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is there truth in this
Quickly briefly, was using this phone loved it and thrown away, I looked several things and neo was popping up in the past, I identified some university group was doing asking them to sell me one years ago (not through maemo.org). No answer no activity since 2014, anyone was able to make a deal? I just got mad iphone is a joke latest jailbreak bricked my phone in 3 days, then stock rom the only option. Huawei bootloader is also pissing me off. So just went mad and ordered a n900 "perfect condition"....
But now if they still doing this projects and same OS with complier core linux packes and ++debian package manager which actually worked great, I would buy it any day. basically and sadly, n900 was the only one phone I ever see coming out of the box with terminal in the default screens "as strandard", great phone still the most you can do with it, additionaly keyboard, which really handy. Will be strange after skipping 6 years, but no more jailbreak on iphone put the last bolt in their coffin... to be hones now i will own 3 phones work iphone 7 gaming huawei mate 20 pro geek/weird nokia n900 Shame on word you can no longer buy cars with turnkeys... So while I am waiting my "new" n900 you can suggest me the a new device for the future ;) |
Re: is there truth in this
You can use Maemo Leste instead of Fremantle...on your n900
That will geek you up. The droid 4 also will run Leste Nexus 5 is excellent for running ALLLLLL kinds of stuff ...from buntu touch ...to hopefully Leste. neo900 is dead ...forget it....it isn't worth the spent emotion on it. Even IF they try to make a comeback...virtually all the things they originally needed to source ...are extinct ... meaning literally starting all over again. Only an idiot ...or people who never ever heard of its first collapse... will buy into that money pit a second time. |
Re: is there truth in this
agree with you. I also treated as dead asked them few sears ago no reply saw the post with newer times I thought something moved forward but not :( Still waiting for my old-new n900 ...
Those devices u mentioned has keyboard ? big painpoint with current models is the lack of internal keyboards... |
Re: is there truth in this
Obviously, it's not out yet (and as much as I want to have faith in it, I'll commit to buying it only if it actually works with SFOS, Leste and the likes), but it's closer to it than the Neo900 ever been. The release target is july, FYI. |
Re: is there truth in this
My god!
Almost everybody here becomes a terrier and wants to worry the bone of the latest "possibility" The very moment a possible miracle phone is in the planning TMO gets a thread devoted to it...or threads..or *cough cough* their own subforum ...and when it doesn't pan out for the endeavour ...we get to keep these bloated beached whale corpses seemingly for all eternity to remind us all of its failure , our dashed hope, waiting, preordering or just plain madness of throwing money on the fire of "helping the questionable start-up" ...a whole slew of rude folks from god knows where (not you fellows...I am just speaking broadly....and this does not include you..) ...and threads that end up exploding into easily 120 pages of pure speculation posts....in a matter of days weeks or at worst months.. I suggest...using what devices exist currently....modding physically if necessary to ones own desire... Instead of flocking like a bunch of crows around the latest fictional shiny stone. When something actually comes of a device ..Sure...THEN give it all the attention in the world ... Until then it is just bright coloured smoke blown up everyone's ***. Ok... Rant done. Now to REALLY deal with the Neo900....and its fetid stinking (half dead half alive as some wish to think it...) subforum body and posts... Stop hanging pine tree car air fresheners on it and calling it ..."maybe alive still" Dump it...Flush it... If it isn't dead yet...someone please put a pillow over its head until it stops twitching. Some wish to say that "even though the device didn't get made, the data garnered from the neo900 endeavour is invaluable .." yes it is indeed invaluable ...if one can acquire the extinct sourced parts .. Invaluable also since it swallowed so much investor capital ... and has finally finished the meal of it.. With no end product for those who threw their money at it. The only good thing to come out of the Neo900 ... Is the amount of humour generated in the forum as cause of it... |
Re: is there truth in this
The Neo900 completely and thoroughly explained in 3 minutes and 4 seconds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGkg5ytaXlA |
Re: is there truth in this
Question answered, there is no truth and project cancelled, majority of the startups finish like this. I asked this because i already read some years ago wen i was looking around for options. After posting investigated other tread and this is dead, just ordered another n900 in good condition good enough for now. If similar HW/SW combination come to the market and we can grab one before the company resign (targeting 0.1% of possible users will be never a success story for economic), and for sure will be overpriced, but if fxtec came out at least there will be an option.
Reaction to endsormeans man do you think this is normal to modify mikrochips and doing handwork on mm-s? That would need special skills, tools and total engagement to technology... We buy hardware and use them normally not manufacturing it:D |
Re: is there truth in this
I aimed my answer concerning modding specifically to the need you expressed for a physik keyboard.
That is almost always doable.. We have here many examples of folks who jury rigged a keyboard to work with various devices . It would be nice if the fxtec happens... but I do not invest in hardware risk any more (the stock market has a better return on risk, the race track has a better return on risk, the casino has better odds on risk...if I wish to gamble or invest money I will put it in any of a 100 other methods that actually have a percentage chance of a return) nor do I hope any more, nor do I place personal or group favoured demands of additional or subtracted enhancements or features on the developers burdening them down further with additional stress, nor do I expect the endeavour to happen... If it does happen....great... If it doesn't .....I won't be disappointed or upset . What definitely do now though is try to throw some cold water of sanity now and then on the madness that seems to come upon the community, when a start-up (and that is any start up) pulls up here to our doors... with its busking wagon full of miracle elixir ... and proclaims many astounding miracles ... BEFORE coming through with the goods. |
Re: is there truth in this
saw the recent reply in other topic was right time to ask the project officially dead. I hope at least some of you got the compensation. If we have admin here should highlight the project dead instead of the sticky thread finally a sucessor...
Re: is there truth in this
Zero recompense to anyone throwing money at it.
Yes its officially dead. They burned through the money banking on being able to finish... or at worst to have the schema to be able to say "it was worth it since we learned and have so much now to apply to other projects" Which is a great philo as long as one is dealing with source-able parts. But completely irrelevant considering all source-able parts already are or will be obsolete shortly, making said affirmation a falsehood. I acknowledge that joerg did try his best. But there were issues and hurdles ...self made and other made... that slowed and eventually doomed the project. Now that the project is officially dead ...stated as such by the project leader. As I have stated in the past... And will now be hounding TMO support to deal with... The neo subforums and their posts shouldn't just be closed to respond to... The neo subforums should be mothballed and at the very very VERY least put into the Archives here. A start up that never got started and is officially dead is nothing more than a bloated whale corpse on the TMO beach... Actually it isn't even a "complete" bloated whale corpse ...since the device was never produced... It is actually a "fictitious" bloated whale corpse washed up on the TMO beach. It needs to be removed. As well as all failed start ups .... at the very LEAST to the Archive subforum. So this is now the official call for that to happen. |
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