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kleyr 2008-01-06 18:52

Good Case for Nokia n800
1 Attachment(s)
might be a good case for nokia n800 .. $5 (shipped if new customer)

HP JOrnada Leather Case

Dimensions: 5 in. H x 3 in. W x 1 in. L

Crafted from top-of-the-line leather, this leather pouch case offers executive styling for your PDA.
Executive stylish brown leather pouch
Authentic top-of-the-line leather

Tony Thomas 2008-01-07 01:36

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
I use the nice leather one from Jabashop on ebay. It fits like a glove and protects the unit even when in use.

ajax1 2008-01-07 04:16

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
This HP JOrnada Leather Case is even cheaper from

$1.95 plus shipping.

Price for 2 cases delivered by 1st class mail is only $6.74.

They accept Paypal.

NOTE: Reviews on say the belt loop swivels so case can be used horizontal or vertical.

Deserttaxguy 2008-01-10 08:24

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
Oh my- how old must those things be? Antiques?

dionstarfire 2008-01-10 08:52

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
Uhm...I hope the top flap stretches somewhat. Otherwise, I think there may be a problem:

Case internal dimensions: 5" x 3" x 1"
n800 dimensions: 5.7" x 2.95" x 0.5"

skibur 2008-01-10 09:02

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
Check this one out!


Which Case it is:

There all the same thread. Enjoy :P

qole 2008-01-10 22:37

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
I use a little "mini folio" case for the Nintendo DS. I noticed last month that the DS is similar in dimensions to the N800, except quite a bit thicker. My DS case holds my N800, my bluetooth keyboard, an extra battery, my GPS unit, and my headphones, all in a little package that's smaller than my wife's change purse. Granted, my wife has a big change purse, but still...

Oh, and since the DS is also a touchscreen, it has a spot for your secondary stylus and it has a little screen cleaner rag attached on a ring.

I bought mine at WalMart, but I could really only find a few places online. Amazon offers them for $10.

Here are some pics I found around the net. Mine's a plain navy cloth colour (no Mario star or anything ;) ).

frasej 2008-01-11 16:52

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
I use the Proporta case. While not cheap, it does an excellent job. I did have to remove the stand from my n800, so I can access the external SD slot, but since the case has its own stand, I really didn't need it anyway.

bartsimpson123844 2008-01-11 22:07

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
I, like others, sometimes use the Case Logic Hard Drive Case. I got it on sale for $9.99 at Best Buy. I use it to carry my Zune, Sennheiser CX300's, N800, and a couple of extra SD cards. It works well and protected my devices from the rain today. (although it is not waterproof...)

seattlecard 2008-01-15 06:50

Re: Good Case for Nokia n800
I picked up the HP case from the original post. I got it from for even less than overstock.

The case is super nice, high quality stitched leather. The N800 fits like a glove, with the exception that it is .7 inches too long (just a tad). Not a big deal though, because the velcro flap still closes with over 3/4'th of the velcro being connected together. It's a fine case and a steal for the price. Recommended.

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