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Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Hi guys,
suddenly a bright spot appeared on my display. It is best visible with a bright background, e.g. terminal. I would say it has 1/6 the size of a finger nail, so it is not only a single pixel, but more a real spot. It is simple brighter then the rest of the display. Anyone an idea what has happened or has the same problem? ste |
Re: Bright spot on display
chickenpox. usually at a young age of the device.
Re: Bright spot on display
I have two of those "chickenpoxes"! :mad: I have not yet asked Nokias opinion about these "spots"... Quote:
Re: Bright spot on display
no point at all in my previous post.
i think i have the same spot as you two do. though havnt read it on the forum till now. I have one such a spot only visible on a white background. |
Re: Bright spot on display
I had 2 on my first device. Swapped it out. I'm a little let down by the screen build quality tbh. At least I'm not as sensitive as the guy who's dealbreaker was 'dead pixels' that you could only see by cycling colors and using a magnifying glass!
Re: Bright spot on display
my n810 has this, glad my n900 doesn't. its quite annoying, try to see if nokia will swap the screen out for you.
Re: Bright spot on display
Any idea, what is causing this? Too much pressure on the display? I know that there wasn't any spot at the beginning. Now actually a small second one appeared.
Re: Bright spot on display
Got this too, it just appeared out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago but I have no idea what caused it. The device wasn't dropped or anything like that, the only thing I can think of that may be relevant is that I used it outdoors in relatively low (~ -15C) temperatures a few times (but I can't find any operating temperature specs anywhere).
My spot is thankfully mostly in the window titlebar area so it only gets annoying in full screen mode. |
Re: Bright spot on display
I have two of those spots one bright, and the other one a little less bright.
If it's possible I'm going to send it back for a replacement. I have the "[Bug 6334] random HW watchdog reboots" on my device as well that is quite annoying. |
Re: Bright spot on display
I just noticed two brighter spots on my display too and they are visible only on brighter colors.
I need to return my device too. Damn, everything else was working nicely. |
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