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freemangordon 2011-11-23 17:11

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
@blue_led, joerg_rw and other h-e-n developers -

could you please take a look at usbhostmode.diff and confirm (or not) that

+                if (machine_is_nokia_rx51()) {
+                        musb_platform_resume(musb);
+                        musb_set_vbus(musb, 0);
+                        devctl &= ~MUSB_DEVCTL_SESSION;
+                        musb_writeb(musb->mregs, MUSB_DEVCTL, devctl);
+                        musb_writeb(musb->mregs, MUSB_TESTMODE, 0);
+                }

is missing a call to musb_platform_suspend(musb); at the end of the block

WhiteWolf 2011-11-23 19:15

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1127888)
btw I hope I've not missed to link to it in post #9 :-)

ultra-terse howto: get from ShadowJK, install so you can execute it.
start H_E_N, select speed
only *now* apply external VBUS
*now* immediately click vboost in H_E_N
enum, mount, etc
now do boostoff;

to end: kill, then close H_E_N


Thanks, I'll read it and try it in stride.

I'm just using an external power supply and the battery continues to fall alarmingly.

Thank you again.

WhiteWolf 2011-11-23 19:21

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 1127936)
work in progress: hostmode script "click and use" with :
-no gui
-automatic speed
-status area icon
-automatic mount for removable media( hdd, sticks, cdrom )
-a lot of transition notifications

to do
automatic host-charging mode

when active flashlight don't work

stay tuned !

Great! I am waiting.

WhiteWolf 2011-11-23 19:28

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1127888)
btw I hope I've not missed to link to it in post #9 :-)

ultra-terse howto: get from ShadowJK, install so you can execute it.
start H_E_N, select speed
only *now* apply external VBUS
*now* immediately click vboost in H_E_N
enum, mount, etc
now do boostoff;

to end: kill, then close H_E_N


it does not work for me the link to download

joerg_rw 2011-11-24 03:30

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1127954)
@blue_led, joerg_rw and other h-e-n developers -

could you please take a look at usbhostmode.diff and confirm (or not) that

+                if (machine_is_nokia_rx51()) {
+                        musb_platform_resume(musb);
+                        musb_set_vbus(musb, 0);
+                        devctl &= ~MUSB_DEVCTL_SESSION;
+                        musb_writeb(musb->mregs, MUSB_DEVCTL, devctl);
+                        musb_writeb(musb->mregs, MUSB_TESTMODE, 0);
+                }

is missing a call to musb_platform_suspend(musb); at the end of the block

why do you think so? aah wait, seems this is a code snippet called when disabling hostmode? then probably yes, should (maybe) fix the annoying increased-power-consumption problem after ending hostmode.

I still grin about musb_set_vbus(musb, 0); as it's a completely empty function - alas

freemangordon 2011-11-24 06:10

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1128208)
why do you think so? aah wait, seems this is a code snippet called when disabling hostmode? then probably yes, should (maybe) fix the annoying increased-power-consumption problem after ending hostmode.

And should fix annoying KP bug when device reboots instead of shutdown when a charger is connected. And annoying bug when you cannot power-up the device with charger connected. etc.

I've already sent a patch to Pali for inclusion in next KP as it seems like correct fix for the above bugs. But don't expect me to be able to grok in a day or two a patch that was produced in 6 months as a result of combined work of 6-7 developers. That is why I need someone who is familiar with code to confirm.


I still grin about musb_set_vbus(musb, 0); as it's a completely empty function - alas
And what that should mean (I know what empty function is)

praveenchand 2011-11-24 06:18

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 1127936)
work in progress: hostmode script "click and use" with :
-no gui
-automatic speed
-status area icon
-automatic mount for removable media( hdd, sticks, cdrom )
-a lot of transition notifications

to do
automatic host-charging mode

when active flashlight don't work

stay tuned !

simply awesome!!!

NiQ 2011-11-24 12:34

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 1127936)
when active flashlight don't work

Shouldn't mind it too much since using both USB host mode and flashlight together is probably the best way to drain your battery within minutes. :P

pali 2011-11-25 20:38

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release
Now I started writing kernel driver for battery charging (kernel module for chip bq2415x).

demolition 2011-11-25 21:23

Re: [Announce] USB hostmode beta release

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1128237)
And should fix annoying KP bug when device reboots instead of shutdown when a charger is connected.

Do you mean this or the other way round? My experience is that the reboot command causes poweroff (only); also (as you say), the device doesn't power up when charging.
- when using Kernel-Power.

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