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clort 2020-08-15 20:26

Maemo Leste Playground

Thought we could use a fun-and-games with Leste on Droid4 thread here.

We don't have IVA acceleration for video but we don't really need it! Well, if we transcode reasonably.

Here is 960x540 full-resolution 25fps H264 mkv running with headroom to spare!
actual device recording:
trick is to use -vo sdl for low xorg overhead

The real happyness for h264 at least would be using TI's hardware accelerated decoders. It's difficult to even begin to understand what's needed. Maybe someone who knows could chime-in? We may be able to use gstreamer-omap for this:

clort 2020-08-15 21:30

Re: Maemo Leste Playground

Originally Posted by clort (Post 1568772)

Thought we could use a fun-and-games with Leste on Droid4 thread here.

We don't have IVA acceleration for video but we don't really need it! Well, if we transcode reasonably.

Here is 960x540 full-resolution 25fps H264 mkv running with headroom to spare!
actual device recording:
trick is to use -vo sdl for low (~15% vs 34%) Xorg overhead

I also use -hardframedrop and -nocorrect-pts and -quiet.

for selecting media, smplayer is quite usable. You'll need to set the playback device to your bestest mplayer binary, and set the appropriate output options. I can actually operate it with thumb screen and keyboard. Ctrl-F gets you a file-open dialog.

The 'tablet' ui isn't hildonized but it's serviceable.

Old dvd rips (720x576) are running fine here.

wganis 2020-08-16 00:34

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
wauw , can u hint me i try to install smplayer but not free enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives , Can u hint me Thanks, i use droid 4 maemo leste lastest image

clort 2020-08-16 03:24

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
There are more than a few ways to get more space to install more software on your system partition, but your choices are basically to:

*) delete some things you don't need to keep


*) increase the size of your system partition

Since maemo-leste installs to the microSD card, we have easy partition management and can increase the system partition size! I have grown my system partition size twice, first to 8 and now 16 gB. The basic procedure was as follows.

1) Take microSD card out of phone and using the PC, I backup (clone) the current SD card to an image on a reliable drive. Then i restore that new backup to a new microSD and test-boot it in the Droid4, to be sure it works.

2) I use gParted on my PC to increase the partition size of the system partition on the microSD card. I find 16GB gives me enough space, for the time being. The system partition is the second partition on the microSD card.

It is very helpful to make regular duplicates or backups of your Maemo-Leste microSD card, so you can revert to a working system in case you break something while experimenting.

Hope this helps.

[EDIT] Here is a screencap of my installed 'fun and games' on leste. I'll be working on getting as many as I can to usable (tablet-optimized) status:

wganis 2020-08-16 04:02

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
wauw its amazing ok thanks for hint

clort 2020-08-16 08:15

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
Ok sorry I made a mistake, the 960x540 playable h264 isn't high profile, it's baseline profile.

I made two sample video clips (2.6MB) to illustrate the difference. One can be handled by Droid4, the other not.

* playable
EDIT * not-playable

nonsuch 2020-08-16 12:43

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
^ "Russian road" :D
Full respect to those dinosaurs though. One of them rescued my feeble Mercedes from a bog once.
... You linked to the same file twice.


Originally Posted by clort (Post 1568772)
actual device recording:
trick is to use -vo sdl for low xorg overhead

Very nice!
I wouldn't say room to spare - mplayer + Xorg usage adds up to 95+%.
But it plays!
  • would it consume less resources if the video resolution is smaller?
  • is Leste still based on Devuan? Doesn't it have a fairly recent version of mpv? Would that be better or worse in terms of resources?

clort 2020-08-16 14:36

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
Thanks for catching my link error. Slow (high profile) video is


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1568780)
I wouldn't say room to spare - mplayer + Xorg usage adds up to 95+%.

Droid4 has Omap4 whish has a Dual core CPU. As top reports CPU use, one thread can be max ~100% cpu. All threads together can sum to max ~200% cpu.


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1568780)
  • would it consume less resources if the video resolution is smaller?

Yes, but I am trying to get best (native resolution) visual quality at reasonable filesize.


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1568780)
  • is Leste still based on Devuan? Doesn't it have a fairly recent version of mpv? Would that be better or worse in terms of resources?

- I hope it will be always based on Devuan.
- No, it does have a recent version of mpv 0.29.1-1.
- With mpv, I get much worse performance. mpv on the same files uses 170-180% cpu and cannot play back full framerate. The difference in performance on this device with my h264 encodes - is more than 2:1 in favor of mplayer.

clort 2020-08-17 04:56

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
Got Arx Fatalis (a PC openGL game from 2002) running nicely a couple weeks ago!


That's the current git master version. dscharrer is making many changes so it's a big moving target.

There's a lot of UI work to do to make it playable though. But it WILL be playable :D

clort 2020-08-17 22:14

Re: Maemo Leste Playground
Well it took a couple days of tinkering with the build, and I can't get clean fullscreen while hildon-desktop is running. But we can get 27-33 fps in Neverball!

5.5MB brief video

What i'd like to have is tilt sensor bound to joystick/level tilt, along with a keybinding that lets you re-tare the current orientation to 'level'.

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