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pali 2012-06-20 12:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
@guilledoc: U-Boot does not flashing kernels! It loads it and start it directly. Did you installed -bootimg kernel package?

guilledoc 2012-06-20 13:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Canīt believe myself
Sorry for bothering anyone with my posts same probleme as usual typing error-
Wrote in config without the "S" ---REUSEATAG--
THANKS A LOT for your hard work and really really sorry

jem555 2012-06-23 19:06

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Hi. I'm trying to boot Nitdroid. N12umay is in the internal card mmcblk1p5 (ext3). Dropped nitdroid image in /boot and modules in /lib/modules, in first fat partition.
U-boot is reading kernel ok. It delays 10 sec (as configured) and then it reboots.

Thanks for any help!

trompkins 2012-06-23 20:29

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by jem555 (Post 1226402)
Hi. I'm trying to boot Nitdroid. N12umay is in the internal card mmcblk1p5 (ext3). Dropped nitdroid image in /boot and modules in /lib/modules, in first fat partition.
U-boot is reading kernel ok. It delays 10 sec (as configured) and then it reboots.

Thanks for any help!

My config's identical. Try this:

/etc/bootmenu.d -- yes, it's mmcblk0p5

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootdelay=5 init=/init panic=30 debug"

Drop uImage into root of mmcblk1p5, drop the modules into /your/nitdroid/lib/modules/2.6.28.NIT.07 then execute cd /your/nitdroid/lib/modules && ln -s 2.6.28.NIT.07 current if you haven't done that already.
Don't mess with mmc1, boot.scr or FAT partition, it's not needed.

You might also want to check the last paragraph of this post out if you need camera to work.

jem555 2012-06-23 21:14

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by trompkins (Post 1226442)
My config's identical. Try this:

/etc/bootmenu.d -- yes, it's mmcblk0p5

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootdelay=5 init=/init panic=30 debug"

Drop uImage into root of mmcblk1p5, drop the modules into /your/nitdroid/lib/modules/2.6.28.NIT.07 then execute cd /your/nitdroid/lib/modules && ln -s 2.6.28.NIT.07 current if you haven't done that already.
Don't mess with mmc1, boot.scr or FAT partition, it's not needed.

You might also want to check the last paragraph of this post out if you need camera to work.

Thanks a lot, trompkins!!! you got it! That's it. Changing to /dev/mmcblk0p5 was the key. I already had the modules in place cause before I've tried to boot directly from ext3. Now works like a charm.

Thanks again! :)

guilledoc 2012-06-24 11:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Sorry for bothering again
Intalled the cssu-thumb and now when I reboot with keyboard open only bootmenu loads but not u-boot any idea how to arreange it?

reinob 2012-06-25 07:36

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by guilledoc (Post 1226676)
Sorry for bothering again
Intalled the cssu-thumb and now when I reboot with keyboard open only bootmenu loads but not u-boot any idea how to arreange it?

When you installed cssu-thumb your kernel (u-boot w/ attached kernel) was replaced by the csssu-thumb kernel (which is based on kp50).

So you basically lost u-boot. If you want u-boot and cssu-thumb you need to create a combined image of u-boot + cssu-thumb kernel (I believe you can find the instructions on the first post).

peterleinchen 2012-06-26 21:00

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Instructions for manually combining can be found in palis post #6, page 1.

If you got Multiboot, just combine the u-boot and the uImage, create new multiboot item (e.g. kp50u-boot), symlink modules folder (kp50u-boot) to existing one (kp50) and boot/flash it. On next boot you will have u-boot (combined with multiboot, which is of course not needed anymore, but hey its still there) ...

Mr Wolf 2012-06-29 13:58

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
I wanted to install Backupmenu together with NITDroid.
So, I installed first U-Boot and then Backupmenu, and it worked, I could start Backupmenu from U-Boot menu.
Then, I installed NITDroid through the autoinstaller on the mass memory, but it replaced its own boot menu, U-Boot disappeared.
So, is there a way to have both Backupmenu and NITDroid in U-Boot?
Many thanks for your help!

Hurrian 2012-07-01 11:49

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Pali, do you have any information on preparing an initfs to be fed to u-boot?

I feel like putting mmc and filesystem modules in an initrd and booting Maemo off a uSD, without the hassle of losing power management.

pali 2012-07-01 11:56

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

first you need to create initfs file from root directory (e.g. mkfs.cramfs)
then you need to create uInitrd file from your initfs (mkimage -T ramdisk)
and then add ITEM_INITRD="<uInitrd_file>" to your bootmenu item file.

reinob 2012-07-02 07:36

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Would you consider building the next kernel-power with the essential modules already linked in? (at least those necessary to access the rootfs, emmc and mmc if present as well as the usual file systems including ext2-4 and vfat).

[ at least fat/vfat/ext3 + mmc modules are currently (kp50) not linked in ]

That way we wouldn't need an initfs and it would make booting off-NAND Maemo directly via U-boot much easier?

Hurrian 2012-07-02 09:50

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1229990)

Would you consider building the next kernel-power with the essential modules already linked in? (at least those necessary to access the rootfs, emmc and mmc if present as well as the usual file systems including ext2-4 and vfat).

[ at least fat/vfat/ext3 + mmc modules are currently (kp50) not linked in ]

That way we wouldn't need an initfs and it would make booting off-NAND Maemo directly via U-boot much easier?

IIRC power to MMC is cut off during deep sleep, leading to an instant kernel panic due to unmounted root.

We'll need to find a solution to this before booting off MMC.

reinob 2012-07-02 10:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1230046)
IIRC power to MMC is cut off during deep sleep, leading to an instant kernel panic due to unmounted root.

We'll need to find a solution to this before booting off MMC.

Never heard of that. If that's the case then the problem would also (probably) happen when swap is on MMC, which is quite a common case.

Do you know if the same happens with the embedded MMC?

pali 2012-07-02 11:28

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1229990)

Would you consider building the next kernel-power with the essential modules already linked in? (at least those necessary to access the rootfs, emmc and mmc if present as well as the usual file systems including ext2-4 and vfat).

[ at least fat/vfat/ext3 + mmc modules are currently (kp50) not linked in ]

That way we wouldn't need an initfs and it would make booting off-NAND Maemo directly via U-boot much easier?

Not possible. Kernel nand area has 2MB and we store both u-boot and zImage to this area. So increasing size of u-boot or zImage is not possible due to 2MB limitation. We are happy that 2MB is enought for current u-boot and current kernel-power.

So you need to find alternative solution (with initfs or custom kernel stored in MyDocs...)

hamuda92 2012-07-03 06:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
excuse me i'm kinda mixed up here.. is this an alternative of multiboot?? if so, how can i use switch to it and make a dual boot of maemo and nitdroid?? i'm sorry i'm not as noob as my q is.. but i got confused since i read this thread and i actually would like know how can i make use of u-boot...
please clarify a little bit more

reinob 2012-07-03 07:16

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1230092)
Not possible. Kernel nand area has 2MB and we store both u-boot and zImage to this area. So increasing size of u-boot or zImage is not possible due to 2MB limitation. We are happy that 2MB is enought for current u-boot and current kernel-power.

So you need to find alternative solution (with initfs or custom kernel stored in MyDocs...)

It's OK if the kernel doesn't fit together with U-boot. My "request" was more if you can build the next (standalone) kernel-power (kp51?) with those modules compiled-in.

I know I could do that, but when I have time I don't have the computer with the SDK with me, and when I have it, I don't have time :)

U-boot itself can only read from VFAT, is that correct?

Fabry 2012-07-03 11:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1230498)
U-boot itself can only read from VFAT, is that correct?

It reads EXT2 also.
EXT3 partitions and theorically even some EXT4 partitions can be read by Ext2 driver

pali 2012-07-09 08:23

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
@reinob: u-boot ext2 driver cannot read ext4 paritions, but now in u-boot we have vfat, ext2 and ext4 drivers, so reading ext4 parts are working too. just specify parition type ext4 in your item file and update script will hande it.

pali 2012-07-09 08:24

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
New version 2012.04-2 is uploaded. It will load bootmenu.src always (if keyboard is closed, first menu entry will be automatically boot) and will generate omap atag (instead reusing). ITEM_REUSEATAGS is obsolated, use ITEM_OMAPATAG

See first post.

peterleinchen 2012-07-09 08:59

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Hey pali,

thanks for making it always better and better and continuation!
But one question: what is the benefit of loading bootmenu.scr always? Especially what will happen, if mmcblk0p1 is screwed (and it can not be read)?

And one more: when I poweroff (and when I do it, I do it often with keyboard out in x-term) then u-boot will load and wait for 30 s. The display is dark, so I do not notice it as I want to start again. Any chance to detect boot reason=shutdown and shorten th timeout?
Just a little personal liking request, so feel free to ignore ;)

Oh and btw, I just reread first post and checked your repo.
Could you please provide also your u-boot.bin again?
Because I merged that with kp50 kernel, so my attachboot is kp50. (I am sure it would be possible to extract it from u-boot flasher kernel, but ...)
Sorry, it is there (and has already been).

pali 2012-07-09 09:08

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
If mmcblk0p1 is not valid fat partition, bootmenu script will not be read.

Benefit of loading always is that you can specify "default" menu entry which will be first in list and will be booted when timer expires or auto booted with closed keyboard.

Omap bootreason atag comes from NOLO and now u-boot can parse original atags and create its own. But there is no reason shutdown. Only ACK_DEAD which means shutdown or charger attached. And show u-boot menu in charger attached mode is usefull too.

ade 2012-07-09 15:28

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Great to see the option to load a kernel by default.

Installed the two new packages and changed the atags.

When rebooting with keyboard closed, I still get the u-boot menu and a 30 seconds timeout. Is this expected behaviour? I would expect it to instantly load the default kernel...

pali 2012-07-09 15:43

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04)
Yes, this is bug. It should boot without delay. I found problem that I forgot to call "setenv bootdelay 0" if keyboard is closed. Now compiling new version.

pali 2012-07-09 15:53

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
fixed and -flasher and -bootimg packages updated.

ade 2012-07-09 16:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1234550)
fixed and -flasher and -bootimg packages updated.

Are you sure you have updated the two packages? I still get the 30 seconds timeout, and looking at the timestamp of the packages it could be the "old" ones.

pali 2012-07-09 16:06

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Sorry again. I uploaded it to bad location. Now it should be fixed. Download again.

ade 2012-07-09 16:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Yes, I can confirm the bug is fixed now.

Netweaver 2012-07-09 20:52

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Forgive me for not seeing 'it' but whatever I change, the .item filename itself or the description inside the .item file, I don't manage to get my preferred kernel listed before the auto-added 'u-boot attached' Maemo kernel.

So the ultimate list shown and used is not alphabetically sorted or the 'first-one-in-the-list' logic should skip the first, auto-added entry.

Am I seeing it wrong somewhere ?

Thanks for the new version ! Great to still see progress on all fronts.

ade 2012-07-09 21:27

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 1234821)
Forgive me for not seeing 'it' but whatever I change, the .item filename itself or the description inside the .item file, I don't manage to get my preferred kernel listed before the auto-added 'u-boot attached' Maemo kernel.

So the ultimate list shown and used is not alphabetically sorted or the 'first-one-in-the-list' logic should skip the first, auto-added entry.

Am I seeing it wrong somewhere ?

Thanks for the new version ! Great to still see progress on all fronts.

You will have to create a symbolic link in /etc/defaults/ named bootmenu.item to your preferred kernel item file
Could be for example:
bootmenu.item -> /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power-

peterleinchen 2012-07-09 22:11

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Thanks ade,
that was the missing link.

I already had the updated u-boot-update script, but was wondering about that "/var/tmp/bootmenu.cmd.default" error. (So used original version.)
But as I like to have the run attachboot as default, I just omit that /etc/default/bootmenu.item? Will the script run?
Or is there another/nicer way to have attached kernel as default with new u-boot? (Because I do not have an item like that. OK. could create one, but hen I would have it two times in list, right?)

Netweaver 2012-07-09 22:35

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
thanks, I tried the suggestion but my generated bootmenu.scr is a bit messed up.

It created (according to the command output) a default bootmenu item as per the symbolic link. I'll see later if it boots automatically. And then it created 2 (internal NAND) entries, one for 'Maemo 5 with attached kernel 2.6.28-Omap1...' and of for '...power51...'

very strange. I think there's still something wrong with the update script, as per Highlander: "There can only be one" in the Internal NAND :D
I'll reboot and see what's the result.

EDIT: End result is rather ok, the default entry (power51) is indeed booting. Only visual error is in the menu, having the 2 ''Internal NAND" entries, on list position 1 and 2. I don't if the attached stock kernel (2nd item in the list now) boots fine. I'll try that right now.

EDIT2: I can only see visual artifact, all functionality is fine : The auto-generated 1st entry, the default entry received a suffix in the menu:" (Internal NAND)", while it's not actually present in NAND, it's just the default. It might be an enhancement to show it's the User default setting.

Thanks for the work!

PS, now with the latest changes, could people later (after testing/finding out) post working .item files for Nemo (standard SD card dd based install) and NITDROID (standard install too) ?

peterleinchen 2012-07-12 19:00

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
1 Attachment(s)
Can not confirm 'screwness' of bootmenu. Everything fine here, just tested it. (I do not need it, as my default -KP50- is the attached one. So removed the link again ;)).

About boot items for
NITDroid and Nemo, please see below. Both are running fine.
NITDroid on SD, p1 (boot.scr, kernel) with FAT and p2 (nitdroid) wih EXT3
Nemo on SD, default image.

put kernel (uImage) on p1 of SD (fat) and nitdroid rootfs on p2 of SD (ext3)
or wherever you want it, just adapt ;)

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk1p2"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

put kernel into "/boot", to have update script convert it to uImage

ITEM_NAME="Nemo with kernel 2.6.37-10.7"

Have fun!

another example for
put kernel (uImage) on p2 (/home) of eMMC and nitdroid rootfs also on eMMC p2 (home)

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p2"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

put kernel (uImage) on p1 (MyDocs) of eMMC and nitdroid rootfs on different eMMC p2 (home)

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p2, kernel on p1"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

and another example for
put kernel (uImage) on p5 of eMMC and nitdroid rootfs also on eMMC p5

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p5"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

Mr Wolf 2012-07-12 19:35

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I wanted to install BackupMenu together with NITDroid; I first installed U-Boot, then BackupMenu and it worked, that is, I could load BackupMenu from U-Boot menu; then, I installed NITDroid with autoinstaller and it replaced U-Boot menu with its boot menu.
NITDrois is installed in the mass memory: how can I create an entry in U-Boot menu to choose to load BackupMenu and NITDroid?
I'm afraid to mess everything. :o

I can see that in the NITDroid boot menu there's an entry:
with this lines:
ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p5"
but I guess I can't simply put it in U-Boot folder. :confused:

Thanks in advance!

peterleinchen 2012-07-12 20:38

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
First: there is no need to fully quote the previous post (makes it hard to read; why to read it twice?)
Second: I suggest to move your topic to NITDroid thread, as
Third: you already messed it up.
Backupmenu depends on bootmenu, nitdroid (autoinstaller) on multiboot, bootmenu and multiboot are mutually exclusive.
Do not know about latest autoinstaller, but v0.0.8 just removed all not compatible stuff :eek: and flashes the nitdroid kernel (removing u-boot).
So again, please move to appropriate thread or open new one if you feel so.
You will have to decide: using u-boot (bootmenu) or multiboot?

Mr Wolf 2012-07-12 22:48

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
Ok... corrected. Actually, I just wanted to answer to you. :p
I tried to post in the NITDroid topic and even in the NITDroid forum, and I just got one answer which said that U-Boot has menu entries both for BackupMenu and NITDroid.

So, I wanted to try U-Boot.
My idea was to remove multiboot from NITDRoid, so I guess NITDroid won't load anymore, and add an entry in U-Boot, but I don't actually know what to do without messing all.
I don't know if it's "correct" to copy NITDroid entry from multiboot in U-Boot folder and if that will work.

agr0 2012-07-13 11:32

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1236703)
Can not confirm 'screwness' of bootmenu. Everything fine here, just tested it. (I do not need it, as my default -KP50- is the attached one. So removed the link again ;)).

About boot items for
NITDroid and Nemo, please see below. Both are running fine.
NITDroid on SD, p1 (boot.scr, kernel) with FAT and p2 (nitdroid) wih EXT3
Nemo on SD, default image.

put kernel (uImage) on p1 of SD
or wherever you want it, just adapt ;)

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk1p2"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

put kernel into "/boot", to have update script convert it

ITEM_NAME="Nemo with kernel 2.6.37-10.7"

Have fun!

another example for
put kernel (uImage) on p2 (/home) of eMMC and nitdroid rootfs also on eMMC p2 (home)

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p2"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

Ok, so now we can boot Nemo on microSD card? I must only edit Nemo.item ?

peterleinchen 2012-07-13 12:27

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
I, for my personal liking, really do hate those "full quotations"!

But if you need another confirmation:

I have added a zip file in above post with some examples.

@Mr Wolf
decide to keep multiboot OR u-boot
first option :
flash the kernel to NAND with multiboot each time you change
install backupmenu-multiboot, bootmenu not available/compatible
reinstall u-boot

second option
reinstall backupmenu (incl.bootmenu), removing multiboot
reinstall u-boot
load the kernel with u-boot (follow dedicated u-boot thread guide)

As this is not really related to this thread anymore, please keep this one clean and start on another one again, if you need more help.

Nobless 2012-07-15 01:18

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
1 Attachment(s)
I have some problems with new version of u-boot. I removed old u-boot-flasher and tools then installed new one, restarted phone to u-boot screen and everything looks just fine, i choosed kernel and it shows me that kernel is starting! but wait.. it hangs bit a while and just shutdowns and even not shown bootmenu console with opened keyboard. Stock and power51 kernels both fails, nitdroid loads just fine. :)) need help to find out whats wrong with him, thanks :)

EDIT: Remembered there is framebuffer that can i use :P so here is my real problem why he doesn't found my root ?

EDIT2 : Is there possible to add framebuffer support to kernel-power, i like it more than usual booting :) ?

pali 2012-07-15 16:56

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)
just read error messages. this looks like corrupted rootfs. kernel cannot mount ubifs rootfs filesystem.

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