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PhantomBurn 2010-05-27 02:17

Anyone actually make a video call?
I keep reading about if being active, though I can't seem to make a damned video call. I'm playing about with Skype and video calling from my PC to my N900 no go. I tried calling from the N900 to see if the option would appear and nothing. Perhaps I'm missing something? Let me know what I'm doing wrong if anything,


geneven 2010-05-27 02:21

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
Does your PC have a video camera? I called my netbook from my N900 several times and both sides got video. And I called Moscow from California and that also worked. The main thing seems to be that the side you're calling enables their video camera -- unless both sides have video, it normally doesn't work, though someone has a workaround they posted.

Apoc 2010-05-27 02:21

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
I completed both N900 to N900 and N900 to PC vid calling, skype didn't work so well for PC to N900 as I was using the new conference calling beta client, however all other tests including gtalk worked beautifully. Should note it is a little delayed when over the cell networks.

gianni_mar 2010-05-27 02:27

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?

Originally Posted by PhantomBurn (Post 681374)
I keep reading about if being active, though I can't seem to make a damned video call. I'm playing about with Skype and video calling from my PC to my N900 no go. I tried calling from the N900 to see if the option would appear and nothing. Perhaps I'm missing something? Let me know what I'm doing wrong if anything,


you have to download the latest version of skype on ur pc

PhantomBurn 2010-05-27 02:30

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
I just got the latest version of skype, actually downloaded it while updating the PC. Yeah the PC has a webcam, still no dice. Don't really know how much I'll use the feature, I just want to test it. I'm really waiting for personal ringtones for each contact....soon I hope.

fantomsingh 2010-05-27 02:36

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
evrey time i press camera on the n900 the call disconnects....anyone else having this problem??

PhantomBurn 2010-05-27 02:41

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
I don't even' see a camera option.

Descalzo 2010-05-27 02:41

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?

Originally Posted by fantomsingh (Post 681394)
evrey time i press camera on the n900 the call disconnects....anyone else having this problem??

I had this happen to me today, too. I called my brother (also has N900, but hasn't updated to 1.2 yet) with the Google Talk Video option from Contacts, and it disconnected after shooting about 1 sec. of video.

Note: He called me back using regular ol' Google Talk Voice, and it was just like we were talking on a land line. I wonder why that call clarity is so much better than when I get SIP calls.

tirtawn 2010-05-27 02:44

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
make sure you are using skype 4.2 on windows.

If you would like to give your video from n900 to the skype person (I will need to assume the other party is using skype 4.2).

If the other party does not have a webcam enabled -> there is a possibility that your n900 skype will not have the video option enabled.

So I use this trick to make it work.

Option 1
1. Ask the other party to use "screen sharing"
2. Right click on your skypename -> Share Your Screen -> Share Selection
3. Click on Start Sharing.

4. Then your n900 will ring -> Pick up the phone
and you will see the camera option will "appears" on your n900,
5. Click on the camera to send your video to your friend
6. Stop Screen sharing (from your friend)

then you will be able to send video from your n900 to your friend.

Option 2:
1. Establish a skype call to the person (a normal skype call)
2. Ask your Friend to use the screen sharing
Right click on your skypename -> Share Your Screen -> Share Selection
3. Click on Start Sharing.
4. Your N900 screen will change to allow video call.
5. start the camera on your n900
6. stop the sharing

PS: DO NOT try to use share "your screen -> Full Screen" option because the call will be aborted.

Have fun for skype video calling :-)

Descalzo 2010-05-27 02:52

Re: Anyone actually make a video call?
Yeah, I seem to have lost the capability of making Google Talk calls. At least, I tried calling Video or Voice on Google Talk, and both failed. I could receive Google Talk Call (voice only), and could not receive video calls. I don't know what the heck is going on.

I have lost the ability to make any sort of Google Talk Call from my N900!

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