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elemental 2012-04-22 08:13

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
If there will be no problems in adding multiple desktop files in one package, of course yes.

MFaroTusino 2012-04-22 08:46

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1195712)
If there will be no problems in adding multiple desktop files in one package, of course yes.

Just have multiple desktop files, one in the root of the tar(main one for EmuMaster) and the other in a folder applications (sixAxis). Use the makefile to copy that file manually to /usr/share/applications and it should work.

NB: Haven't tested this but theoretically there is nothing stopping it from happening :)

Snak3 2012-04-23 07:35

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

If thats your REAL name... >.>

So... Got my n9 a few days ago and tried your Emulator. Just wanted to say... for a version 0.3 the emulator is pretty damn awesome! Love the speed!! Just the sound issues with the games i have but still! Best emulator i used so far (coming from n900). Thanks man!

I was curious though... Is it possible to make an 8 way keypad? I know based on the multi-platform approach that wouldnt always work but it would be cool to include it as an option :)

Thanks for this and keep up the high level of awesomage :D

elemental 2012-04-23 07:37

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Did you mean 8 way d-pad? It's already here. You can configure buttons layout on touchscreen in the global settings.

Snak3 2012-04-23 07:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Ah :D Sweet thanks I didnt notice the scroll :D

Hmmmm Now to enjoy my FF7 and Chrono Trigger :) Cant wait for sound fix and i wont need any other n9 game. Thanks man :)

godofwar424 2012-04-23 15:24

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Bug report, on Golden Sun, the game crashes after defeating the water Dijnn in the Mercury Lighthouse :(

elemental 2012-04-23 15:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by godofwar424 (Post 1196420)
Bug report, on Golden Sun, the game crashes after defeating the water Dijnn in the Mercury Lighthouse :(

Please read following post:

godofwar424 2012-04-23 19:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1196439)

Yeah I have done that, was just putting it here as well just in case anybody had experience this and found a solution without an update needed

Snak3 2012-04-24 17:58

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Hi Elemental

Just a few questions to help me pls:

Sound in the 2 GBA games i have doesnt play. FF tactics and Pokemon Fire red. With sound on it plays in Chrono trigger and FF7 on snes and PS1. Is it the bios or roms?

secondly, my only 1 of my 3 snes games load. Chrono trigger works but Mario world 2 and yoshi island just doesnt load at all. Is it the roms?


Nosph3ratu 2012-04-24 18:32

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by Snak3 (Post 1197085)
Hi Elemental

Just a few questions to help me pls:

Sound in the 2 GBA games i have doesnt play. FF tactics and Pokemon Fire red. With sound on it plays in Chrono trigger and FF7 on snes and PS1. Is it the bios or roms?

secondly, my only 1 of my 3 snes games load. Chrono trigger works but Mario world 2 and yoshi island just doesnt load at all. Is it the roms?


Did you even read the last two posts???

Log it in the google doc, see elementals post below.

Snak3 2012-04-24 18:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by Nosph3ratu (Post 1197092)
Did you even read the last two posts???

Log it in the google doc, see elementals post below.

My question is not about game specifics actually :) I want to know if this is normal issues with regards to the emulator or is it my bios... I read the document and no issues with sound mentioned on the specifics but anyway.

Thanks for the input :)

Nosph3ratu 2012-04-24 20:13

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by Snak3 (Post 1197107)
My question is not about game specifics actually :) I want to know if this is normal issues with regards to the emulator or is it my bios... I read the document and no issues with sound mentioned on the specifics but anyway.

Thanks for the input :)

Any major issues with games can be picked up from the compatibility list, if its not listed you can add them there for reference. Try any other games that you have and that works "good" or "perfect" in the google doc and you'll know whether its game/bios/emulator related. Simple process of elimination...

PSX emulation is not 100%, with issues mainly with sound although I have played FFVII and am on the 3rd disc about to battle Sephiroth so its pretty awesome.

elemental has mentioned that he is currently working on psx optimization so the psx emulation should be improved in the next release.

automagic68 2012-04-24 20:23

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I just donated because all the cool kids are! :cool:
Also because I love EmuMaster! ;)

derch 2012-04-26 04:49

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
I just sent you a paypal donation, love this software

If you are still working on the n64 please count my donation towards that

godofwar424 2012-04-26 12:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Donated $20 :)

You deserve it after all the work youve put in!

derch 2012-04-27 00:15

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
2 questions/requests

Turbo grafix 16
and genisis 32x

I know your busy but might as well put it out there.

recluse 2012-04-27 00:57

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
EmuMaster ported to Blackberry Playbook:

aShtk 2012-05-01 18:47

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Hello everyone, I wiped my phone and reflashed it, and I forgot to keep my savepoints for Emumaster ! : ((((

- from FF7 (I was in the desert, Corel prison)

- FF9 (I was about in the mid CD1, in the big castle where there is a "hunting" session, something like that),

- Chrono Trigger (had finished the game and wanted to do the New Game+ stuff).

Could anyone could gently give me their save please ?

I don't see myself play again till the beginning : (

Thanks a lot !

Nosph3ratu 2012-05-01 19:30

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by aShtk (Post 1200301)
Hello everyone, I wiped my phone and reflashed it, and I forgot to keep my savepoints for Emumaster ! : ((((

- from FF7 (I was in the desert, Corel prison)

- FF9 (I was about in the mid CD1, in the big castle where there is a "hunting" session, something like that),

- Chrono Trigger (had finished the game and wanted to do the New Game+ stuff).

Could anyone could gently give me their save please ?

I don't see myself play again till the beginning : (

Thanks a lot !

Emumaster uses the .mcr format for the memory cards which most emulators use so you should be able to get the saves from anywhere. Quick google search found me this for FFVII.

Rename them to psx_mcd1.mcr or psx_mcd2.mcr and save them to home/user/.emumaster using the Filebox app.

I'm sure you'll be able to find the others. Good luck ;)

PS: That link for FFVII are for the NTSC version. Not sure which version you're using, Im using the PAL version but I've overwritten my corel saves. Earliest I have is after Cloud gets lost in the lifestream.

aShtk 2012-05-01 20:17

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Cool !

That's a good news, thanks for the answer : )

I'm gonna check it on the web

justadude 2012-05-02 04:56

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

What is the current donation total towards N64? I think its time for me to close the gap with another donation :) Thanks

elemental 2012-05-02 06:14

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
N64 will come for sure, time is the only factor that counts right now. But of course you can convince me even more with a donation.

justadude 2012-05-02 17:01

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1200592)
N64 will come for sure, time is the only factor that counts right now. But of course you can convince me even more with a donation.

:) well a donation is in place. I just recall you stating that once a certain dollar amount was reached you would get cracking on it. I'm just poking around for an amount is all.

chidone 2012-05-02 21:06

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Hi Elemental,

I'd like to thank you for the great work you've done.
I was wondering if there is any way you can take the in game saves (not the save states) to the computer and use them with another emulator (such as VBA) and then put them back in the specific emumaster folder.

I already tried in the directory where the memory card saves for psx are and found all others save states but not the actual in game saves.

Thanks again for all your help

elemental 2012-05-02 21:14

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
It's only possible for PSX now. Copy /home/elemental/.emumaster/psx_mcdX.mcr to the PC. Be aware that it contains only in-game saves (aka saves done on real machine).

justadude 2012-05-06 05:27

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by justadude (Post 1200850)
:) well a donation is in place. I just recall you stating that once a certain dollar amount was reached you would get cracking on it. I'm just poking around for an amount is all.

Any info please?

elemental 2012-05-06 05:40

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
As I stated N64 will come, most probably after PSX and Amiga reincarnations. It means the donations reached the desired level. But of course you can show even more love with the next donation :)

justadude 2012-05-07 04:36

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1202440)
As I stated N64 will come, most probably after PSX and Amiga reincarnations. It means the donations reached the desired level. But of course you can show even more love with the next donation :)

Gotcha! Glad more people are behind you on this one. It's truly an amazing app that will eventually do it all with the old school game fanatics!

DreamFAW 2012-05-07 13:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
When you release new version? :)

elemental 2012-05-07 13:51

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by DreamFAW (Post 1203014)
When you release new version? :)

I am working very hard on it. I want amaze you with the next version. I think you have to wait 3 weeks. It's really worth it. Be patient.

DreamFAW 2012-05-07 15:49

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Ok =)
And what about a new video filters? Of course filters like "hq2x" or "2xSal" too slow, but bilinear filtering in older version was not bad :)

elemental 2012-05-07 15:57

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Video filters on N9 are not a good idea at all, because of poor gpu. They will stay though in case I would port the app to some tablet (e.g. open source tablet is coming with KDE Plasma). Nevermind, in my opinion the bilinear filtering is bad too - colors are off and blured. But as I said: I will revert this option in the next version (default off).

automagic68 2012-05-07 18:07

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by elemental (Post 1203019)
I am working very hard on it. I want amaze you with the next version. I think you have to wait 3 weeks. It's really worth it. Be patient.

If we get PR1.3 and the next version of EmuMaster in the same week that would be so freaking awesome!!! :D:D:D

DreamFAW 2012-05-07 19:17

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Just added some games (Sega Mega Drive and PS) to the compatibility list. I hope I helped at least a little. :)

AllekCorreia 2012-05-12 15:21

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Sorry for this question...but, EmuMaster runs on N900?

[ ]'s

elemental 2012-05-12 15:29

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
It does, but it's not supprted by me anymore.

Take a look at:

It's old version 0.2.2 I think.
If someone had time to develop Fremantle version further, it would be great.

ladoga 2012-05-12 16:39

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Is c64 emulator still in plans?

I'd love to play paradroid on N9.

elemental 2012-05-12 17:32

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Yes, it is, but not in the near future

justadude 2012-05-15 06:10

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0
Just gave another healthy donation. Hope it motivates you a bit more :) please let me know you received it.

elemental 2012-05-15 06:45

Re: EmuMaster 0.3.0

Originally Posted by justadude (Post 1206858)
Just gave another healthy donation. Hope it motivates you a bit more :) please let me know you received it.

Yes, I received it. Thank you very much :)

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