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Clayton 2010-01-03 06:41

Failed SMS message annoyance
And no, it isn't an annoyance to me but to my friends.

New Years eve/day I sent a gazillion messages and two of them were listed as failed - or something to that effect.

The next day my friend tells me that I sent the same message "Happy news day" a dozen times, and that she turned her phone off because of it. My phone still had the message listed as failed.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with a "failed" send message not correcting itself when the message is subsequently sent successfully?

youngcalihottie 2010-01-03 09:24

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
nye is the busiest texting day of the year.
almost everyone trying to send mass texts probably had some sort of problem.
it was most likely on the carriers end, not ur phone.
ur phone was just telling u whatever the network was telling the phone.
i was just trying to have normal sms conversations and couldnt even get my message thru

tuminoid 2010-01-03 11:42

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
I also get "delivery failed" as SMS status sometimes, yet the SMS goes thru. It seems to happen when first delivery gets delayed due failure. Too bad its not changing status when later delivery succeeds.

Duffer 2010-01-03 12:04

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
This has happened to me a few times with my N82, I don't think it's specific to the N900.

krisse 2010-01-03 12:14

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
This sounds like a network problem rather than anything to do with the hardware. Everyone sometimes has problems at New Years Eve/Day no matter what phone they use.

Clayton 2010-01-03 23:52

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance

Originally Posted by krisse (Post 451051)
This sounds like a network problem rather than anything to do with the hardware. Everyone sometimes has problems at New Years Eve/Day no matter what phone they use.

Except that the texts were going through and it was continuing for hours afterward.

12 hours later my friends were still getting the text.

Not a network error, its an error with the way maemo handles failed sent messages.

Kamikaze 2010-01-08 01:44

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
I have the same problem, it's not a network issue. It only seems to happen to certail contacts and a second or two after the text is sent you usually get the "SMS delivered to ..." message pop up on the yellow message bar but then when you get back to the message in the conversations window it is showing as failed. On all the ones I have asked about the message did get through too.

Saturn 2010-01-08 02:29

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
It might be usuful in such reports of issues to mention the network/country you are using.

Not all companies have the same service.

I have had only one failed message (no statistics) but this behaviour that you descibe didn't happen.

flyskyhigh 2010-01-08 02:56

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
I have noticed this behavior as described by Kamikaze several times when sending one message to multiple recipients. When I send message to one recipient only I haven't got such issue.

Kamikaze 2010-01-20 16:30

Re: Failed SMS message annoyance
Does anyone know if a bug report thing has been raised for this? I'm not really sure where to check.

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