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optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:04

Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Just curious as to who were the real n900 early owners? I got mine November 21st, purchased from NYC flagship store. my baby is almost 6months old. can anyone beat that? or purchase one before that?

here are the early owners so far..

First prototype = Lcuk
First Pre-Production = ???????? whos missing?
First Production = Felbutss - 30th October (contest winner)

shiny 2010-05-17 23:08

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
December 15th, here, or thereabouts - whatever launch day in the UK was.

Been here since the halcyon days of PR1.0 ;)

Blinde 2010-05-17 23:09

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November 25th here.

God 2010-05-17 23:15

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Prototype RX-51 (N900) August '09

clasificado 2010-05-17 23:17

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 663241)
Prototype RX-51 (N900) August '09

wow, you are god indeed

optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:20

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
lol....damn August and i thought i was any differences with your proto and the first productions models?

Dollyknot 2010-05-17 23:27

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I was a proud November baby too.

God 2010-05-17 23:30

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
There's no label on it . .

badarnawazkhan 2010-05-17 23:31

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
april here

HellFlyer 2010-05-17 23:39

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 663253)
There's no label on it . .

Does it has N00 on front? Can you take a pic, i would like to see it :cool:

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