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[Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Super powerful and customizable Widget Generation Engine - Official Thread
Hi, Folks.
Based on an idea and widget by cpscotti ("Desktop Command Execution Widget" R E S P E C T & Kudos, Dude!) and due to personal needs, I forked developments towards: http://i.imgur.com/5YbFw.pngQueen BeeCon Widgethttp://i.imgur.com/5YbFw.png AT FULL POWER! http://i.imgur.com/Khwoi.png http://i41.tinypic.com/12375g8.png http://i49.tinypic.com/2e2qb9t.png Queen BeeCon Widget is a highly customizable and flexible widget-based multi-instance monitoring, alerting and interactive tool for Maemo 5 Fremantle and the N900. The Widget is based on the execution of external Shell/OS Commands which can be either as simple as one-liner statements or as complex as articulated shell scripts, which, for example, fetch, parse and aggregate contents retreived from the system, other applications or the Internet. There are two basic Widget types, Beecons and Snippets: Beecons are small hexagonal cells whose background color or associated image/icon changes according to the executed Command Exit Status. Beecons can handle virtually unlimited Command Exit Status:
Snippets are normal text/graphic boxes with fixed background color and images which is not influenced by the executed Command Exit Status. See WIKI Enjoy, No!No!No!Yes! |
Queen BeeCon Widget: Features List & Known Issues
Queen BeeCon Widget: Now-Brewing, Change Log & TODO list
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
I find this app to be both cool and a little confusing, but I suspect thats because Its so comprehensive. Purely as a way of monitoring items at a glance however its great, though perhaps a little space consuming on the desktop.
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Here is the Normal version of the "Rootfs(%):" command:
df | awk '$1 == "rootfs" {print $5}' Code:
df | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[ %]+" } $1 == "rootfs" { print $5 "%"; if ($5 < 90) exit 0; else if ($5 < 95) exit 1; else exit 2 }' Exit Status 0 (Green Beecon) for less the 90% rootfs file system full Exit Status 1 (Yellow Beecon) for less the 95% rootfs file system full Exit Status 2 (Red Beecon) for 95% or more rootfs file system full http://i45.tinypic.com/1zjhvc.png http://i48.tinypic.com/2cyje5i.png http://i47.tinypic.com/1625lyd.png |
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
It's a cool idea, but I think a more elegant way to do this is to stick to the half transparent black rectangle like the one in the original desktop command execution widget..
It would also save up on space. |
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
ping -q -c 3 server1 | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[ \/]+"; rt=0 } $1 == "round-trip" { rt=1; print $6 "\n" $7 "\n" $8 "\n(ms)"; if ($8 < 100) exit 0; else if ($8 < 200) exit 1; else exit 2 } END { if ( rt == 0 ) exit -1 }' Exit Status 0 (Green Beecon) for round-trip max below 100ms Exit Status 1 (Yellow Beecon) for round-trip max between 100 and 200 ms Exit Status 2 (Red Beecon) for round-trip max above 200ms Exit Status -1 (Grey Beecon) for server1 unresponsiveness http://i49.tinypic.com/23uc5s3.png http://i45.tinypic.com/2zeiauh.png http://i49.tinypic.com/30hpnr6.png http://i45.tinypic.com/2ev82l5.png |
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
I discussed about this matter with cpscotti, the current maintainer of DCEW, before I went public. We both agreed with the fact that both tools can have supporters and admirers especially if we move the topic into the "elegance" vs. "versatility" vs. "simplicity" vs. "practicality" vs. "completeness" vs. "complexity" vs. "beautifulness" vs. "coolness" vs. "hackishness" debate. Due to my personal needs, for home and for work, I dedicated two, out of the four desktops, to monitoring widgets and I rely more on a visual/chromatic experience than on a plain textual feedback. Furthermore, on the todo list there is also an open mind in developing a graphic architecture with far more freedom for the end-users to design and plug in their favourite visual "geometry", being that basic shapes or multi-area/clickable icons with alpha channel. Thank you for your feedback. Bye. |
Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
And now... let's get ready for the 2010 MLB season... Before using this Beecon make sure you have "wget" package installed: Start X-Terminal and type: Code:
Nokia-N900-51-1:/home/user/MyDocs# wget Code:
apt-get install wget Code:
wget -q -O - http://m.mlb.com/scores/`date +%Y%m%d`/ | awk 'BEGIN{t="NYY";m=0}/<td>.+<\/td>/{split(gensub(/<[^>]*>/,"","g"),a);if(a[1]!=t && a[3]!=t && a[4]!=t)next;m=1;if(a[2]=="vs."){print a[1] "\n" a[3] "\n" a[4],a[5];exit 1}print a[1],a[2] "\n" a[4],a[5] "\n" a[6];if((a[4]==t&&a[5]>a[2])||(a[1]==t&&a[2]>a[5]))exit 0;if(a[5]==a[2])exit 1;else exit 2}END{if(m==0){print "No\nMatch!\n";exit 1}}' Code:
t="NYY" ATL, LAD, NYY, TOR, FLA, NYM, BOS, BAL, CIN, WSH, SD, PHI, SF, PIT, CHC, HOU, CLE, CWS, DET, KC, MIL, STL TB, TEX, MIN, OAK, LAA, SEA, COL, ARI. Set update interval as you like and enjoy... Beecon will return: Exit Status 0 (Green Beecon) if team is winning Exit Status 1 (Yellow Beecon) if match is tied up or no match for the day or match starting later on Exit Status 2 (Red Beecon) if team is losing the match http://i49.tinypic.com/wciudv.png http://i49.tinypic.com/nyg41w.png http://i45.tinypic.com/24b589i.png http://i47.tinypic.com/j7ep2v.png http://i49.tinypic.com/wbywb7.png http://i47.tinypic.com/15ge1k.png |
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