![]() |
Re: [MOD] How to enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive for PR1.2/1.3
Thanks for this pertinent comment !!! I have now updated my full patch step by step procedure to fix this problem ... A++ |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Hi everyone,
I Tried few months ago (before PR1.2) to have Nokia to fix this problem i have using Nokia Drive. The application doesn't show sometimes the name or the number of the exit while driving on a highway. The voice says which exit but the display only shows the distance. Does anyone else get this problem ? I think there's something to fix in the GuidancePanel object in guidancePage.qml but i'm not good enough to know how to fix this. Here's a screenshot of the problem where you can see that the next exit is after 910m but there's no route name or direction: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/4...0824084142.png |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
can anyone disable map rotation in drive app? please?)
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
I've made a patch against the unstable patch which transforms the 2 state button "TTD, Distance" into a 3 state button "TTD, distance and ETA". Anyone interested? Tenchman |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
A++ |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
http://www.tenchio.de/patches/N9-PR1...e_button.patch You have to apply it after applying the unstable patch. Hope it works! |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
The GuidancePanel component defines this header. The text comes from either routingModel or guidanceModel. You just need to dump the variables to figure out what happened. It could be a limitation in the API or could be blocked by the various conditions defined in the if..else block. Do you have a Symbian device for reference? If Symbian doesn't show next maneuver then you know for sure it's API limitation. |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Your patch work properly, as usual, I have added it to my full patch ... Many thanks for this new feature !!! A++ |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
colin.stephane, do you added only to full or also to unstable?
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Schturman, If you are asking about the latest patch from tenchman; its added to unstable as per colin.stephane's edits: Quote:
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Thanks, i will add this to the next release of N9QT ;)
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Following the instructions from post #1+#130, I did in this order
- installed 'wget' in 'settings' -> 'security' -> 'developer mode' -> 'utilities' - installed 'patch' utility - Saved the unstable patch.diff with Win-editor in ANSI code. - Used this console command line to install the Unstable patch: Code:
clear && ID=$(id -un) ; if [ ${ID} != "root" ] ; then echo "You are not 'root', please use this command line as 'root' (devel-su) ..." ; else rm /root/*.diff 2>/dev/null ; wget http://bigbob.fun.free.fr/N9/Patch-t...-UNSTABLE.diff -O /root/Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3+ETA-UNSTABLE.diff && apt-get install -y --reinstall nokia-drive-qml maps && sync && patch -p0 -i /root/Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3+ETA-UNSTABLE.diff && sync ; fi Code:
miss https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com ./ maps 4.2.55+0m8 As these version actually are installed, I didn't really care and - went to the folder where the downloaded patch resided (name of the folder is "Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3+ETA-UNSTABLE") and typed: Code:
cp -r /usr/lib/drive-qml /usr/lib/drive-qml-original patch -p0 -i Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3+ETA-UNSTABLE.diff Code:
BusyBox v1.20.0.git (MeeGo 3:1.20-0.2+0m8) built-in shell (ash) I'm kinda lost... |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
You left out a semicolon, newline, or && between the cp command and the patch command. If you put a ; before "patch -p0 ..." that will fix it (assuming nothing else was overwritten).
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Resolving host timed out: downloads.maemo.nokia.com and like above Code:
cp -r /usr/lib/drive-qml /usr/lib/drive-qml-original ; patch -p0 -i Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3+ETA-UNSTABLE.diff |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Thank you guys.
And indeed I missed newline before "patch -p0 -i..." Here's what came out after correcting that: Code:
~ # cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3\+ETA-UNSTABLE/ What can I do? |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
My advice to you would be to use N9QTweak instead...It has the same patch that colin.stephane posts on here... |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
If you can't resolve 'downloads.maemo.nokia.com' FIRST FIX your dns resolution ... Since I do not think you have manually edited name resolution on your device, then you are using a bad connection. PLEASE FIX FIRST DNS RESOLUTION, then the automatic solution work fine ... A++ |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Damn, just got your patch through at a friend using his WLAN! Everything loaded from ext. servers without issues.:)
So no need for this code anymore, I assume?: Quote:
Thanks a lot! |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Glad to see you find a reliable WLAN access properly configured to let your device connect correctly to Internet and install the patch ... Obviously, you don't need to use these "cp -r blah ... blah ... etc ..." anymore. I have put many time to check an re-check my full patch to maximize end user installation to the simple way, taking care of users remarks post after post ... Anyhow, since it look like it's not obvious for everyone, I have edited another time my procedure and added : Quote:
Good playing with your Drive application !!! A++ |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Looks like everything works as it should. :)
Thanks for your efforts. |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
If you follow the patch's auto-commands it will re-install drive and maps to ensure that the left-overs or remenants of any previous patch are not present before the new patch is applied... |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Just wanted to give everybody involved in this awesome mod a big THANK YOU!
Your work and time spent in this project, as well as helping stupid users like me, is priceless. To make this mod even more valuable, let's try to bring speedcam warnings to it. A short google search brought up the following for Nokia/Navteq, probably this can be helpful?: http://trapster.com/devices/java-j2me/ http://www.speedcamupdates.com/Nokia-330 http://www.symbian-freak.com/downloa...n/speedcam.zip Trapster (Reach Unlimited Corp) was accuired by NAVTEQ, so maybe... |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
A question to community.
I am on PR 1.3 using latest colin.stephane's stable patch for Drive and separate traffic patch from sony123 for Maps. I noticed some buggy behaviour with automatic color turned on in Drive:
Is there any solution available to fix above behaviour? |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Unfortunately i don't have much time to make tests on those variables. I thought the problem was on the way they set routeName variable in GuidancePage.qml but not in routingModel or GuidanceModel.If so that sound complicated to fix. I believe the name for the next maneuver should be the direction (city's name for example) and the route name but not only the route name which is blank for some portion of the road (as you said probably depending on the country). I'll see if i have time to look deeper into this. Do you know where the next maneuver name is set for the voice ? Also as i remember i didn't have this problem on my 5800. Thanks anyway. |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
At first thank you all for this well done modification
Should not be so much complicated to implemend - i think. What do you think about? |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Hey is anyone still working on the maps. A lot of the community fixes were/are invaluable. I'd love to hear that you guys hadn't given up.
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
I'd like to request a mod for landscape mode in MAPS.
If DRIVE can do it, MAPS could do it too I guess? |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
But "grep -ri safetyspot /usr/lib/qt4 /usr/lib/nokia-drive" gives a lot of useful symbols. It seems that the requested feature is already there, but disabled. Or, to be more correct, it is in the qt4 API, but not used in "drive-qml". Unfortunately i'm currently busy with a project @work. I'm an experienced but old "plain ansi C" hacker, so, C++ and JS is a pain for me. If some QML-Hero can have a look at this, it would be really helpful. :D |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
/usr/lib/qt4 shows you a .so library, however, it only means that there are means for 3rd party devs to hook on the safetyspot data - if the data exists. /usr/lib/nokia-drive doesn't exist on my phone, but that could be my problem to start with :) /usr/lib/drive-qml exists but doesn't output anything, sorry. |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
not much at this time on the safetyspot front, but i came up with the following patch for the speedwarner: http://www.tenchio.de/patches/N9-PR1...ner_mute.patch It adds an additional Button "MUTE" in the speedwarner setting screen. And, surprise, surprise, it disables the annoying beep when driving to fast but keeps the display flashing. http://www.tenchio.de/patches/2012-10-19_00-00-58.png Sorry, screenshot is in German. ;) |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
i applied the unstable patch to pr1.3, nothin happened, no traffic or anything in either app.
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
Anyway use N9QTweak Tweak G instead for doing the same thing...Schturman updates his tweak to reflect the latest unstable patch here... |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
It seems like some failed patch code. Do you need developer mode enabbles? I have that turned off.
edit: i retried the unstable patch with developer mode enabled and it still didn't work, same errors as below. i was however able to use the stable version, so now i have working traffic inside Drive. Thanks for your work guys. Code:
# apt-get install -y --reinstall nokia-drive- |
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
1 Attachment(s)
@tenchman---> Just niiiiiiiiice thanks for your great job :)
Re: [MOD] Enable Traffic/Automatic day-night in Drive & Traffic in Maps
1 Attachment(s)
Would it be possible to add Nokia Maps weather on the N9/N950 in your opinion? ^^
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