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Movie Trailers For N900
In this thread you will find movie trailers optimized for the Nokia N900 converted with attention to quality. These are trailers that I find interesting for whatever reason.
Each trailer that I convert is from a 1080p source and tested on my n900. Edge of Darkness - Trailer 1 IronMan 2 - Trailer 1 RobinHood - Trailer 1 Star Trek - Trailer 3 The Dark Knight - Trailer 2 - by Slender Toy Story 3 - Trailer 1 Zombie Land - Internet Trailer Converting the trailer at this level of quality is a multi-step process involving ripping the video only, audio only, recombining, and re-encoding. My grad school program starts back up in about 3 weeks; any apparent regularity of updates may diminish then. Additional trailers will be posted in this post and notification of such will be made in the form of a thread "bump." If other people post movie trailers and they meet or exceed my quality standards then I will add them to this post. |
Re: Movie Trailers
Added Toy Story 3 - Note the first ~36 seconds of the trailer is intended to be lower res home video footage.
Re: Movie Trailers
The Dark Knight Trailer 2
Multichannel audio is now correctly mixed and there is no clipping in audio. But I´m not quite sure about video. It looks like it´s sometimes a bit jerky. So If you have time just check this out. |
Re: Movie Trailers
Added Zombie Land
Re: Movie Trailers
Slender - you may want to up your bitrate slightly in the future.
Re: Movie Trailers
Edge Of Darkness Star Trek Slender's Dark Knight |
Re: Movie Trailers
Dark knight has lower avg bitrate but its peaks are higher than ironmans. |
Re: Movie Trailers
You might consider using HandBrake for doing your encodings, it's much simpler, there is no need or reason to to multiple steps (demux audio/video, encode the streams, remux, etc) as HandBrake does all of that in a single go. Select the source, select the target format, change options for specific resolution, audio/video bitrate, etc, then encode to h.264 (using x264) in an .mp4 container without another thought.
It's got versions for Windows (32 bit), Linux (32 and 64 bit), and OSX (32 and 64 bit) so, it's not like you can't run it. :) I use it for encoding pretty much anything as the internal libs now can decode almost any source material without any additional materials or codecs needed. It's as close to a one-step encoder with the best possible results you're going to find. And realistically, if you encode to 400 pixels wide, the videos will still look fantastic and you can save a ton of space in the resulting file - the N900 will simply double-up to play it full screen and realistically nobody will be hard pressed to notice the difference. I still have a Dell Axim X51v that I've had for years now, and I use HandBrake to encode content to it in a variety of forms, including AVI as well as MKV containers - the Intel 2700G GPU in it handles the playback and offloads that from the CPU so it's still more efficient at playback than most any handheld device ever made. 5 years after it's introduction, it is still just as useful today as it was on day 1... actually, a lot more useful since I have Windows Mobile 6.5 running on it without issues. :D For all the N900 offers, it's sad that it still basically sucks for actual hardware-based decoding of video content such as these clips. Sad, really, since nobody out there in the "Smartphone" field seems to get it yet. In time we'll see devices with far longer battery life and better/larger screens, but all we can do right now is get by. Hope this helps... |
Re: Movie Trailers
I use handbrake (video, yamb output), yamb (joining of audio+video), and either quicktime pro or tmpg for audio.
Second, handbrake is not a one-stop solution for quicktime movie trailers to n900. Try it, you will fail. The n900 does not suck at hardware based decoding. These clips play perfectly. The point of me encoding these movie trailers in this fashion is to show off the beautiful screen (both in color and resolution). I am not posting any other videos, such as movies or tv shows, because of legal concerns. Your "help" was not helpful and not appreciated. |
Re: Movie Trailers
I think that this is really nice way to test N900 limits. Actually nobody knows what the exact limits are and right now there is some people just guessing what optimal values could be. With video+audio its complex when you have to take account boths bitrate, diffrent settings and additionally optimal buffer size limit which I´m right now trying to find. I know that i could make almost half resolution movie and probably wouldn´t notice difference, but that's just not the point :) Handbrake is quite good, but i really want to know what x264 settings mean and as Clayton said handbrake can't handle everything. If someone knows N900 optimal VBV settings please let me know. |
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