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qgil 2009-10-30 12:23

UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
EDIT: the event is confirmed. Jump to

Hi, an idea we are cooking these days:

Maemo community developers and user experience professionals meet 3 days with 3 main goals:

- Improve the usability and visual appeal of great Maemo apps.

- Improve the UX documentation for Maemo developers.

- Get a critical mass of people interested in pushing forward UX meets Code activities online and face to face.

Idea: December 4-6, Barcelona. About 50 people invited.

We are lining up the right UX professionals from the Maemo team, Forum Nokia and developer partners.

Who is interested?

Please provide in this thread

- Your profile making sure that there one can find info about or links to your current projects and your interests in Code or UX.

- If you are more into Code, a link to the app hosted in, either under Fremantle packages or OS2008 Downloads.

- If you are more into UX, a link to wherever your work can be seen.

If we have a good response we will confirm the event. Forward this to your colleagues working on great stuff!

For budgeting and also practical purposes we will keep the number of participants around 50 people even if we get more requests. The criteria will be defined more or less by fast response, travel costs, community involvement and of course Maemo excellence in Code or UX.

General feedback about the hackfest itself is also welcome. We will share here more news.

timsamoff 2009-10-30 12:25

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
This is COOL! Nice idea.

Wish I could, but I'll be tied up during that time. Unfortunately. :(


lcuk 2009-10-30 12:44

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
GREAT idea quim!

involvement in the maemo cocreation workshop prior to the summit was an amazing experience and we managed to express a great many ideas and potential applications and experiences and it would be great to expand a little more on these.

anidel 2009-10-30 12:49

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I am definitely interested:


VDVsx 2009-10-30 12:58

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
+ 1

I partially share Lcuk's thoughts, I loved participating in the co-creation session and also would like to see further brainstorming/development of the concepts :) .

prometoys 2009-10-30 12:59

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

I'm interested, too.

I'm a media science student and interested in UX and Usability since a long time. But I can't present anything "real" except that I had classes in university about this topic and a handful reported bugs related to UX (which all received a wontfix/low priority)

But maybe there is a place for a newcomer, too?

wazd 2009-10-30 13:06

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

conny 2009-10-30 13:07

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I'm interested as well, although I don't think Conboy is really appropriate as it does not have that much UI...

Framstag 2009-10-30 13:56

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I'm interested, too :)

The topic interests me in general (one of the reason for going maemo was the chance to work on useability aspects on low resolutions devices). I'm also permanently trying to tune my applications to make them more useable on the device and detecting more possible applications and use cases. Getting and giving feedback would be <wow>.

andy80 2009-10-30 14:35

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

I'm interested too! Even if I've not release much UI code at the moment (because I'm working on two base library [creditchecker and qmediashare] I'll use in my next Maemo application) UI design is one of my preferred topic.

Last year in Firenze I had the possibility to attend a 6 month course about "Human-Computer Interaction" and this made me understand a lot of things about how UI should be designed and how not.

Using the N900 I've seen that lot of applications really need improvements about UI and I'm not talking only about community software, even Nokia software :)

I hope to see you all in Barcelona!

p.s: as you already know, I'll still be in Valencia in that period, so I think I'll be able to find a cheap travel option (it's something like 23€+23€ with RENFE), but if someone would like to share a small apartment for that weekend it would be nice!

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