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anidel 2007-10-01 17:57

The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
I did a search thru the forums, but I didn't seem to find anything about it.

I know that the TomTom devices usually handle your phone in two different ways:
a) as a modem to connect to the Internet
b) they act as bluetooth speakers (the tomtom devices).

I was then wondering: how difficult is to make the 770/N800 ACT as bluetooth speakers for a bluetooth enabled cellphone ?

Does the Navicore do it ?

This, along with the possibility of actually CALLING thru the cellphone, would be really great.

Fadsjeik 2007-10-02 08:14

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
Hey I was actually thinking exactly the same thing the other day. Being so impressed that my friend's new car paired with his phone immediately and he could even browse through his address book on the screen of the car. I found and someone who ported it to the N800 (search the forums). My phone wasn't listed as compatible, so I haven't tried it. It should however be possible to have a less rich featureset then gnokii and work with any phone with bluetooth. Haven't found such a thing yet however.

anidel 2007-10-02 09:41

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
I knew about gnokii and the fact that you could send text message, receive them and handle the cellphone address book.. but what I was really wondering on was the possibility to use the tablet as bluetooth speakers for the cellphone.. that, along with the calling and texting features, would be awesome.

twaelti 2007-10-02 18:27

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
Same here. In fact, I too wish for a Tablet usable as hands-free device in the car - using the in-built mic and speakers, the touchscreen for dialing numbers or to select from the phonebook and the large display to show the incoming SMS :-) Dreams right now...any takers?

anidel 2007-10-04 12:37

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
I will take a look and see if there is an open source implementation of the handsfree profile for Linux.
After all the TomTom GO (I think) is based on linux too.
Probably it won't work with all cellphones, but I am sure something can be done.
We already know that can initiate and answer calls.. we *just* need a handsfree profile implementation :rolleyes:

anidel 2007-10-04 12:43

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
One just need to rely on google :D

comments here:

johnkzin 2007-10-07 11:08

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
I had been thinking about this possibility too. Sort of make the N800 the user interface, while the phone acts as a cell/mobile gateway in my pocket/briefcase/backpack.

I'm also hoping that there's a way to work with the Agere BlueOnyx (bluetooth hard drive, similar to the Seagate D.A.V.E.). Similarly, the N800 would be the "user interface", and the BlueOnyx would sit in my pocket/briefcase/backpack and just store data ... like 40GB of mp3s.

R-R 2007-10-09 23:29

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
Wouldn't the other way around (having working BT headset) be more practical first!?

Also, is anyone experiencing with rtcomm noticed that people at the other hand can hear themself? So using the n800 as a bt headset for other device would do the same? (unless using the included headphones)

EDIT: here it says he did pair it ... but i've read everywhere else that isn't working except output only with A2DP. wth?

eliagp 2008-08-13 05:19

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
No news on this? cause my old nokia 5200's speaker is quite dead, so as a car speaker it would rock. I never seem to have the handsfree set at hand.

lardman 2008-08-13 08:19

Re: The IT as bluetooth speaker/headset. Can it be ?
Am interested, just a bit busy atm.

Does selfone actually work, the blog post indicates that it does?

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