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skunkonkrunk 2010-04-30 11:41

Online gaming
Anyone into it that much? I play CSS and every once in a while WOW or Silkroad online, I play MW2 and Killzone 2 on the ps3 as well.

Always up for a game with anyone, and always up for meeting anyone into N900/Linux etc.

PSN: aspeckt1
Steam: dolphinfury

Lemme know

DJRedline 2010-04-30 11:51

Re: Online gaming
I'm on X360 and mainly play MW2

MMO side of things i used to play City of Heroes and was the 1st lvl50 Dark/Dark Scrapper to appear on the european servers.
I was beta tester for SWG, WoW, and CoH (US and Euro servers) i still have a lifetime subscription to LOTROnline bu do not play it anymore.

For me online gaming is now on X360

skunkonkrunk 2010-04-30 11:59

Re: Online gaming
The 360 is pretty cool, I think about getting one every now and then, as there is a couple of exclusives I really like the look of, sadly just not quite enough to justify buying the console for.

gibsonus 2010-05-01 23:08

Re: Online gaming
Play soldier front on the PC mainly and a little Modern warfare 2 :) PS3

I want an xfire plugin for pidgin on the N900 :(

MohammadAG 2010-05-01 23:11

Re: Online gaming
Modern Warfare 2 on my PS3, mostly online.
Got Battlefield 2 so I should start on that soon.
PSN ID is the same as my nick.

Siggen 2010-05-01 23:18

Re: Online gaming
Waiting patiently for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Also have a Playstation but its on 3.15 waiting for Geohotz CFW :/ so no online gaming for me untill he gets his ars around

Aranel 2010-05-01 23:21

Re: Online gaming
Playing Heroes of Newerth mostly. Also playing Team Fortress II :)

XFire/Steam: aranelsurion

I think only MMO game now playable for N900 is The Mana World. I have an account on it but I don't remember my pw. Maybe we can meet there =)

IzzehO 2010-05-01 23:25

Re: Online gaming
Heroes of Newerth and that's about it. I've been looking for a decent MMO to play for a couple years now.. but never really got in to any.

sdhanna 2010-05-01 23:41

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by skunkonkrunk (Post 634887)
Anyone into it that much? I play CSS and every once in a while WOW or Silkroad online, I play MW2 and Killzone 2 on the ps3 as well.

Always up for a game with anyone, and always up for meeting anyone into N900/Linux etc.

PSN: aspeckt1
Steam: dolphinfury

Lemme know

i'm on ps3 too and on mw2 a lot
i'll drop you an add

Texrat 2010-05-01 23:45

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by Aranel (Post 636951)
Playing Heroes of Newerth mostly. Also playing Team Fortress II :)

XFire/Steam: aranelsurion

I think only MMO game now playable for N900 is The Mana World. I have an account on it but I don't remember my pw. Maybe we can meet there =)

I love TF2 also but haven't played in a while. Add me and I'll try to make time to get on soon.

Steam: Texrat

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