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mobilefan 2009-11-30 19:38

Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Hello all.

New here, but wanted to see what's the concensus or thoughts about this. I ordered my N900 from NokiaUSA online store and was under the impression that it would qualify for the $50 Nokia Visa prepaid card/rebate. However, the Nokia rep told me that Nokia will not honor it, it was only intended for ppl who bought the phone from other places, such as Amazon, Newegg, etc. Does that sound right? I read the Nokia Visa $50 prepaid card form/document, and no where does it say only valid if purchased through other places such as Amazon etc. What you guys think?

Nexus7 2009-11-30 20:44

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Got it from the Chicago store, they only said to wait for a few days because the Ovi site isn't up yet. Once it is up, I can submit the rebate.

mobilefan 2009-11-30 20:56

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I hope that's true, then I am glad I bought the phone from Nokia. Thanks for your feedback.

n1110000100 2009-11-30 21:08

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Here's the link for the rebate form from Nokia:

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-01 15:44

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I am not sure this is correct. The Nokia USA site does not even list the rebate like all the other retalers do.

Would someone please conifirm that the purchases are indeed eligible for the -$50-00 rebate?

mustang_52 2009-12-01 16:03

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I mailed mine in yesterday and I bought from nokia. It doesnt state anywhere on there that its not accepted by them so I think your ok.

tokuro 2009-12-01 16:04

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by mustang_52 (Post 402991)
I mailed mine in yesterday and I bought from nokia. It doesnt state anywhere on there that its not accepted by them so I think your ok.

On lower right hand corner, there's "400" number. I've see other PDF form that has other numbers. I wonder if that number indicate anyting??

Chapbass 2009-12-01 18:57

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Yeah I'm curious about this as well. I'm hoping to grab an n900 for christmas, and wanted to get in on the rebate deal... if nokiausa wont honor it though, might just have to order through amazon/newegg or something...

ahmadka 2009-12-02 16:59

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Going slightly off-topic here, but still on the rebate thing .. ?

What's your opinion regarding the purchase date requirements thing .. ? I mean, I 'purchased' my Nokia N900 on Oct 2, so would I qualify for the rebate or not .. ? As far as I can tell, there's no requirement for the invoice in order to get the rebate .. So does this mean that I can still get the rebate, even though I pre-ordered the phone before the rebate time started ?

Nexus7 2009-12-02 17:17

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by ahmadka (Post 405313)
Going slightly off-topic here, but still on the rebate thing .. ?

What's your opinion regarding the purchase date requirements thing .. ? I mean, I 'purchased' my Nokia N900 on Oct 2, so would I qualify for the rebate or not .. ? As far as I can tell, there's no requirement for the invoice in order to get the rebate .. So does this mean that I can still get the rebate, even though I pre-ordered the phone before the rebate time started ?

I think this' been debated to death in other threads, but I'd think that the date of the transaction on the credit card would be operative.

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