a problem that avoid from using H-E-N.
For those having this error follow this steps::

1-Unplug any USB cable from the phone.
2-Open h-e-n and choose the wanted speed.
3-Click on **VBUS BOOST ON** and wait for 10 sec.
4-Connect the USB flash driver tho the USB cable. Then plug the latter into the phone.Wait for 10 sec.
5- click on **ENUMERATE** Wait for 10 sec
6-then click on **MOUNT**]

And here you go:)

Basilisk 2012-04-18 16:10

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by AnasSyria (Post 1190404)
Just wanna share my experience:

I don't know if somebody solved this problem before:
But from my experience I can see that this is not a problem that avoid from using H-E-N.
For those having this error follow this steps::

1-Unplug any USB cable from the phone.
2-Open h-e-n and choose the wanted speed.
3-Click on **VBUS BOOST ON** and wait for 10 sec.
4-Connect the USB flash driver tho the USB cable. Then plug the latter into the phone.Wait for 10 sec.
5- click on **ENUMERATE** Wait for 10 sec
6-then click on **MOUNT**]

And here you go:)

Sadly, this doesn't seem to work for me.
The only thing is it kinda goes to almost overheating the USB.

Generally I need help getting the hostmode working, I can't get the usb light to flash at all; mostly no power goes through the cable.

I am using power kernel v49, I have also tried with v46, v47, v50, and I can't get it working.

What are the other dependencies? (Maybe I'm missing some)

Any help is aprreciated!

Estel 2012-04-19 15:45

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Basilisk (Post 1193900)
The only thing is it kinda goes to almost overheating the USB.
mostly no power goes through the cable.

Don't You think it's a little confusing pair of statements?

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