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demludi 2012-02-27 17:03

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I think most important thing is to make support to Davy whit donations and to add copy and paste function soon is possible :) Thanks for your work!!!

munozferna 2012-02-27 19:06

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1169723)
No, to add proper sound support I have to implement the JSR 135 spec (at least the audio playback part), and this takes (a lot of) time.

For now, the implementation only provides dummy methods so that at least some games can be played without sound (otherwise they might complain about missing classes and missing methods).


Do you have additional information about this? maybe we can create some of these for other apps to at least get them running while more JSR's are implemented.

DavyP 2012-02-27 20:12

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1170662)
Do you plan to support audio DavyP ?
Thank you :)

Yes, albeit gradually.


santiago 2012-02-28 06:57

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
4 Attachment(s)
Hi DavyP, sorry for the hack, i'll install new version then :), this is what i mean.. I open the app, i go to Suggest/Invite friend, in the Select Area Box, to find my Country, is possible to write "Italy" but keys are inverted the T is the i and the i is the T. And, to use them, i have to keep pressed the key between the ctrl and the maiusc. I add come screenshots, see in the title bar of the Screenshot-20120228-074536.jpg attachment.

PS: ctrl + t shows a black pad?!

DavyP 2012-02-28 16:17

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1171200)
Hi DavyP, sorry for the hack, i'll install new version then :), this is what i mean.. I open the app, i go to Suggest/Invite friend, in the Select Area Box, to find my Country, is possible to write "Italy" but keys are inverted the T is the i and the i is the T. And, to use them, i have to keep pressed the key between the ctrl and the maiusc. I add come screenshots, see in the title bar of the Screenshot-20120228-074536.jpg attachment.

PS: ctrl + t shows a black pad?!

Ahh, after finally being able to figure out this "strange bug" it turns
out it is the application's own fault. It wrongly assumes it is running
on a feature phone and tries to map digits on characters all by
itself rather than having the platform take care of it. So it more or
less maps characters this way

2: abc
3: def
4: ghi
5: jkl
6: mno
7: pqr
8: tuv
9: wxyz

Tapping twice on 3 gives you an "e". So it has nothing to do with
"i" and "t" being swapped or whatever.

The fact that you have to tap this special arrow button, is just due
to the way you have to enter digits on the N900. So this is no bug
in my port, but rather a 'feature' in the Facebook app itself!


christianko 2012-02-29 11:22

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1170585)
I can confirm the error, but without the sources it is quite difficult to
figure out what the app is trying to do. Decompiling the sources
won't help much either as the J2ME Polish based app is
obfuscated :-(.


Thanks. Is this due to https limitations in phoneme?

Btw, I tried, without https it works as intended. (How unsafe is this practically? - I changed my pin after trying via web). But there ist one additional problem: After buying a ticket, it comes as a QR code. This is displayed correctly, but a "zurück" (back) status bar obscures a few lines of the code. Any way around this?

DavyP 2012-02-29 12:22

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by christianko (Post 1171971)

Thanks. Is this due to https limitations in phoneme?

Btw, I tried, without https it works as intended. (How unsafe is this practically? - I changed my pin after trying via web). But there ist one additional problem: After buying a ticket, it comes as a QR code. This is displayed correctly, but a "zurück" (back) status bar obscures a few lines of the code. Any way around this?

I used the bouncycastle implementation to add https support, but
maybe some things don't work the way they should.

Note that without https support, all your login credentials go over
the network in clear text which is highly insecure and not
recommended. Somebody could intercept your communication
and order tickets with your access code.

About the QR code: does it help if you run the app in full screen
(try Ctrl+Up or the configuration utility) ?


christianko 2012-02-29 12:57

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1171996)
I used the bouncycastle implementation to add https support, but
maybe some things don't work the way they should.

Note that without https support, all your login credentials go over
the network in clear text which is highly insecure and not
recommended. Somebody could intercept your communication
and order tickets with your access code.

About the QR code: does it help if you run the app in full screen
(try Ctrl+Up or the configuration utility) ?


I am running fullscreen already, without it is even worse. ( I use the N9 btw)
But if it does not work securly I better continue to use the browser version, (even if it is far less convenient.)

guilledoc 2012-02-29 13:01

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Don´t know whats happening all of a sudden previows games that runed fine they crash and also sometimes it crashes my desktop and I have to reboot. Any ideas why?

Arthuro_Adam 2012-02-29 17:08

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
If I install a new version of the program, it will automatically update the old one?

The Opera Mini will be also a new one?


DavyP 2012-02-29 17:27

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by christianko (Post 1172021)
I am running fullscreen already, without it is even worse. ( I use the N9 btw)
But if it does not work securly I better continue to use the browser version, (even if it is far less convenient.)

I will do some tests with https connections to see if I can fix the
problem, but no hard guarantees that it will.


DavyP 2012-02-29 17:30

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by guilledoc (Post 1172024)
Don´t know whats happening all of a sudden previows games that runed fine they crash and also sometimes it crashes my desktop and I have to reboot. Any ideas why?

Thanks for the feedback, but could you provide more details
because there is too little information for me to figure out what is
causing your problems.

Also, I assume with "desktop" you mean the window environment of
your N900/N9, right? The fact that it also crashes the desktop too, is
really strange (perhaps lack of memory resources, etc).


DavyP 2012-02-29 17:33

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Arthuro_Adam (Post 1172163)
If I install a new version of the program, it will automatically update the old one?

The Opera Mini will be also a new one?


If you install a new deb, it will keep the settings of old midlets, etc.
These settings are generated as new files and not part of the deb
archive. Therefore, they will not be removed when you uninstall
the deb.

The Opera Mini midlet (jar and jad) will be overwritten, but it is the
same version 6.5 that I included for testing purposes since the
beginning. If there would be a new version, I could include it in the
deb, but it is fairly likely it will not reuse the 6.5 settings (not sure).


guilledoc 2012-02-29 18:05

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1172178)
Thanks for the feedback, but could you provide more details
because there is too little information for me to figure out what is
causing your problems.

Also, I assume with "desktop" you mean the window environment of
your N900/N9, right? The fact that it also crashes the desktop too, is
really strange (perhaps lack of memory resources, etc).


I meant the hildon-desktop but not allways for example the the task bar desapears or some of the icons (om weather, contacts, flipclock,etc) they reapear with a reboot. It happens running the middlet from x-term, the runmiddlet app, and also from the content manager.
I think it related to the app/game couse opera mini don´t crash and there are books in jar that I`ve downloaded and didn´t have any problem

Sorry I cant post any image now

gianko 2012-02-29 19:50

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
is it possible to have whatsapp.jar working with phoneme?

i tried this:

but give some errors

DavyP 2012-02-29 21:04

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1172246)
is it possible to have whatsapp.jar working with phoneme?

i tried this:

but give some errors

This question has been asked before. The answer is no because
the midlet relies on Nokia specific JavaME APIs for the s40
platform which no (open source) implementation is available.


santiago 2012-03-01 06:31

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1172283)
This question has been asked before. The answer is no because
the midlet relies on Nokia specific JavaME APIs for the s40
platform which no (open source) implementation is available.


Hi Davy, referring to this, is it possible to implement existing JSRs about Nokia, Sony Ericsoon etc? Becouse, Microemulator has different JSRs lib on his folder, but maybe are they unusable becouse are compled to work with JavaSE?

DavyP 2012-03-01 08:54

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1172450)
Hi Davy, referring to this, is it possible to implement existing JSRs about Nokia, Sony Ericsoon etc? Becouse, Microemulator has different JSRs lib on his folder, but maybe are they unusable becouse are compled to work with JavaSE?

Technically, you can add whatever API you like, but I already
checked the microemu and midpath projects, and neither one
provides the Nokia API this application needs :-(.


pepitoe 2012-03-02 12:50

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
2 Attachment(s)
Can anyone help with the following app...

When I attempt to run this on my N9 all I get is a brief flash of grey. I have attached the logs, any ideas if there is a way to get this to run?


christianko 2012-03-02 13:21

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1172175)
I will do some tests with https connections to see if I can fix the
problem, but no hard guarantees that it will.


I found out one more thing: The webpage below says that connections occur either over wap or http, and that the app has its own encryption, suggesting using http is fine? Maybe it could also be a reason for a connection failure that I do not have a wap access point on the n9.

source: (german)

(Unsichere Verbindung öffnen?
Die Verbindungen ins Internet können gesichert, d. h. verschlüsselt (https, SSL-Verschlüsselung) oder unverschlüsselt (http) erfolgen.
Um eine Kompatibilität zu einfacheren Handytypen zu sichern, erfolgen die Verbindungen entweder über WAP (grundsätzlich unverschlüsselt - es werden auch keine schützenswerten Daten übertragen) oder http. Hier wiederum nimmt die Anwendung selbst eine Verschlüsselung vor, so dass der unverschlüsselte Kanal (http) verschlüsselte Daten sicher transportiert.
Bitte bestätigen Sie den Verbindungsaufbau mit "ja"!

DavyP 2012-03-02 19:18

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
If the application itself adds an encryption layer over HTTP connections, then I guess it should be OK.


christianko 2012-03-02 20:05

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1173242)
If the application itself adds an encryption layer over HTTP connections, then I guess it should be OK.


Then the only issue left would be the back bar obscuring the ticket.
I guess it would not be a problem in portrait mode, but I do not know if if/how to activate portrait mode on my N9.

Btw, from the file manager "file box" jar files do not start. Only a grey page pops up.

DavyP 2012-03-03 21:55

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by christianko (Post 1173271)
Then the only issue left would be the back bar obscuring the ticket.
I guess it would not be a problem in portrait mode, but I do not know if if/how to activate portrait mode on my N9.

Btw, from the file manager "file box" jar files do not start. Only a grey page pops up.

I am afraid that the back bar obscuring the ticket is something that
can only be solved in the midlet, because it seems to compute the
available space for drawing/scaling the ticket on the canvas in the
wrong way.

A Maemo device has 800x480 pixels in landscape mode. If you
don't hide the Maemo top bar, you have 800x424 pixels available
for the midlet (including the blue bars at the top and bottom).
Excluding the blue bars you have 800x348 pixels available.

There are basically two types of going full screen:
-one that hides the Maemo top bar (because the Qt4 application
goes full screen)
-one that hides the blue bars (because the midlet goes full
screen) at least for Canvas or GameCanvas widgets. This is what
Opera Mini does.

For the first option, there is a short-cut (Ctrl+Up), but the latter
would need to be controlled from within the midlet itself :-(

About the grey bar: yes, I have been mainly testing on a real
N900 device lately (as the emulators are dog slow). I was almost
expecting that the mime type associations would not be working
on the N9, as MeeGo seems to be putting things in different places.


DavyP 2012-03-03 22:10

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

There is a new build (20120303) online with JSR 179/Location API/GPS
support. I only did some minimal testing with a simple midlet I wrote

Also, I changed the way I build the phoneME software. I now directly
link the library rather than dlopen() it in the cvm binary
( and cvm are built with different compilers and I previously I
had some linker issues which are now solved). This way I don't need to
mess around with function pointers as much. I hope this makes
the builds a bit more stable (or at least easier to debug).

Happy testing!


pepitoe 2012-03-03 22:58

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
New build does not work on N9 unfortunately...

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

DavyP 2012-03-04 00:49

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by pepitoe (Post 1173827)
New build does not work on N9 unfortunately...

Thanks testing. It seems MeeGo does not come with this library :-(

I guess I will have to again make two separate builds then.


DavyP 2012-03-04 09:54

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I created two different debian packages, one for Maemo with GPS
support and one for MeeGo without. You can get them from here:


Let me know how these builds work on the N900 and N9 (I am
especially interested in midlets that used to work reliably and that now

Also, my apologies to the N9 owners that feature-wise their MeeGo
build is a bit lacking behind. (GPS will have to wait until I figure out how
to do it on MeeGo and whether I can test it with the emulator).


birefringence 2012-03-04 11:30

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Thank you a lot! Now I can finally run my favorite app "Railnavigator" (German railway time timetable) fast and in a finger friendly size!

One question though:

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1168798)
* Disabled anti-aliasing. Text still looks good though I don't see any
faster rendering (Tested with JBenchmark and JBenchmark2).

Would it be possible for you to turn this into a configurable option?

christianko 2012-03-04 12:01

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
New build works for me just as the old build on n9.

But is there no way to run in portrait mode on n9?
That would solve my back bar issue.

demludi 2012-03-04 14:46

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
FreeSmee on Nokia N900 whit PhoneME - Video demo :)

Dockman 2012-03-04 20:11

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Question slightly off topic: does anyone know a java based spreadsheet app that can be used on an n9 with phoneME?

DavyP 2012-03-04 20:39

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by christianko (Post 1174075)
New build works for me just as the old build on n9.

But is there no way to run in portrait mode on n9?
That would solve my back bar issue.

I am thinking of adding a configuration option to do that, though
I would need to rewrite some of the drawing routines.


DavyP 2012-03-04 20:42

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by birefringence (Post 1174062)
Thank you a lot! Now I can finally run my favorite app "Railnavigator" (German railway time timetable) fast and in a finger friendly size!

One question though:

Would it be possible for you to turn this into a configurable option?

Yes, I can do that.

Do you see any noticeable difference with anti-alias turned on or
off? I don't see any big difference (could be due to the font or the
fact that my digitizer is a bit scratched).


DavyP 2012-03-05 10:14

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi Folks,

New build (20120305) online with the following features:
-configuration option to turn on/off anti-aliased fonts
-configuration option for running in portrait mode

These options are available in the "MIDlet Settings" application
(for default options), or you can specify the following command
line parameters for the cvm binary to override the ones in "MIDlet


Some other useful cvm command line parameters are:

Again, note that these command line parameters do not work
for the runmidlet application (which uses the default options).

About running in portrait mode:
I don't know if there are software options or upgrades for Maemo
or MeeGo that allow the device to auto-rotate its display by using
accelerator/gravity sensors. If that is the case, the midlet
application should receive a window resize update and portrait
mode should work out of the box (this is what happens on
Android), and you should not use the above option.

However, if your device is "stuck" in landscape mode, you can
enable the above option. The Maemo/MeeGo status bars are
still in landscape mode (if you do not run in full screen), but the
midlet itself is drawn in portrait mode. There is a performance
penalty though, as I need to apply a rotation transformation step
for each window update and I also need to translate the original
x,y coordinates of a pointer event to match with the coordinates of
the rotated midlet.

Feedback is much appreciated,

Estel 2012-03-05 12:49

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1174533)
About running in portrait mode:
I don't know if there are software options or upgrades for Maemo
or MeeGo that allow the device to auto-rotate its display by using
accelerator/gravity sensors. If that is the case, the midlet
application should receive a window resize update and portrait
mode should work out of the box (this is what happens on
Android), and you should not use the above option.

Using Community SSU, auto-rotation is present out of the box, at least in case of Maemo and N900.


christianko 2012-03-05 13:06

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1174533)
Hi Folks,

New build (20120305) online with the following features:
-configuration option to turn on/off anti-aliased fonts
-configuration option for running in portrait mode


Feedback is much appreciated,

Hi, I tested portrait mode on my N9, and it works. In particular, the handyticket app is now useable, as the ticket now fits the screen.

Also the bahn's rail navigator app looks better in portrait.

Thanks a lot!

DavyP 2012-03-05 14:43

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1174599)
Using Community SSU, auto-rotation is present out of the box, at least in case of Maemo and N900.


The N900 that vi_ sent me has this software installed (CSSU 21.2011.38 Stable), but I have no auto-rotation. I modified /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini (set forcerotation to 1) and rebooted the device but I see no change (e.g. with the calculator app).

Is there anything I need to configure or install?


birefringence 2012-03-05 16:42

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1174318)
Yes, I can do that.

Do you see any noticeable difference with anti-alias turned on or
off? I don't see any big difference (could be due to the font or the
fact that my digitizer is a bit scratched).


Great, thanks!

In fact, I can see a difference and it looks much better now. I'm using the Droid fonts. (However, I have to admit that I'm a bit spoiled when it comes to text rendering).

Brian_7 2012-03-05 19:28

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1174650)
The N900 that vi_ sent me has this software installed (CSSU 21.2011.38 Stable), but I have no auto-rotation. I modified /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini (set forcerotation to 1) and rebooted the device but I see no change (e.g. with the calculator app).

Is there anything I need to configure or install?


If you click on the battery icon, you will see the orientation lock option. Use it to enable the portrait mode. You will know that it works if you see that you enabled the portrait desktop. Btw the portrait mode won't work with the calculator app because it is black listed.

DavyP 2012-03-05 21:18

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Brian_7 (Post 1174803)
If you click on the battery icon, you will see the orientation lock option. Use it to enable the portrait mode. You will know that it works if you see that you enabled the portrait desktop. Btw the portrait mode won't work with the calculator app because it is black listed.

Thanks for the help. I found this on another website,

but I don't have these options, only:
-Clock & Alarms
-Internet connection
-USB connected

I guess I need to install a package called status-area-orientationlock-applet to enable this feature


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