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markusm 2010-02-18 13:48

PhotoTranslator application for the N900
As the name states the PhotoTranslator is able to scan an image for text and translate it to several languages. It also supports Cyrillic and Chinese characters.

More info and a demo video can be found here:

debernardis 2010-02-18 14:05

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
This is a great idea! Is it going to translate from non-latin alphabets too? (chinese, japanese, arabian and so on...)

paulo_oliveira 2010-02-18 14:53

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Great app!

I would love to try-it :)

onimoD 2010-02-18 15:27

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
But where do we get it?

mlb 2010-02-18 21:38

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by onimoD (Post 534573)
But where do we get it?

That's the question!

Ronaldo 2010-02-19 02:30

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
this looks cool

maluka 2010-02-19 02:42

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
When will it be available?

markusm 2010-02-19 08:33

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 535789)
this looks cool

It is cool :) And it's quick. Not sure when it will be available to the public though. It needs some packaging and stuff but when it's ready you'll find out about it at

real_per 2010-02-26 14:29

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
This looks very cool!

Hopefully it'll be available soon.
Is it a free or a paid application ?
Hopefully the Ovi store isn't in the way of this app...

zchydem 2010-03-17 07:14

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
The alpha version of PhotoTranslator is available in extras testing repository. Details about the released version can be found from:

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