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Reggie 2007-12-20 14:30

Canola2 Now Out!

The iNdT team must have been actually waiting for the OS2008 update before releasing Canola2 Beta. The Canola official site is now updated with lots of new information about Canola2 Beta, videos, feedback form, and of course the install page. Note however that's server is being hammered right now and it might take a while for everyone to download and install Canola (9.32 MB). Eduardo Oliveira (aka handful) has identified some features that are not working and some that needs polishing. It would be great if we can send them what ever bugs we find through the Canola2 Official Feedback page or through the itT Canola2 Beta Discussion Thread. Links: Install Canola2. Official Canola Website.
Read the full article.

pablo 2007-12-20 14:41

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Has anyone actually been able to install this? I am running OS2008 Final on an N810 and when I go through their 4 steps application manager tells me it can't find package Canola 2. Sure enough is not in the list of available packages. It appears to be a problem with the maemo repository. Is anyone else having problems with it? If so I got to say what a crappy time for it to go down heh

anidel 2007-12-20 14:48

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
The maemo org repositories are down:

"The service is temporarily unavailable. We are very sorry for the inconvinience it may cause."

We just need to wait until they fix it.

MikeL 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Also read recent comments in this thread, started by Reggie

efb 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I was able to install it on N800/OS2008. The UI is nice and completely stylus-free. It is showing no audio or video files though. I am still tearing my hair apart to find out what's wrong with it. It is showing all the albums from the settings panel but not from My Music.

There are no radio stations/Internet podcast sources/photo stream added by default. I haven't manually added and tested it yet.

I don't see a Canola 2 applet installed like in the previous versions.

waddell 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by pablo (Post 111982)
Has anyone actually been able to install this? I am running OS2008 Final on an N810 and when I go through their 4 steps application manager tells me it can't find package Canola 2. Sure enough is not in the list of available packages. It appears to be a problem with the maemo repository. Is anyone else having problems with it? If so I got to say what a crappy time for it to go down heh

yes, I am experiencing problems too. When I finally get canola to download
I only get a partial or corrupted file.

Reggie 2007-12-20 14:54

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by waddell (Post 111993)
yes, I am experiencing problems too. When I finally get canola to download
I only get a partial or corrupted file.

Same. I assume that I'm missing some required libraries. I will reinstall when goes back on line.

Dopehead.NL 2007-12-20 14:56

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
some please mirror the .deb file.

Jonnycat26 2007-12-20 14:59

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Does anyone know if this version of Canola has it's own crawler like the old version did? And does it still require you to change settings thru a web interface?

If so... meh..

handful 2007-12-20 15:01

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
The repositories are really suffering (actually before canola) so hold on people =) We hope the servers get healthy soon =)

For those who installed : please make sure you go to settings and watch the folders of you media. We didn't do that for the users to avoid problems (a folder with 2000 maps) can be damn slow to load.


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