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fms 2009-12-09 06:00

Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Hello, All!

With the help from Clive Crous, I have ported Vulture's Eye to Maemo5. The binary package is now available from Extras-Testing. It is optified too, so do not be afraid to install it. The source package is coming if/when it makes through the autobuilder.

Vulture's Eye is a version of Nethack with Diablo-like 3D user interface. It is pretty neat and works well on N900 (although some intro screens do not quite fit). Here is a few screenshots, taken on the PC:

PS: And do not forget to vote, or it never goes to Extras!

sadfist 2009-12-09 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Installed, will check it out on my commute tomorrow!

go1dfish 2009-12-09 06:14

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Awesome already saw/installed it before seeing this post. Only problem i've had so far is that I seem unable to kick/bash locked doors?

fms 2009-12-09 06:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 418170)
Awesome already saw/installed it before seeing this post. Only problem i've had so far is that I seem unable to kick/bash locked doors?

Continue clicking on them. In fact, the game works just like the desktop version, so refer to that.

Viny 2009-12-09 06:26

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
how exactly do we vote?

Ghule 2009-12-09 06:37

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
I can't even find this in Extras Testing. Doh.

ArnimS 2009-12-09 06:39

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Viny (Post 418180)
how exactly do we vote?

Andre Klapper 2009-12-09 06:51

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by fms (Post 418157)
With the help from Clive Crous, I have ported Vulture's Eye to Maemo5. The binary package is now available from Extras-Testing. It is optified too, so do not be afraid to install it.

Argh. NEVER send people to -devel or -testing without a CLEAR warning please. "Do not be afraid to install it" is exactly the wrong advice.
Also see and

fms 2009-12-09 10:34

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 418204)
Argh. NEVER send people to -devel or -testing without a CLEAR warning please.

Ok. You make sure the Extras promotion threshold is lowered to 5 votes, as has been agreed in an IRC meeting about one month ago (jeremiah knows about this). And I make sure I warn people about Extras-Testing every time it is mentioned. Deal?

qwerty12 2009-12-09 10:40

Re: Vulture\'s Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by fms (Post 418157)
The source package is coming if/when it makes through the autobuilder.

Why upload the binary package to non-free, but the source to the autobuilder? You\'ll end up with it [\"it\" being the binary package, too] being in free, as well as non-free.

Instead, just upload the source package to non-free, too (done using dput; just upload the *_source.changes to non-free). This is what I did for Jagged Alliance 2:

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