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76rufus 2009-12-29 21:15

Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Click here and set it up to text you the link for some reason it wouldn't work via the page

Aladan 2009-12-29 21:18

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Works fine..

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-29 21:26

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Hope they fixed the speed issues...

EDIT: Wait, it still says beta...

x61 2009-12-29 21:27

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It is still in beta mode so you'll have to be careful. I will wait until it is FULLY released.

Mandor 2009-12-29 21:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
This is beta 5 right ?

wizbowes 2009-12-29 21:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
am I missing something - this is the beta that's been about for a while now? There's no official release yet - says coming soon....

mthmob 2009-12-29 21:29

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
the beta has been out for some time now... as far as i can see its still beta, and says coming soon.

theres a mozilla repository to download beta version available, and its beta 6 thats available now.

Mr_Hat 2009-12-29 21:39

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It's still in the website says..."Get it on your N900 soon."

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-29 22:00

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
What a misleading thread title :mad:

jebba 2009-12-29 22:25

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I went to in my N900 and it asked me if I wanted to install a mozilla repository, which would be just fine by me. But it says "Distribution: chinook" not Fremantle for some reason.

Note well! The installation procedure uses space on the main root partition (NAND). It frees it back up, but beware...

Then, after the whole thing downloaded I got:
"Memoria insuficiente en ubicación de destino"

Translated: not enough space sucker! Oh, the woes of the stupid /opt thing.

Anyway, it appears it is not optified :(

To free up my space again, I had to run:

apt-get remove xulrunner
Fennec never got installed. It installed xulrunner to /usr/local (I *think* it was this that installed xulrunner).

Have fun.

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