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rm42 2010-02-01 16:10

[Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
There is an interesting petition for making Netflix available to Linux users:

tpaixao 2010-02-01 16:16

Re: Netflix anyone?

It is also unfair that the only supported browser is Internet Explorer.
That's weird, Netflix is available on firefox, through silverlight. I fully support this but I guess if we are going to make a petition, we'd better get all our facts straight.

Texrat 2010-02-01 16:27

Re: Netflix anyone?
...and Nokia has been working with Microsoft on bringing Silverlight to its products...

rm42 2010-02-01 16:27

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by tpaixao (Post 505309)
That's weird, Netflix is available on firefox, through silverlight. I fully support this but I guess if we are going to make a petition, we'd better get all our facts straight.

Yes, it is a shame that they missed that fact.

rm42 2010-02-01 16:28

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 505333)
...and Nokia has been working with Microsoft on bringing Silverlight to its products...

I would prefer that Netflix switch away from Silverlight, but I guess that is not likely to happen. Too bad.

Texrat 2010-02-01 16:31

Re: Netflix anyone?
HTML5 all the way, baby!

Shaichico 2010-02-01 16:37

Re: Netflix anyone?
FYI there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

tpaixao 2010-02-01 16:43

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Shaichico (Post 505346)
FYI there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

Yeah, but it doesn't support the DRM stuff that netflix insists on using. So, that's a no go.

sjgadsby 2010-02-01 16:52

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Shaichico (Post 505346)
...there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

Moonlight is built on Mono, which would be a heavy port. Then, once you ported Mono and Moonlight and got them working, you'd be prompted to run the Moonlight Codecs Installer and agree to Microsoft's EULA for their proprietary codecs. Were you able to get those codecs to install somehow, they wouldn't work on an ARMEL device like the N900 as the codecs were compiled for x86. But that's okay because Moonlight doesn't support DRM, so Netflix won't stream anything to you anyway.

jsa 2010-02-01 16:57

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 505368)
Moonlight is built on Mono, which would be a heavy port. Then, once you ported Mono and Moonlight and got them working, you'd be prompted to run the Moonlight Codecs Installer and agree to Microsoft's EULA for their proprietary codecs. Were you able to get those codecs to install somehow, they wouldn't work on an ARMEL device like the N900 as the codecs were compiled for x86. But that's okay because Moonlight doesn't support DRM, so Netflix won't stream anything to you anyway.

And even if all of that magically worked, Netflix won't stream anything to me anyway because I'm outside US. :)

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